Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 882: Discussing the Explanation

The people from the Order of the Phoenix came back the afternoon before.

Now that the mysterious man has left the Heshidry Islands, they don't need to take care of the rest of the matter.

The first thing they did when they returned to England was to go to Diagon Alley to get themselves a new wand.

Although Ollivander looked angry on the surface and scolded them for not taking care of their wands, everyone could see that he was probably very happy in his heart.

A dozen non-discounted wands at the original price, this was a big deal. Ollivander's originally pale face turned a lot more rosy, he was cursing, but he was very deft in holding the wand box.

After all, he also needs galleons to live, and he can't make any money from the new students. If this continues, he can hardly afford the core materials.

After replacing the new wands, everyone left. Although this experience was special, the Order of the Phoenix's daily life was dealing with Death Eaters, so they were used to it.

I just feel sorry for the ten galleons of wand money.

Mr. Weasley originally didn't want Fred and George to help pay for the money, but he was really short of money. After searching for a long time, he only found three Galleons and a handful of Knuts.

Even a discounted wand for freshmen is not enough for this amount of money.

"It's okay, Dad." Fred handed a bag of Galleons to Ollivander, "When facing Death Eaters and You-Know-Who, you always have to have a good wand."

"Yes, this is also for your safety."

"At worst, next time mom pinches our ears, just help stop her."

Fred and George didn't think it was anything, they had two salaries, it was only seventeen galleons, it was a trivial matter.

After finishing all this, they returned to the Ministry of Magic.

Mr. Weasley needed to keep records of the Hesidian Islands, and Fred and George had other things to do.

They sneaked out today, and there was still a lot of work to do. In order not to have their wages deducted, they had to go back and finish the work.

It wasn't until the sky completely darkened that the two finally left the office and got the letter from Mr. Bob in the hall.

A letter from Austria addressed to their names.

It's just that they were still in Diagon Alley when the letter was delivered, so they could only store it temporarily with Mr. Bob.

And this letter also opened a new door for them.

At the Burrow, Fred and George's eyes lit up when they saw Kyle jumping out of the envelope. For the first time, they knew that owls could not only deliver letters, but also deliver large numbers of people.

Although the conditions are a bit harsh, it allows them to perfectly avoid the Ministry of Magic and travel freely to various countries.

This is a new approach. If used well, they might be able to spread their Weasley's Wizard Wheezes to the entire wizarding world.

Fred and George were eager to create a replacement for Kyle's box immediately.

This mood lasted until the next morning.

Nymphadora Tonks is back, and she's got some bad news.

Alastor Moody is dead.

The Burrow was eerily quiet in the morning. Almost everyone from the Order of the Phoenix was here, looking at the pieced-together blue magic eye on the table with complicated expressions.

"Lennis... admitted that he killed Alastor." Tonks buried her face in her arms, tears falling uncontrollably.

"Mad-Eye...is dead?" Bill looked at the magic eye on the table and leaned against the shelf in disbelief, "This is impossible."

"The Explosive Curse...many people have seen it..." Tonks' voice was broken.

"Let me tell you."

Lupine looked at his sad wife and took the initiative to step forward and said: "According to the information we learned, Mad-Eye went to track down Barty Crouch Jr., but in the end he was exposed for some unknown reason and was killed by the Death Eaters. and wandering wizards surrounded in the woods that serve as isolation zones.”

"That shouldn't be the case." Bill still didn't understand. "With Mad-Eye's strength, not even ten wandering wizards can stop him."

"What if there are more." Lupine sighed, "Wandering wizards, Death Eaters, and Barty Crouch Jr. are all chasing him... Even though Mad-Eye tried his best to kill a dozen wandering wizards, But he still couldn't escape and died from the blasting curse."

"Explosive Curse..." Mrs. Weasley choked, clutching her heart.

She already understood what Lupine meant, which meant that Mad-Eye left nothing behind, not even a body.

"That Lenis regarded the Magic Eye as his trophy and hung it on his body to show off. We tried our best to snatch it back."

There was a sad silence, no one spoke, and Fred and George lost their former joy and sat in the corner with their heads lowered.

And Mr. Weasley, even though he had known the news for a long time, he still found it difficult to accept it after confirming the truth.

"Get ready for the funeral."

Finally, it was Sirius who broke the silence.

"Before coming here, we have spread the news. I believe others will rush to the Ministry of Magic soon... The tombstone was completed a day ago."

"One day ago?" Mrs. Weasley raised her head, "Wait, what does this mean."

"We learned of Mad-Eye's death a few days ago," Mr. Weasley explained, "Kyle told us himself."

"Kyle said that? Why don't we know!" Fred asked.

"Because Kyle only brought back a piece of bandage." Mr. Weasley rubbed his forehead, "We still have a little hope in our hearts, thinking that Kyle might have seen it wrong, what if Mad-Eye is still alive."

