Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 860 Birdman on the run

Droles was delighted.

He never expected that the mystery that had plagued the Fire Dragon Sanctuary for nearly a hundred years would be solved on such an ordinary morning.

Influenced by Birdman, the first dragon breeder captain, I have been looking for this mysterious benefactor since the Fire Dragon Sanctuary got on track, and wanted to thank him in person.

This matter has almost become a task that has not been recorded in the manual. Including him and Birdman, a total of six captains have used their connections to find this person, but there has never been any news.

He even asked Newt, but the other party also claimed that he didn't know anything at the time, but he didn't expect to bring someone here today.

Drolls suddenly felt a little ridiculous. He shook his head and shook off some thoughts.

Maybe Newt Scamander really didn't know that at the time. He knew this expert on magical animals. He really couldn't lie. If he deliberately concealed it, he would definitely be able to tell.

And compared to Scamander, Drolls also thought of another person.

He turned to look at Kyle. If he remembered correctly, the other person should be Chris' son.

He couldn't help but recall one night a few years ago, when he and Chris chatted at a welcome dinner hosted by the Ministry of Magic. The other party also promised that he could help him find clues about the mysterious benefactor...

Who would have thought that the guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes could be such an unkind person. It was obviously his family's thing, but he actually pretended to tell himself that he didn't know.

Bah, it’s weird if you don’t know!

Drols was speechless for a while. I'm afraid that at that time, when Chris saw him sincerely thanking him, he was already laughing so hard in his heart. It's really hard for him to be so calm on the surface.

Fortunately, he thought the other person was a nice person, but he didn't expect him to be such a bad-tempered guy.

Drols was madly complaining about someone in his mind, while opening the fire dragon portrait in the corner of the room and taking out a sparkling golden key from inside.

The key to the Gringotts vault.

"It's yours now." Drolls handed the key to Kyle happily.

Fortunately, these Galleons were saved little by little every year. If he were asked to come up with more than 6,000 Galleons at once, he might not be able to collect them in a short time.

The Sanctuary, which handles all the magic world's fire dragon material business, can't even afford six thousand Galleons. It may sound ridiculous, but it's true.

Although the Fire Dragon Sanctuary currently has a very mature industrial chain, raising dragons is really a bottomless pit, and almost all the money they make goes into it.

The materials sold will eventually be turned into food and other things, and most of them will return to the belly of the baby fire dragon and become their food.

So there really aren’t many galleons left in the reserve.

Kyle took the key and looked at it carefully.

It's interesting to say that he always thought that the goblin couldn't take away a galleung from him. Unexpectedly, the other party still had a huge sum of six thousand galleons in his treasury.

Fortunately, a certain goblin didn't know that the vault belonged to him.

"Oh, one more thing." Drols thought of something and reminded: "This vault is in Gringotts in Romania. If necessary, I can help transfer them to the UK."

"It doesn't matter, we can do it ourselves." Kyle said, "This shouldn't be a special vault."

There are three types of Gringotts vaults. Ordinary vaults can be accessed with a key. Although the security is not good, it is better because there are no messy requirements.

There is also a special vault that you need to pay to use, which is the kind used by Dumbledore to store the Sorcerer's Stone. It is more secure, but you need to pay Gringotts.

Finally, there is the most tightly guarded underground vault, which is basically used by the ancient pure-blood families, such as the Black family and the Lestrange family.

"No, just an ordinary treasury." Drolls said, shaking his head.

"That's okay, we can just pick it up when the time comes." Kyle said.

It's better to keep Galleons in your own hands for peace of mind.

"What happens after that?" Drols asked: "You should know that as long as the Fire Dragon Sanctuary still exists, you can get a part of the income every year. Although the amount is not much, it is about two hundred Galleons. I I still think it would be more convenient to transfer this treasury to the UK.”

Kyle thought about it and found that this was indeed the case.

If the vault was in Romania, he would have to come here to pick it up, which was indeed a bit inconvenient.

"Sorry to trouble you." Kyle returned the key to Drolls.

"It doesn't matter." Drolls stood up, "I will do it myself. The provincial goblins will find excuses to delay. Those greedy guys don't want to transfer the treasures in their vaults to other countries.

"If everything goes well, I should be able to come back and have lunch with the three of you. Please don't refuse."

"It's okay, don't worry about this." Kyle quickly stopped the other party, "And forget about lunch, we can go back to eat."

There was one more thing he hadn't said, and it was the most important one. After that, Drolls might not want to have lunch with them.

