Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 888: Guilt for a second


It was like someone had installed a shower in the principal’s office.

Dumbledore’s expression instantly stiffened, and the mouthful of black tea that he hadn’t swallowed yet was sprayed out.

Kyle seemed to have expected this to happen, and dodged, then calmly watched Dumbledore snatch the photo, watching his face turn green and red, constantly changing.

The photo showed two young people, who were seriously performing a ritual.

And because of the angle, the photo was so clear that even the expressions on their faces were clear.


Dumbledore immediately thought of the source of the photo.

There was a very small window in the barn, and Kyle took the photo through that window.

The faint window frame on the edge of the photo just happened to confirm this.

But Dumbledore couldn’t figure it out, just through a small, inconspicuous window, how could the entire blood alliance process be perfectly restored?

With the help of the developing potion, it was almost exactly the same as Dumbledore's memory.

"You..." Dumbledore was in a bad mood, "How did you do that?"

When they made the blood pact, they had clearly checked the surroundings carefully, and there should be no one there.

But why is this photo so clear, it feels like it was taken with their faces.

Is this reasonable?

Because their expressions were too surprised, the headmasters who were pretending to sleep on the wall also noticed something was wrong, opened their eyes, and tried to stretch their heads to look at the table.

What did Kyle say just now... the blood pact between Albus and Grindelwald?

They were so curious.

But before they could do anything, they saw Dumbledore wave his hand violently.

All the portraits turned over and faced the wall collectively.

"Hey, Albus, you can't do this!" Someone shouted, and it sounded like Phineas.

Others also complained.

They were all portraits, and it was impossible for them to tell this to others. What's wrong with taking a look and satisfying curiosity? Is it necessary to be so stingy?

But Dumbledore turned a deaf ear to this and just stared at Kyle.

"Thanks to Ariana." Kyle said calmly, "The attic where she is is far enough from the barn, but she can clearly see the windows above."

Hearing Ariana's name, Dumbledore was discouraged.

"As for the photo, I used a little prop." Kyle continued.

"Another product of Mr. Weasley?" Dumbledore asked, hesitating whether to find a connection to close the store.

Although it is a bit unethical to do so, and closing down his student's store is also against his usual principles, the shock this photo brought to Dumbledore was too great.

"No, it's not Weasley's product, it's another thing we all know." Kyle took out a telescope that was already a bit old.

"Panoramic telescope, it is equipped with the function of magnifying the picture, which just comes in handy."

He bought this at the Quidditch World Cup for ten Galleons. Although it is a little expensive, it is really worth the money.

Not only can it magnify the picture, but it can also ensure clarity, and even has the function of playback and slow motion.

Kyle used this thing to take this perfect photo.

To be honest, he was a little reluctant to give it up.

This photo is too precious. It is not only unique, but also impossible to copy. It is no exaggeration to say that there is only one such photo in the entire magic world.

If it is taken to Nurmengard, it will be a universal spell scroll. As long as Kyle asks, he will definitely teach any spell that Grindelwald knows, and it is guaranteed to be learned.

Even if Kyle is greedy and wants to learn two or three spells, Grindelwald will definitely not refuse.

However, Kyle still took it out and gave it to Dumbledore for free as a retirement gift without any conditions.

Dumbledore was also very happy. He even stopped drinking his favorite black tea and shook all over while holding the photo.

"I am still too kind." Kyle praised himself.

Dumbledore looked at the photo in his hand, his heart was in turmoil, but after hearing Kyle's words to himself, he couldn't help but look up at him.

"What's wrong, sir? Don't you like it?" Kyle asked, "If you don't like it, I can take it back and change it to another one."

"No, no need." Dumbledore took a deep breath, "I like it very much... well."

He rubbed his fingers on the photo.

Reason told him that he should destroy the photo, tear it directly, tear it into pieces, and turn it out of sight.

But when Dumbledore was about to do this, his fingers suddenly became very stiff and he couldn't move at all.