"But we also know that Kyle will not joke about such things." The door was pushed open from the outside, and Kingsley, who looked haggard, walked in.

"Let's go, everything is ready, let's go to see Mad-Eye off for the last time."

"By the way, where is Kyle?" Charlie looked around and asked, "Why didn't he come."

"Kyle is not at home." Fred said, "We went to look for him before, he seemed to have left for something, and Mr. Chopper was the same."

"Chris should have gone to the Hesperidian Islands with Mr. Scamander." Mr. Weasley said softly.

"It doesn't matter, things there are more important." Kingsley said.

No one spoke anymore, walked out of the Burrow silently, and followed Kingsley to the Ministry of Magic.

The atmosphere in the Ministry of Magic was equally solemn.

The news of Alastor Moody's murder spread throughout the Ministry of Magic in a very short time, just like a Fiendfyre.

Although most people think that Mad-Eye, who is suspicious and a little neurotic after retirement and always sabotages, is a real trouble, he is also a legendary Auror who fills half of Azkaban.

Everyone feels heavy in their hearts for his death.

But this is war.

Under the leadership of Kingsley, they came to a cemetery dedicated to Aurors near the Ministry of Magic, where dozens of chairs were already placed.

After gradually calming down, Kingsley had accepted this fact and quietly prepared everything.

The news brought by Tonks this time was more like a signal or a notification.

There were many people coming, and when the Weasleys arrived, more than half of the chairs were already occupied.

Most of them were Aurors, and basically they had worked with Moody, and some were members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Sturgis, who was attacked by Death Eaters together with Sirius, was seriously injured and sent to St. Mungo's. He was saved by the special petrification ability of the basilisk.

After being discharged from the hospital, he quit the Order of the Phoenix and recovered at home. Now he is here, sitting in a chair in the back row, and no one knows what he is thinking.

Minister of Magic Amelia Bones did not come, but Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Office, came. He sat in the front row with a solemn expression.

It seemed that everyone was waiting for them.

Tonks walked forward and put a few things in tremblingly.

A magic eye that stopped turning, half of a wooden prosthetic leg full of cracks, and a broken wand, all of which were Mad-Eye's things.

This was all she could find.

A short wizard with thick hair and a simple black robe stood up from his seat, stood in front of the grave, and solemnly read the eulogy.

Most of them were recounting Alastor Moody's achievements, praising his bravery and fearlessness of darkness...

There were bursts of sobbing around, but not much, only a few sentimental witches including Mrs. Weasley.

Perhaps for most Aurors, this is already a common scene. After all, in addition to Mad-Eye, there are also funerals of several other Aurors here.

It's just that Mad-Eye is the most famous one, and most people come for him.

The little man finally finished speaking and returned to his seat. The tomb was closed, and everyone present raised their wands at the same time, shooting sparks into the sky.

"Maybe we can use real fireworks." Fred whispered, "We can sponsor it as a friendly sponsor."

"You can try. Professor Moody will definitely not mind, but it's hard to say about other Aurors."

"Yeah, George, did you say... huh?"

Fred suddenly realized that the person who just spoke didn't seem to be George.

He turned his head sharply.

"Kyle? When did you come."

"A while ago." Kyle said.

When he came to the Ministry of Magic, he heard about this incident and followed a few Aurors to find this place. He just saw the short wizard stand up from his seat.

During this period, he stayed at the back and didn't say a word.

Mainly, he didn't dare to move forward. He was afraid that he couldn't help laughing and then be beaten by others.

It must be said that Professor Moody was really willing to destroy his precious magic eye.

Kyle just took a look from a distance. The thing had been completely blown to pieces by the blasting spell. It was only pieced together with the sticking spell. It was probably impossible to repair it.

But it was precisely because of this that Tonks and others were convinced of Moody's death.

As for the scale of this funeral... To be honest, it was not very good. It was completely the standard procedure of the Aurors. There were not even a few people of sufficient weight to attend. It was far from the "grand" that Moody required.

There was no way. Kyle wanted to do it himself, but the previous incident made him unable to get away. He just came back and the matter was over. He couldn't just tear down the grave and hold another one.

If he dared to say that, he would probably be beaten up by the surrounding Aurors, and Mr. Weasley would not be able to help him.

Forget it, it's simple, anyway, their purpose should be achieved.

Professor Moody originally wanted more people to know that he was dead. The more grand the funeral, the faster the news would spread.

In this situation... if nothing else happens, the Death Eaters lurking in the Ministry of Magic should have gotten the news. With their hatred for Moody, they will probably publicize this matter.

As long as Voldemort and the Death Eaters believe it.

And it would be a bit strange if the funeral was too grand. After all, after Voldemort came to light, Aurors died almost every day.

Moody was just a retired Auror, and his social circle was pitifully small. If he was too independent, he would easily arouse Voldemort's suspicion, and it might even be self-defeating.

So be it.

