Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 878: Fighting, Voldemort loses his mind

This is the number of fake Kyles... the seventh, or the eighth.

Voldemort didn't count, or he was so angry that he didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

And it all started two hours ago.

On a hillside, he found the panicked Kyle and gave him an Avada without hesitation.

Then he died, cleanly and neatly, just like the Muggles and Aurors who died in his hands.

Voldemort was very happy, happier than when he snatched the Elder Wand from Dumbledore. When 'Kyle' lay on his back on the ground, he seemed to have a feeling of returning to his childhood.

That was the first time he took people who laughed at him to a cave by the sea and used his unique methods to intimidate and torture them.

It was a long time later that he knew that method was called magic.

But it didn't matter. The fear and despair on the faces of the two Muggles at that time made him feel unprecedented joy and desire, as if his whole body was transparent.

After so many years, things have changed, and Voldemort couldn't believe that he had found this rare emotion again.

He decided to take 'Kyle' with him and throw him into Hogwarts. He believed that Dumbledore's expression must be very interesting.

Thinking of this, Voldemort couldn't help laughing.

In a good mood, he generously forgave those Death Eaters who were incompetent.

Not long after, he watched the dead 'Kyle' suddenly twisted his body and turned into another person in a few seconds.

As Slughorn's most proud student, Voldemort almost instantly understood what was going on.

Polyjuice Potion...

Kyle gave the Death Eaters a Polyjuice Potion containing his hair, creating a substitute for himself.

But he was not only fooled, but also complacent.

Voldemort's eyes instantly turned blood red, accompanied by an indissoluble coldness.

He was fooled again.

Why did he say "again", Voldemort didn't know, anyway, this was indeed his subconscious thought.

So, Voldemort, in a rage, went completely crazy, turning into a black mist and rushing between the mountains. Anyone who stood in front of him, whether it was a Death Eater, a black dragon or "Kyle", all had only one ending, and their lives were harvested by the Killing Curse.

In order to ensure that he would not be deceived by such tricks again, Voldemort also made a small change to the Killing Curse, so that it could also "kill" the Polyjuice Potion.

Potion is also a kind of magic power. As the king of black magic, this change is easy for Voldemort.

And this decision also made Voldemort completely explode.

All the "Kyles" he met along the way were fake, and they were all Death Eaters who were fed with Polyjuice Potion.

It can be said that the number of Death Eaters killed by him has almost broken double digits.

If there is a ranking list of the number of Death Eaters killed in the Hesperidian Islands, Voldemort can sit firmly at the top of the list, and below is a string of fire dragons.

The original mighty fifty Death Eaters, with their joint efforts, now only have less than twenty left.

But Voldemort didn't care. Even though he met 'Kyle' who was obviously a Death Eater, he didn't hold back at all and cast a killing curse on him.

Because Voldemort didn't know if this was the real Kyle pretending. He knew Kyle's methods too well. Since the other party could use Polyjuice Potion to disguise as a Death Eater and sneak in, he could naturally pretend to be a Death Eater with his face.

So Voldemort now had only one idea. Since he couldn't tell the real from the fake, he would kill them all. As long as all the Kyles were killed, he would definitely meet the real one.

As for the black dragon and McFastie... who cares, get out of the way.

Voldemort stretched out his wand, and a bright flame jumped out of the tip of the wand, and then turned into a big snake.

Wherever the fire snake passed, whether it was trees or hard stones, they were all ignited.

Voldemort's patience had run out, and he decided to use the Fiendish Fire Curse to force Kyle out, completely igniting whether his Death Eaters would be affected.

Even if he could, Voldemort didn't care... it didn't matter anyway.

The Fiendfyre spread rapidly at an incredible speed. It was clearly night, but the central mountain range of the Hesperides was illuminated by the fire as if it were daytime.

In the firelight, Voldemort saw another Kyle and cast a killing curse as usual.

But the difference was that this time the other party dodged it.

Although it was just a spell he threw casually, not everyone could dodge it.

"I found you." Voldemort narrowed his red eyes with slender pupils.

He knew that he had met the real boss this time.

The one who was easily killed by the killing curse was the Death Eater, and the one who dodged must be Kyle. This way of distinguishing was a bit ironic, but it was very effective.

Because Voldemort guessed correctly, that person was indeed Kyle.

The main reason was that he didn't expect that Voldemort was so cruel. Not only was he merciless when he attacked his own people, but in order to kill himself, he even wiped out all the remaining Death Eaters and the entire mountain range together.

In order to avoid the Fiendfyre, he was also discovered by Voldemort.

