Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 867 Draco compromises

Ever since Godric's Hollow, the Death Eaters who had been causing trouble in the wizarding world and showing off their presence everywhere seemed to have quieted down overnight.

And Voldemort has never appeared in public again, and he became an otaku somewhere.

But this is not Voldemort's character, he cannot be so quiet.

However, most people didn't take it seriously, including the Ministry of Magic, who believed that this was because they suffered heavy losses in Godric's Hollow and had to rest for a while.

But is this really the case?

Seventy Death Eaters is indeed not a small number, but it is not enough to break the Death Eaters' muscles and bones. Moreover, those people were brought by Bellatrix. Most of them are cannon fodder, and only a few can be regarded as cannon fodder. Elite.

This can be seen from the number of people chasing Kyle. At that time, there were only about a dozen Death Eaters who could skillfully use the Death Curse.

And the Death Curse happens to be the best standard to measure the strength of a dark wizard.

Kyle didn't think it would be able to function without these cannon fodder Death Eaters.

He had always wanted to know what Voldemort and the Death Eaters were doing during this period, but he could never find a way.

Snape probably knew, but since he was only responsible to Dumbledore, there was no way he could tell Kyle the news.

But this time the appearance of Draco Malfoy allowed Kyle to see a turning point. This good, impure, and bad Death Eater just met his requirements.

Therefore, Kyle, who had an idea, did not leave Knockturn Alley immediately after being discovered. Instead, he bypassed Snape and followed the two of them. This was the scene just now.

"You want me to betray the Dark Lord?" Malfoy looked at Kyle in horror, "This is impossible, I will die! The Dark Lord will not let anyone betray him."

"Keep your voice down, are you afraid that others won't hear you?" Kyle reminded.

Malfoy shut his mouth hastily.

"It's simple. Just don't get discovered by him, right?"

"This is even more impossible." Malfoy lowered his voice, "No one can deceive the Dark Lord. In front of him, we will have no secrets."

"Of course I have my own way." Kyle turned to look at Narcissa on the ground, "Why do you think I used the forgetting spell on her just now? She didn't even remember that she had seen me, so how could the mysterious person know? Well... look, isn’t this safe?”

"Forgetting Curse?" Malfoy was stunned for a moment and thought of something, "So you just..."

"Yes, I'm just looking for the news I want." Kyle said, "It's a pity that you only have fear in your mind and nothing else useful."

These words seemed to hit Malfoy's sore spot, and he exploded immediately.

"Fear...of course I'm afraid, do you know what I've been through!"

"Isn't it just the Cruciatus Curse?" Kyle said indifferently: "It's not like I didn't see you rolling on the ground."

"Oh..." Malfoy laughed angrily, "It's just the Cruciatus Curse. It's so easy to say, and you've never experienced it."

"How do you know I don't have one?" Kyle looked at him, "You don't think that when we were in Godric's Hollow, those Death Eaters threw away their wands and lined up to kill me."

"I..." Malfoy's eyes were filled with uncertainty, and the fear that had been suppressed resurfaced.

Yes, even seventy pigs will hit someone if they are cornered, let alone a wizard who knows magic.

"Just the Cruciatus Curse made you break your defense?" Kyle sneered, "I have also been hit by the Cruciatus Curse, and it was the Cruciatus Curse that was released by the Dark Lord himself. How about it, are you satisfied?

"Not only that, have you ever seen the Death Curse flying around like rain? No, but I have seen it and experienced it personally. It is very exciting."

Looking at the understated Kyle in front of him, Malfoy felt strange.

Only then did he realize that the Kyle he saw now was no longer the student who sold magic maps at Hogwarts, but a ruthless man who used the blood of Death Eaters to carve his name into Voldemort's mind. .

If the people Voldemort wanted to kill were written down on a piece of parchment, Kyle would definitely be in the top three.

Malfoy's legs began to shake again. If it weren't for the vines binding him, he felt like he might not be able to stand.

"Why did you start again?" Kyle glanced at him, "Don't worry, I promised Dumbledore not to pursue it, so the previous matter can be regarded as wiped out. You don't have to worry that I will kill you here."

"But if I agree to help you deliver the message, I will die anyway." Malfoy said, "It's just a matter of time."

"I told you, he won't know." Kyle said with a smile: "Neither will you... When you leave this alley, you will only remember that you had a falling out with Professor Snape, and took him with you. Lady Narcissa slammed the door and left, that's all."

"You're going to...use the Oblivion Curse on me..." Malfoy asked in horror.