"That won't work." Drolls said with a smile, "Now Mr. Birdman comes to the Fire Dragon Sanctuary several times a year. If he knew that I didn't do anything and just let you leave, he would definitely scold him. mine."

Mentioning Birdman, Drolls thought of another thing.

He remembered that the man who single-handedly established the Fire Dragon Sanctuary once said that if you can't find someone, there's no need to look for him. He will naturally appear after a certain time.

How many years later was he talking about at that time... Drolls thought about it carefully and suddenly realized that it seemed to be this year.

This shocked him. Could it be that Mr. Birdman still has the gift of a prophet? Never heard of it.

But he didn't pay much attention to it. Under normal circumstances, Mr. Birdman would come to the Fire Dragon Sanctuary to inspect the situation in the past few days. You could ask him directly then.

Kyle naturally didn't know what Drolls was thinking, and at this time he had already taken out another piece of parchment.

"Captain Droles, I also have a magic contract here, which is also about the Fire Dragon Sanctuary."

"What else?" Drolls came back to his senses and was slightly stunned.

No, the reserve should not have any other donors.

Although he was confused, he subconsciously took the parchment from Kyle's hand.


Visible to the naked eye, Droles's expression suddenly became more exciting. He almost stared out his eyes, and the hand holding the parchment began to tremble slightly.

"Raising a dragon legally... giving a dragon egg as a gift... plus all the dragon raising expenses... This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible." He almost screamed: "The protected area will never issue such an outrageous award. prove."

"Where did you get it from?" Drolls raised his head and looked at Kyle with a serious face, "If you privately forge a magic contract about the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, I have the right to let the Auror arrest you, even if your family members The elders have helped us!"

As he spoke, he even took out his wand.

"Be patient, Drolls." Dumbledore took a step forward and stood in front of Kyle.

"Principal Dumbledore, what do you mean by this?" Drols said in a deep voice: "The Fire Dragon Sanctuary will never be threatened by anyone."

"Believe me, I didn't mean this." Dumbledore said lightly: "But I am willing to use my identity as the principal of Hogwarts to guarantee that there is no problem with this magical contract.

"So I suggest you calm down and take a closer look."

The furious Drolls looked at Dumbledore, not knowing what he was thinking, but he put down his wand after a moment.

"Don't look at it, we will definitely not issue such an outrageous certificate." Drols said, "For the sake of your help to the protected area, you can go, I will not hold you responsible for the forged contract. "

"That's not necessarily true, Captain Droles." Kyle, who had been silent for a while, stepped forward and said calmly: "You can only represent yourself, and you can't represent others, can you?"

"Or you can ask Birdman." Newt also said at this time: "He should live nearby. You should be able to contact him. If you agree, I can also do it for you."

Looking at the three people in front of him, Drolls was a little shaken.

He didn't believe in Kyle, nor did he completely believe in Dumbledore, but he believed in Newt Scamander. If the other party was really Newt Scamander, there would be absolutely no way he would accompany them to fool around.

As for the identity of the other party... In order to prevent anyone from pretending to be a dragon keeper, the protected area is protected by visible magic. Since they can get here, it is enough to prove their identity.

Drolls was a little confused.

"Oh, right." At this time, Kyle suddenly said: "I remember that there are two copies of this contract. The other one is placed here. You can look for it. You might be surprised."

Drolls glanced at Kyle and said nothing, but took out his wand and opened a cabinet next to him.

A large amount of parchment floated out from inside under his command, but these were not what he was looking for.

"These are useless, it's better to be from ninety-seven years ago." Kyle reminded.

Drolls' hand holding the wand paused slightly, then waved it violently.

In the corner, a cabinet that was so old that it was faded and covered with dust was opened with a creak, and a large amount of parchment flew out.

But this time, a piece of parchment shone with silvery white light. As if attracted by something, it flew to the table and landed next to the magic contract on it.

The silver-white shining patterns on it are put together, the silver light flows, and they fit together perfectly.


The wand in Drolls' hand fell to the ground, and he stood there blankly, dumbfounded.


This outrageous thing is actually true!

Drolls couldn't believe his eyes.

"No, you must have done something." He still didn't believe it. After picking up the wand, he hurriedly pulled out a two-way mirror and tapped on it quickly.

Soon, the double-sided mirror flashed, revealing a wrinkled face. It was that of an old wizard with no hair.

"What's the matter, so anxious?" He said slowly: "How many times have I told you, the most important thing in taking care of a fire dragon is patience, and be steady when things happen..."