After the funeral was announced, Scrimgeour left in a hurry.

"Where is he going?" Kyle asked curiously.

"I don't know." Fred shook his head, "But where were you before? I went to your house to look for you, but I knocked on the door for a long time and there was no response."

"I went out for something." Several people came outside, and Kyle changed the subject: "I heard from my father that the black dragons in the Heshidry Islands are rioting. Do you know what is going on?"

"You don't know?" George glanced at Kyle strangely and lowered his voice: "Didn't Cedric say that it was you who delivered the news to him?"

"We wanted to ask you yesterday."

"But you didn't mention it at all at that time. Dad thought it was a secret mission given to you by Dumbledore and didn't let us ask."

"Is that really Dumbledore's secret mission?"

"Well... that's right." Kyle nodded after hesitating for a moment.

"Did you find that this was the reason for Mad-Eye's death?" George couldn't help but ask: "Dad said you were the first to tell him, and it was also related to Dumbledore's secret mission. How many things did he let you do? thing."

Kyle was stunned.

No wonder, in his memory, no one mentioned the Hesidian Islands yesterday at the Weasley's house, so that's what happened.

The last time he went to see Mr. Weasley, he had used Dumbledore's name as a shield.

It seemed that Mr. Weasley believed it and thought it would be the same this time. He completely trusted Dumbledore. Since it was a secret mission, no matter how curious he was, he would never inquire.

"Well, yes, it was all arranged by Dumbledore." Kyle did not hesitate to put the blame on the principal's back.

"Listening to what I just said, are you going to the Hesidian Islands too?" Kyle asked, looking at the two of them.

"Of course." Fred said matter-of-factly: "What if you are killed by a mysterious man? We must save you."

Kyle was a little touched. After all, they were friends...

"You have a lot of money. It's better to be cheap than to be picked up by Death Eaters..." George continued.

Okay, not impressed anymore.

Kyle twitched his lips and said, "Thank you. I deserve it for having friends like you."

"That's what I said."

"It's all what we should do."

Fred and George said, patting their chests without any embarrassment.

"So what happened to the black dragons in the Heshidry Islands?" Kyle continued to ask.

"You really don't know?"

"Yes." Kyle nodded, "Not long after I sent the news to Cedric, I ran away."

"Yes." George whispered in a low voice: "There are mysterious people there. As long as their brains are not beaten by a giant monster, they will not stay there alone."

Kyle twitched the corners of his mouth, pretending he didn't hear anything.

"Well, the black dragon there is really stimulated."

"Because of a fierce fire."

"Li Huo..." Kyle raised his eyebrows, "Is it still available now?"

"How is that possible?" Fred shook his head, "It has been extinguished by dad and the others."

"I'm telling you, at least ten people's wands were broken trying to put out those fierce fires."

"Damn Voldemort, how despicable he actually wants to weaken our strength in this way."

Kyle's expression remained unchanged and he pretended not to hear anything again.

After all, most of those violent fires were caused by Voldemort. Rounding it off, it was him who did it, so there is no problem at all.

But after hearing that the Lihuo had been extinguished, Kyle breathed a sigh of relief.

Now the only problem left is the black dragon, and Chris should be able to handle it.

"Where are you going to go later?" Fred asked, "Go back to the Burrow? We can go together."


Before Kyle could speak, he saw several members of the Order of the Phoenix walking over in a hurry.

Mr. Weasley followed.

"Oh, Kyle..." he asked, "when did you come."

"It's been a while, but I've been at the back of the crowd." Kyle said, "Mr. Weasley, where are they going? Do they have a mission?"

"Not a mission." Mr. Weasley sighed, "They are going to Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts?" Fred asked, "Why?"

"Easing the conflict," Mr. Weasley said, "Minister Bones has always believed that Dumbledore was inactive, and he was never present whether it was the Heshidry Islands or the attack on Gringotts last night.

"This time Mad-Eye's death became a trigger. After receiving the news, she went directly to the school. Scrimgeour also went there just now. They were worried that the two sides would break up."

To be honest, if Kyle hadn't sent messages twice, he would have felt that Dumbledore had been a little too quiet recently, so quiet that it was as if there was no such person in the wizarding world.

"Ha, Dumbledore didn't do anything?" George seemed to have heard a joke, "Who drove away the mysterious man in the Hesperidian Islands? Did the mysterious man run all the way there just to cast a few spells and leave after satisfying his desire?

"I thought Fudge was stupid enough."

"Don't make things worse." Mr. Weasley glared at him, "Minister Bones didn't know, and if it weren't for her, there would be more Aurors and strikers sacrificed now. She has done well enough."

George curled his lips, but didn't say anything else.

"I'll go and take a look too." Kyle said.

"You're going to Hogwarts too?" Mr. Weasley frowned.

"Don't worry." Kyle said, "I'll go and take a look, I won't cause any trouble."

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