Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 864: Aberforth is persecuted

As Hogsmeade's most notorious profiteer, Aberforth hated two things.

The first thing was naturally to praise Dumbledore in front of him. No matter who it was, or in any way, even if he just said that Dumbledore's beard was white, Aberforth would secretly increase the price of the drink by 30%.

As for those who slandered Dumbledore... one thing is that even though most of the people who come to the Pig's Head Bar are audacious people from three religions and nine schools who wander on the edge of the "Wizard Law", even if they are, few of them dare to stand within a short distance of Huo Huo. Gwartz spoke ill of the principal from such close quarters.

If there really is such a fool, a 50% increase should make the other party realize how dangerous this is... In short, it is forbidden to mention the name Dumbledore in the Pig's Head Bar.

In addition, Aberforth didn't like people talking about his treasure, the goat behind the counter, chewing something all the time.

If someone sets his sights on it, or if he drinks too much and says something outrageous without restraint, it usually won't end well.

Over time, the regulars of the Pig Head Bar basically knew the boss's rules and would not deliberately provoke him.

But today, two brainless outsiders came to the bar.

"If you ask me, the leg meat should be grilled and paired with black pepper to enhance the flavor. Principal Dumbledore said yes." A young red-haired boy sat at the bar and said seriously.

Next to him, a middle-aged man shook his head and said, "No, I still insist that Dumbledore prefers stew."

The words of the two people made the people around them stunned. Although they were only discussing the cooking methods of the ingredients, judging from the way the two glanced at the corner of the bar from time to time, the ingredients in their mouths were most likely the goat. hind legs.

And these two people are naturally Kyle and Dumbledore.

I don’t know what the headmaster of Hogwarts was thinking. Before coming in, he must use the transformation technique to disguise himself, and also tidied up for Kyle.

"That's because you don't understand Dumbledore." The boy slapped the table and said decisively, "Stewed, how delicious it is. Dumbledore must like to bake it."

Great, now it's certain that it was indeed the goat they were talking about.

Talking about Dumbledore in the Pig's Head Bar, and even wanting to stew the boss's goat... isn't that where the fun begins?

Everyone around them became interested. Those who drank stopped drinking and those who spoke lowered their voices. Everyone intentionally or unintentionally cast their eyes on the two people, one big and one small, in front of the bar.

And the boss here did not disappoint them, floating in front of the two of them like a ghost.

"You...are you trying to give my goat to Dumbledore as a delicacy?" Aberforth said slowly, squinting his eyes.

Kyle was a little nervous at first. Although he could walk Aberforth as a Niffler not long ago, it was a special situation after all.

Aberforth is now an old wizard who is over a hundred years old, and with his last name... Kyle is very worried that he will see through the transformation spell on his body.

Fortunately, Dumbledore was obviously more skilled, and Aberforth did not see through Kyle's transfiguration, and seemed to really just regard him as a strange customer.

"What a goat, I'm warning you not to talk nonsense."

After realizing that he had not been discovered, Kyle became bolder. He tilted his mouth and raised his neck and said, "Look at how dirty your goat is. Even a mop in a Muggle house that hasn't been washed in two years is cleaner than it..." …”

Aberforth's eyes twitched visibly.

He bathes the goat more diligently than he bathes himself, dirty? Isn't this nonsense?

This person is here to cause trouble!

Aberforth narrowed his eyes and began to figure out how to throw the person in front of him out.

Dumbledore also touched Kyle below, seeming to signal him to take it easy, but Kyle seemed not to feel it and continued to curl his lips and said:

"If this thing enters Hogwarts, it will be thrown out as garbage by the house elves in the next second. Will Professor Dumbledore eat this kind of thing? It will really put a galleon on his face."

"You don't want to have a relationship with Principal Dumbledore. Then use his name to save your... shabby bar."

"You said, I want to have a relationship with Dumbledore?" Aberforth gritted his teeth, his eyes looking even more dangerous.

But the people around him became more and more excited.

From the time he walked in until now, this arrogant boy has accurately stepped on thunder three times, and he will probably be thrown out by the boss in the next second.

This kind of thing happens often. Although the boss looks very old, he is very agile when throwing people, and he is not merciless at all.

Their favorite program is to watch the guys who were thrown out and the boss play the piano on the family tree through the door. They can learn a lot of knowledge.

Some people have even taken out their small notebooks and prepared to record them.