"What's the problem?" Kyle glanced at him, "You can't even block my Legilimency, and you want to hide it from your Dark Lord?"

Kyle couldn't help but smacked his lips, "I'm a little curious, who did you learn Occlumency from? It's as bad as a sieve, not as good as Harry's."

Malfoy's breathing became rapid, as if a name from Kyle's mouth had touched his taboo.

But in the current situation, he didn't dare to get angry at all. He could only express his dissatisfaction in this way, and then said coldly: "Bellatrix, she taught me Occlumency."

"Oh, no wonder, she can't use her own brain, how can you learn from her?" Kyle paused, "If you ask me, you might as well ask Professor Snape, he is the expert in this field."

"Forget it, let's get down to business." Kyle cleared his throat, "If you delay for too long, you will be suspected. Please give me an answer to the proposal I just made."

"If I refuse, will you kill us?" Malfoy glanced at Narcissa on the ground and asked.

"Of course not, I am not the Dark Lord." Kyle said, "But you have to think clearly and continue to stay among the Death Eaters. That person will not let you go. Lucius and Narcissa She saw it clearly, so she brought you to ask Professor Snape to find a way out for you."

Malfoy was silent. He did not answer Kyle's question, but asked: "So you were the one who followed me just now!"

"Yes, it was me." Kyle admitted, "I was also the one who put the tapping items in your pocket. I heard everything you said in the room clearly.

"And I can also guess what Professor Snape's method is, asking you to find Dumbledore to see if he can save your lives...or, your life."

"Then why should I bother?" Malfoy asked.

"What are you thinking about?" Kyle chuckled.

"It's a fact that you joined the Death Eaters, you participated in their plans, and it's a fact that you betrayed Hogwarts. You want to cancel it all just by apologizing? How is that possible!"

"You have to do something to make up for it." Kyle waved his hand, and the vines binding Malfoy loosened.

The sudden change made Malfoy almost sit on the ground, but he didn't care about it and stared straight at Kyle.

"Can you guarantee that I won't be killed by the Dark Lord?"

"No, this is inherently a dangerous job." Kyle spread his hands, "Just like when you let Death Eaters into school, you also didn't consider whether they would kill your classmates."

"No, I didn't, I was forced." Malfoy roared imagelessly, "If I don't do this, he will kill me. You don't know how scary he is. I can only follow his instructions." Ask to do it!”

"That's why you got this opportunity." Kyle's expression remained unchanged. "And the source of all this is that Lucius wanted to use the mysterious man's diary to trap Ginny? You are not wronged for secretly giving such a dangerous thing to a first-year student."

"Also, I said you were forced to do it, but I feel like you weren't so resistant at first. Instead, you were quite proud."

Malfoy was hesitant and speechless, because it was true. When he first received Voldemort's order, he was indeed very proud, especially when facing the envious eyes of the people around him, his sense of accomplishment made him feel proud. He got carried away.

"Okay, the chatting time is over." Kyle looked at the time, then took out his wand and pointed it at Malfoy, "I need an answer. Think about it clearly before answering. This may be your only chance to survive."

Malfoy's face was pale and he clenched his fists tightly. Then he glanced at Narcissa on the ground, let go of his hands, and leaned against the wall.

"How can I help you..." He seemed to have exhausted all his strength, "I am just a marginal figure. Their plans will not be told to me in advance, and it is impossible for me to deliver news to you under the eyes of the Dark Lord."

"It doesn't matter, you can't send news, you can always go shopping." Kyle said, "There is a new store opened in Diagon Alley, which sells some valuable luxury goods.

"It's normal for a Malfoy family member to spend money on rare items that match his status, isn't it? Even the Dark Lord can't prohibit Death Eaters from spending."

Malfoy raised his head in horror. He finally knew what Kyle wanted to do... just like before, use Legilimency to read his memory, and after getting the information, use the Forgetting Curse to erase the experience.

It has to be said that this is indeed very safe. Even the relevant memories are gone. It is naturally impossible for Voldemort to see his betrayal.

But the problem was that it was dangerous to use the Forgetting Curse incorrectly, and he didn't want to become the next Neville Longbottom.

"Don't worry, I'm quite proficient in the Forgetting Curse." Kyle saw what he was thinking and said.

"But...but...I'm not in the mood to shop at all." Malfoy hesitated, "If I didn't remember what happened today, it would be impossible for me to go to that store."

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll leave you a clue... Oh, and this."