"All efforts failed at the last moment!" Kyle sighed.

He was almost at the beach. If he could get a few more substitutes and release them at the same time to confuse Voldemort's sight, and then disguise himself as Crabbe or Goyle, he would have a great chance of jumping into the sea and escaping.

But now... Voldemort wanted to kill everyone for him, so this trick was obviously useless.

Looking at the hideous Voldemort and the blazing fire around him, Kyle felt a sense of despair.

This time, it seemed that he could not escape.

He never thought that Voldemort cared about him so much. He, who always advocated absolute power, not only specially arranged the anti-Apparition spell to block his retreat, but also buried fifty Death Eaters with him.

Now unless Dumbledore fell from the sky, otherwise, he probably couldn't escape.

Kyle looked up at the sky illuminated by the fire. There was not even a dark cloud, let alone Dumbledore.

"Merlin's strawberry socks." Kyle closed his eyes.

Of course, he was not ready to surrender.

In the mountains, several hidden places suddenly lit up, and several special magic runes were looming.

This was Kyle's backhand... well, it was a backhand.

If it was just the Fiery Curse, he didn't think he was worse than Voldemort, but he needed some time.

Voldemort and Kyle stretched out their wands at the same time.

The hard ground turned into a swamp, Voldemort's body tilted, and the Killing Curse that was bound to hit also changed direction and fell on the cliff on Kyle's left.

Almost at the same time, Voldemort waved his hand vigorously, stabilizing his body while also bringing up a hurricane.

The hurricane carried gravel and fallen leaves, forming a giant snake with fangs exposed in the air, whistling and rushing towards Kyle.

A silver light flashed in front of Kyle, and the original shield turned into a door... the door of Hogwarts Castle.

The giant snake hit the door and exploded at the same time with a violent roar.

"How long can you hold on!"

Voldemort crossed his hands and raised them above his head.

A crack appeared on the ground under Kyle's feet. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have fallen down at that time, but this was not the end. Countless black sharp knives drilled out of the crack and rushed towards Kyle.

Kyle took a heavy stone slab off the cliff next to him, and with a bang, it covered the crack and smashed the sharp knives.

Kyle gasped for breath. It was really strenuous to cast such a large-scale softening spell and cutting spell.

Fortunately, his goal was achieved.

While the two were fighting, the magic runes that were arranged in advance in various places also lit up completely.

It was as if someone added a handful of firewood to the fireplace. The Fiendfyre, which was only a few feet high, jumped to more than ten feet in the blink of an eye.

Kyle raised his wand.

All the Fiendfyre began to shrink and gathered around Kyle in the blink of an eye, like a scorching sun.

As the Fiendfyre shrank, the color of the flame was also changing rapidly, from the original red to light yellow, with a hint of gold.

Voldemort's expression changed for the first time, and he took a breath of cold air.

He never thought that his Fiendfyre would be requisitioned by the wizard in front of him who was less than 20 years old in an instant.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Without hesitation, Voldemort cast a killing curse, ready to end Kyle.

The killing curse hit the 'sun' and instantly disintegrated, exploding like fireworks, and was swallowed up by a few golden flames.

Voldemort's breathing became heavy. He had a premonition that he would die if hit by the Fiendfyre.

But Voldemort did not feel fear. He just wanted to laugh now.

"Ha, the great Dumbledore actually taught a master of the Fiendfyre spell!"

Then he stretched out his wand.

With his movements, the originally stable Fiendfyre sun suddenly became manic, and its shape began to change slightly.

Voldemort was fighting for control.

Fiendfyre is different from other black magic. After this magical flame appears, it will be out of the control of the caster and become a special life form.

This is also the reason why most wizards can only release the Fiendfyre spell and cannot control them unless they use more complex magic runes.

But this is also not fixed.

Kyle can commandeer his Fiendfyre, and Voldemort can also take control of the Fiendfyre Sun in his own hands.

Now it depends on whose means are more clever.

At the same time, the center was wrapped by the Fiendfyre.

The pale Kyle took out his box, released the Niffler, and then stuffed the box and a piece of parchment into its inner pocket.

"Hide, and find a chance to give the things to Newt."

The Niffler can pass through any narrow crack in the ground and drill deep into the ground. Even if Voldemort burns the entire mountain range, he can't find it.

But the premise is that there is only the Niffler.

Kyle hesitated whether to hide in the box and let the Niffler hide with the box.

But this method may not work.

The traces of magic cannot be hidden.