However, to their disappointment, Aberforth did not do anything drastic. He just raised his finger and said calmly: "Get out, you are not welcome here."

The young man was also very cooperative. Although he was still swearing, he still left the bar, and the middle-aged man next to him quickly followed.

That's it?

The surrounding spectators let out bursts of disappointed boos. This was far from what they expected.

"I was hoping to learn some new sentences to scold old Fed." A witch with her face wrapped in a headscarf said dissatisfiedly: "Could the owner of the Hog's Head be replaced by someone else?"

Her words were also recognized by most people. After all, in their impression, the old man's temper would not be so friendly.

But is it really the case?

"You shouldn't provoke him like that."

Outside the Hog's Head, Dumbledore said helplessly: "Aberforth hates people comparing him to me the most. He has been like this since school. Once someone mentions this, he will rush up to fight with the other party and use his fists to prove his strength."

"Professor, you are too much." Kyle glanced at him, "It's obviously you who wants to make trouble, but I am cooperating with you."

"I just want to see him angry, but I don't want to really make him angry." Dumbledore said righteously.

Kyle stopped and looked at him in disbelief, "Professor, you are really getting more and more shameless."

"Same here." Dumbledore waved his hand, "Reminder, watch your back."

As Dumbledore finished speaking, Kyle subconsciously turned his body to the side.

At the same time, a light red spell flew past his ear, judging from the color, it should be a coma spell.

Someone attacked?

Kyle was stunned for a moment. After leaving the Hog's Head, he and Dumbledore didn't have a specific place to go, just randomly found a direction and walked forward.

In addition, the Hog's Head was located at the edge of Hogsmeade Village. Unknowingly, they walked to the Forbidden Forest. There was no light nearby, and it was pitch black. It was indeed a good place to hit a club.

But who was targeting them... those guys in the Hog's Head who were hiding their heads and showing their tails?

Kyle's hand trembled, and he grabbed the wand and was ready to turn around to see clearly.

But someone was faster than him.

Dumbledore seemed to have known that there was someone behind him. He turned around at an incredible speed, without even using his wand, and swung his fist directly.



With a muffled sound, a figure fell to the ground with a plop.

"Ah... Aberforth?"

Kyle looked at the person lying on the ground and blinked.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Dumbledore's fist just hit the other person's nose.

As expected, the first sound Kyle heard just now was the sound of Aberforth's nose breaking.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't expect it to be him." Dumbledore said.

Kyle put away his wand and sneered.

He had reason to believe that all this was done intentionally by Dumbledore, just to avenge the broken nose of Aberforth ninety-seven years ago.

At the beginning, Aberforth thought Ariana was dead, and in anger, he punched Dumbledore's nose at the other party's funeral.

Dumbledore also thought that Ariana was dead, so he had no intention of treating her. He seemed to want to atone for his sins in this way.

This also caused his nose bridge to be crooked all the time, which looked extremely inconsistent.

Kyle took another look at Aberforth lying on the ground... Even the broken position was exactly the same. If this was a coincidence, it would be too coincidental.

Kyle would rather believe that Dumbledore ran over to take revenge as soon as he learned that Ariana was still alive.

No wonder before entering the Hog's Head, he kept hinting that he would find a way to anger Aberforth. Kyle thought there would be fun to watch, but he didn't expect it to be this purpose.

This petty old bee, not only took revenge on himself, but also wanted to put the blame on a kind-hearted little wizard. When did he become so shameless?

"Professor..." Kyle looked at Dumbledore expressionlessly, waiting for an explanation.

"It's all a misunderstanding. I thought it was a Death Eater." Dumbledore said calmly, "But I'll have to trouble you to send Aberforth back. I have to go accompany Ariana."

Dumbledore stretched out his hand and pointed to the left.

A man in a black hood was standing in the shadow.

"Ariana?" Kyle frowned, "So what are you going to do?"

"To smooth out the effects of time and prepare for the next time travel." Dumbledore said, "Spanning nearly a hundred years of time, there will always be some problems... such as the two fire dragons that appeared out of thin air, and Ariana's empty tomb... We need to solve these potential problems now."

"Fire dragon... How can I help?" Kyle said seriously.

"No, you don't have to do anything. This is my mission." Dumbledore smiled. "All you need to do is wait patiently for the day when you return to the past. Leave everything else to me."