Kyle took out a piece of parchment, tore off a small piece, wrote something on it and stuffed it into Malfoy's pocket.

"This is……"

"Everything is forgotten!"

Malfoy's hand stopped in mid-air, and his eyes gradually became distracted.

A few minutes later, when Malfoy regained consciousness, Narcissa also woke up, but she did not wake up from the ground, but was supported by Malfoy.

"Draco, you are too impulsive." Narcissa rubbed her forehead and said subconsciously: "You shouldn't say that to Severus. He is your godfather and the only person who can help you. "

"I don't care." Malfoy gritted his teeth and said, "And can't you see? The way he resists us doesn't really mean to help us."

"You..." Narcissa sighed, "I really shouldn't have let you come here today."

"Stop talking, Mom, let's go!" Malfoy frowned, as if something flashed through his mind.

It looked like a shop, but he had no impression of it.

Malfoy shook his head, taking note of his surroundings.

The dark and closed alley made him feel very uncomfortable, especially the messy vines on the walls, which made him feel sick.

"Where is this, mom, why did you bring me to a place like this?"

"Didn't you lead the way?" Narcissa asked doubtfully.

This was also what she wanted to ask. It was obviously Draco who dragged her out, so why did he ask her where she was?

"Damn it, you must have gone the wrong way." Malfoy cursed irritably.

This place is not like Diagon Alley. In order to avoid enemies and facilitate escape, people who come to Knockturn Alley usually make some small alleys that extend in all directions. It is easy to go wrong if you are not careful.

Malfoy, who was holding Narcissa, cursed and started walking back, looking for the right way.

After they left, the alley became quiet again, and a gust of wind blew up a few fallen leaves on the ground, as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, Diagon Alley.

"Professor, even if you are the dean of Hogwarts, you won't still want to control us after we have graduated."

At Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, Fred and George looked at the uninvited guests in front of them and said helplessly.

I really met Merlin. Didn't Hogwarts start early? Why did Snape appear here at this time and... scolded them for no reason.

Please, they have all graduated, and you still want to use the title of professor to suppress them?


So when faced with Snape's questioning, Fred and George didn't give him any face at all. They did whatever they were supposed to do and didn't even look at him.

"And you don't need to remind us of any prohibited items."

Fred was cleaning the shelves and said slowly: "We expanded the contraband list from thirty pages to two hundred and thirty pages. Can we not be clear about what is on it?"

"That's right." George also supported, "And we didn't take the initiative to sell it to the little wizards. I thought they were traveling from Beauxbatons."

"Professor, you'd better leave quickly, don't delay our business..."

"Yeah, if you wait any longer, you won't be able to catch the Hogwarts Express..."

"Huh? Where are the people?"

When Fred turned around, he found that Snape, who had been in the shop just now, had disappeared.

"How rude." He muttered under his breath, "George, please clean up the store later."

"It needs a good sweep. I'll get the all-purpose cleaner."

"Remember to get the stronger one."

At the door of Wizarding Wheezes, Snape listened to the conversation inside, his face darker than the bottom of a pot.

But he no longer cared about it at this time, because he just accidentally saw two people walking out of Knockturn Alley.

Malfoy and Narcissa walked slowly into Diagon Alley as if they were taking a walk.

This discovery almost pissed him off. He was busy here, but his teammates were not in a hurry at all and still had time to go shopping...

But Snape was not stupid, and he reacted after a moment.

He knew very well that this matter was related to Malfoy's life and death. Narcissa couldn't be anxious. Something must have happened in Knockturn Alley during his absence.

Snape narrowed his eyes. Instead of asking directly, he returned to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.


"Why are you here again!"

Fred and George said helplessly while carrying buckets.

They just mopped the floor and now they have to do it again.

"This..." Snape was too lazy to talk nonsense to them, so he directly took something that looked like an ear from the shelf.

"Are you the only one who has it here?"

"Of course." Fred puffed up his chest, "This is our proud work."

"I want it."

Without waiting for the brothers to reply, Snape threw a Galleung and left without looking back.

By the time Fred and George came to their senses and chased them out, the other party had already disappeared into the street.

"Hey, you're such a shameless bastard!" Fred said angrily, "You only get one galleon for six galleons, and you're so confident."

"Headmaster of Slytherin is awesome, we are going to go to Headmaster Dumbledore to sue you!" George also stamped his feet angrily.

I was annoyed by the sight of Snape and lost five Galleons. Isn't this a robbery?

So shameless!

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