Dumbledore said that as long as magic is released, there will be traces, so he can see the traces of Voldemort's magic release in the seaside cave where the Slytherin locket is hidden, and follow the clues to find the boat hidden in the lake.

This box made with the Traceless Extension Charm is a clear trace of magic.

Just like lines of different colors, when outside, they may be intertwined with other lines formed by magic, but if I am taken underground by the Niffler, it is equivalent to actively exposing my position.

Judging from Voldemort's various performances, he will definitely not let me go. If he finds that I am missing later, it will probably take no time for him to notice the unique trace of magic underground.

It was only a matter of time before he was caught.

Kyle was hesitating whether to take the risk.

If the Nifflers drilled deep enough, if Voldemort could not go deep underground or blow up the entire island, perhaps he could use this method to delay until reinforcements arrived.

The Fiendfyre that just soared into the sky must have attracted the attention of many people, perhaps Dumbledore among them, and he might have survived if he delayed for one more second.

But Kyle was worried that Voldemort had this ability.

Again, the King of Dark Magic knew more than just the Killing Curse, and no one could guarantee what abilities those dangerous dark magic experiments had brought him.

For example, the black fog he showed could penetrate into any tiny cracks like real fog.

If he was caught, Voldemort would naturally get the box, including the basilisk in the box.

He had the ability to awaken the basilisk.

It would be really troublesome then.

Kyle hesitated, fighting with Voldemort for control of the Fiendfyre, and magic gushed out from the tip of the wand.

During this process, his face became paler and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

The surrounding Fiendfyre began to dissipate again, which was obviously the work of Voldemort.

Forget it, no more gambling.

Kyle gritted his teeth and made a decision in an instant.

He wanted to fight... These Fiendfyre were not gathered just to protect him.

What if he could kill Voldemort? Even if he couldn't, he could always buy some time to escape.

As long as Voldemort was injured. Maybe he could gather all the black dragons here and fight a last ditch.

Although it was very difficult, there was always a chance.

Kyle controlled the wand with one hand and prepared to take out the Firebolt with the other hand, ready to run away at any time.

But just as he reached into the deformed lizard skin bag, a hard object rolled into his hand.

He was clearly holding a Firebolt, what was this?

Kyle looked at the thing in his hand, a blue gem fragment, when did he...

Wait, gem fragment?

Kyle's heart beat twice, and he remembered what this was.

Kyle suddenly reached out and grabbed the Niffler, who had half of his body buried in the ground, and lifted him out by pinching his butt.

"No need to hide." Kyle grinned, revealing a relieved smile.

How could he forget this thing? Maybe it was too long ago.

Kyle took a deep breath and looked at Voldemort through the gaps between the Fiendfyres.

Since you want it, I'll give it to you.

Kyle raised his wand, and flames shot out from the tip of the wand, connecting with the surrounding Fiendfyres.

The 'sun' moved.

"Vulcan opens the way!"

Kyle suddenly pointed his wand in the direction of Voldemort, and in an instant, he felt his magic power pouring out like a flood.

But the effect was immediate.

He had never used Vulcan to open the way to this extent, not only the Fiendfyres, but also the Fiendfyres accumulated by him and Voldemort.

The surging flames were like a tsunami, raising a huge wave nearly twenty feet high, and smashed down heavily.

Everything around was quiet, even the roaring Hessidian black dragon shut its mouth tightly at this moment.

Looking down from a high place, the entire Hessidian Islands was almost split in two by a golden flame.

As the main target of the flame, although Voldemort sensed the danger in advance and turned himself into a ball of black mist, half of his body was still burned black.

This was the first time that he felt the threat of death from someone other than Dumbledore... The curse just now could really kill him!

If he hadn't sensed the danger in advance... Voldemort looked back, and the old Crabbe who had just run over was gone.

Yes, gone, nothing was left, as if he had never appeared.

At this moment, Voldemort's anger reached its peak.

He didn't want to avenge old Crabbe, but didn't want to let another 'Dumbledore' live.

No, that's not right, Dumbledore is more than a hundred years old, but Kyle is less than twenty years old, and his threat is greater than Dumbledore.

Voldemort raised his wand with his intact hand.

But he saw Kyle actually smiled, and waved at him with difficulty.

Between his fingers, a ray of blue light flashed, and he disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, Voldemort's few rationalities disappeared.

"How dare you..."

"Come back, I command you, come back!"

Voldemort waved his wand like crazy, and countless spells poured on the hill in front of Kyle, rubble flew, and the towering cliffs were almost flattened by various black magic.

But what does it matter? Voldemort had to admit that he watched Kyle run away from him again.

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