Speaking of this, Dumbledore's tone was filled with unparalleled confidence, a confidence in his own strength.

"Well then." Kyle shrugged. "I wish you all the best, Professor."

"By the way, are you really not here to seek revenge on Mr. Aberforth this time?"

"Not at first." Dumbledore blinked. "But since you created this opportunity for me, it would be a pity if I don't seize it. After all, his punch at the beginning hurt me for ninety-seven years."


Dumbledore disappeared, and with him, Ariana, who was standing in the shadows.

Kyle turned his head and glanced at Aberforth lying on the ground. He suddenly felt a little sorry for this unlucky guy.

When he was young, he was constantly compared to his genius brother at school. When he got old, he couldn't know that his beloved sister was still alive. He even suffered teasing from his own brother and had his nose broken for no reason.

Thinking of what he said just now, Kyle felt a little guilty.

What a miserable old man. I should be nicer to him in the future.

Kyle sighed, took out his wand and waved it gently.

Aberforth's shirt fluttered up, and the strong fabric lifted his upper body, as if someone was grabbing his neck.

Kyle took him to the direction of the Hog's Head, leaving two long marks behind him, just like when he dragged him downstairs in Godric's Hollow.

As for why he used this method... of course it was convenient. He couldn't carry him back. He didn't even carry Connor like this, let alone carry an old man.

Anyway, he was unconscious now and didn't know anything. He would treat him well when he woke up.

Dumbledore had a good control of his strength. When the two arrived at the door of the Hog's Head, Aberforth began to regain consciousness. His thigh twitched first, and then he slowly woke up.

Kyle loosened his hand and dodged to the side.

Aberforth stood up shakily, first looking at the door that was close at hand, as if recalling what had happened before.

When he was completely awake, he suddenly felt a piercing pain on his face, which made him cry.


"Damn it, don't let me know who you are!"


At night in Hogsmeade, all the wizards who were still staying nearby heard a shrill scream, and then the piano keys gently tapped on the family tree.

Not far away, Kyle looked at the other party's full of energy, nodded with satisfaction, and returned to Dorset with peace of mind.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Newt lying on the table writing something.

"Is the matter done?" Newt raised his head and asked.

"Yeah." Kyle nodded, "And he took the blame for the principal."

"What do you mean?" Newt asked curiously, putting down his quill.

"We went to the Hog's Head." Kyle repeated what happened just now.

"He went to so much trouble just to punch his brother, and he put all the blame on me. This is such a shameless behavior. I even suspect that I have brought back a fake Professor Dumbledore."

"Who said it wasn't." Newt laughed, "I also feel that he seems to have become a different person after he came back this time... I didn't expect that Ariana would have such a great influence on him."

"After all, it is the knot and shackles that have entangled him for more than a hundred years..." Kyle sat next to Newt and sighed, "But in a sense, this is also a good thing."

"That's right... Oh, this is for you." Newt took out a box and handed it to him.

"When you left, I had already arranged all your magical animals, but there is one thing I must remind you, Dementors are not undead creatures in the absolute sense, you can't starve them for a long time."

"I forgot..." Kyle scratched his hair and said embarrassedly.

"I have studied the food suitable for them, and it's all here." Newt handed the parchment in his hand to Kyle, "Thanks to you, this is the first time I have come into such close contact with this dark creature. In addition to the new species discovered by Lion Dragon and Locknir, the next edition of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" can add at least 30 pages."

That kind of food that can replace happiness and hope... is it just researched?

Kyle smacked his lips. He always thought that Newt knew about this thing a long time ago, but he didn't expect it to be made on the spot.

It should be said that Newt is still the one who is good at magical animals. It's outrageous.

Kyle took the parchment.

The content on it is similar to what he had learned from Dobby before, but it is more detailed, including how to use the Patronus to affect the herbs and how much saliva of the air wing bird to add.

"Remember to keep it safe," Newt said. "It's best not to let anyone else see it."

"Yeah." Kyle nodded.

Although he didn't know whether the Dementors could continue to be the jailers of Azkaban, it was better to keep this method that could influence them secret as much as possible.

If it was leaked, Kyle doubted whether someone would have other ideas, such as taming Dementors. After all, for most wizards, this dark creature was almost unsolvable.

Kyle read the contents of the parchment again, and after making sure he remembered everything, he threw it into the fireplace next to him.

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