"Mr. Birdman." Drolls didn't want to hear what he said at all. He directly turned the direction of the double-sided mirror and pointed it at the two pieces of parchment spliced ​​together on the table.

"Someone gave me this, saying it was the legal dragon-raising certificate you gave him."

"Nonsense, how could I..."

At the moment when the double-sided mirror freezes, Birdman's voice stops abruptly.

Even if he couldn't see the other person's face, Kyle could guess what his expression was now.

"Headmaster Dumbledore is here too." A sigh came from the double-sided mirror.

"Here it comes, right next to it," said Droles.

After a moment of silence, Birdman's voice came from the double-sided mirror.

"Give it to them, it's true."

"But, the requirements above..."

"It's all true... Oops, Jill actually laid a dragon egg. I have to go take a look."

As soon as he finished speaking, the double-sided mirror went dark, leaving Drolls standing there blankly.

If he remembered correctly, Gil was a male Swedish Brachysaurus, right?

However, Birdman's words also revealed a lot of information. This contract seems to be true, and it is very likely that he gave it to him.

Drolls took a few deep breaths, looked up at Kyle again, and tried his best to smile.

"I'm sorry for making you laugh."

"It doesn't matter." Kyle said, "I only care about whether the conditions above can be fulfilled."

"Since Mr. Birdman agreed and there is a formal contract... of course there is no problem." Drolls said through gritted teeth.

"But not you."

"What's the meaning."

"The wizard who signed this contract must come in person." After calming down, Droles pointed to the top line of the parchment.

"It's different from donation. It's been clearly stated above that it only takes effect on individuals and cannot be transferred or inherited."

"I know, but that's just me," Kyle said.

Droles raised his eyebrows. Do you think he is a fool for saying this?

The date on this is 1899, ninety-seven years ago, but Kyle is so old, how could it be...

"Oh! Merlin's beard!"

Drolls almost jumped out of his seat.

Because he saw Kyle put the wand on the parchment. Damn it, the contract pattern on the parchment actually lit up, and turned into magic words and fell off the parchment.

This means that Kyle's magic power is completely consistent with the magic power that makes up the contract pattern.

But how is this possible... This is obviously a contract made ninety-seven years ago.

Drolls felt like his head was going to explode, and he was as frightened as seeing Jill lay a dragon egg.

This situation was completely beyond the scope of his cognition, and the little sanity he finally found became shattered in an instant.

"Is it okay now?" Kyle asked with a smile.

"Wait, wait a minute." Drolls quickly stood up, opened the door and ran out.

"I guess he went to find Birdman." Newt said next to him: "After retiring, he built a house behind the reserve, and invited me to be his neighbor several times... It's just that the Romanian Ministry of Magic I don’t agree with living here.”

That's for sure... Kyle secretly complained that without Dumbledore's guarantee, the British Ministry of Magic would not allow Newt to live in Dorset.

However, what Birdman said just now made him very concerned.

"Professor." Kyle looked at Dumbledore, "Does he already know?"

"I remember that when he saw me once, he was very surprised and asked me some questions." Dumbledore said, "But I didn't understand it at the time. I just thought his questions were strange. Now it seems that he He must have recognized me."

Dumbledore went with Kyle at the beginning, and his appearance as an old man is still very recognizable, so it is not surprising that he can be recognized.

"Is it okay?" Kyle asked.

"It should be fine." Dumbledore thought for a while, "Birdman is not a person who likes to talk, and he is only interested in fire dragons."

"That's good," Kyle said.

About half an hour later, Droles came back.

Kyle originally thought that Birdman would also come with him, but after waiting for a long time, he found that no second person came in.

"Have you asked clearly?"

"I didn't find him." Drolls said through gritted teeth. "There was only one letter in the house."

He placed the letter on the table. The handwriting on it was messy, obviously written in a hurry.

It probably means, "I need to go out for something. It's up to you to take care of things in the reserve."

"It seems like Birdman has a guilty conscience." Newt said with a smile.

To be honest, the conditions on the legal dragon-raising certificate were really outrageous. If it were him, Birdman would probably have to go out and hide for a while.

"Do you need our help to get Birdman back?" Kyle asked, looking at Drolls.

"No, I can probably guess where he is." Drolls rubbed his forehead.

"Then now..."

"We agreed." Drolls was silent for a moment and said helplessly: "Since there is no problem with the magic contract, we will naturally abide by our promise."

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