But looking at the two young men in high spirits in the photo, the memories of the past surged up like a tide.

Dumbledore didn't want to recall those fragments anymore, and finally covered the photo with his palm and pressed hard.

The photo on the table emitted a cluster of sparks and disappeared in front of the two people.

Of course, as to whether it was destroyed or hidden somewhere else, only Dumbledore knew.

"You, don't have a second one." Dumbledore seemed to have thought of something and asked again.

After all, it was Kyle, and he couldn't be sure whether the other party would make several copies of the photo for collection.

"No, definitely not." Kyle shook his head, his tone firm.

He really didn't do that.

After all, only the first photo of this kind is valuable, and the rest are worthless.

Dumbledore looked at Kyle doubtfully, believed it for the time being, and sat on a chair with a complicated look.

Although he had long guessed that the gift Kyle sent must be very special, he did not expect it to be so...unexpected.

Blood alliance, Dumbledore never thought that he could see the scene of that day again.

Is this his black history? Or an important memory... Dumbledore himself could not tell clearly.

He only knew that he had been deliberately avoiding this memory.

After seeing the photo this time, Dumbledore even subconsciously thought about whether to go to Nurmengard.

Anyway, he has retired, and without the constraints of Hogwarts, he has plenty of time...

However, this idea just came up and was instantly extinguished by Dumbledore.

No, I can't go.

Grindelwald is different from Voldemort...

Dumbledore's heart was in a mess. He originally wanted to talk to Kyle about something else, but now he was not in the mood.

He didn't even notice that Kyle had tiptoed out of the principal's office, and took Fawkes away from the perch.

The phoenix grows very fast. In just a few days, the originally wrinkled little bird has grown beautiful red feathers again, and its size has grown to be almost the same as that of an ordinary owl.

And because the feathers are newly grown, they feel soft and fluffy, and the feel is quite good.

"Let's go, Fawkes, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Kyle stretched out his hand, "The new mandrake is ripe, and the leaves are tender. You should like it."

The phoenix didn't even think about it, and didn't even look at Dumbledore, and decisively jumped onto Kyle's shoulder and followed him out of the principal's office.

Leaving the spiral staircase, Kyle saw a dark crowd of people outside.

Sprout, Flitwick, Snape, Slughorn, Sinistra...Except for a certain ghost, almost all the professors were there.

Kyle even saw Professor Babling, the ancient runes teacher, in the crowd. She was never in school except for class, but she was here today.

In addition, Amelia Bones was there, as well as Scrimgeour, Ms. Maxim, and the Daily Prophet representative.

They had a lot of questions and were eager to find Dumbledore to ask them clearly. The reason they were all here was that they were stopped outside by someone.

"Professor McGonagall... ah, no, Headmaster McGonagall."

Kyle looked at the person standing in the front and said, "Thank you for your trust. Mr. Dumbledore is waiting for you inside. I believe he will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Just call me professor. Headmaster is too weird." Professor McGonagall shook her head, "and I will be in charge of the Transfiguration class later, so it's totally fine to call me professor."

"Okay, Professor McGonagall." Kyle changed the title without hesitation.

Anyway, he has graduated, so it doesn't matter whether he is a professor or a headmaster.

Professor McGonagall nodded, said nothing more, and walked straight up the spiral staircase. Other professors followed him.

Only one person was an exception.

Snape stopped where he was, looking at Kyle with a complicated expression.

"You are so famous..." Snape spoke with a familiar sarcasm, "So many people want to find Dumbledore, professors, ministers, and principals, but you are the first one."

"Maybe I came early." Kyle shrugged, "Professor Snape, next time you react faster, maybe you can be the first one."

"Next time?" Snape raised his eyebrows. Will there be a next time for this?

Kyle did not explain, after all, he was just perfunctory, and he was ready to leave after perfunctory.

However, Snape did not seem to be willing to let Kyle leave.

"What did you talk about?" He stopped Kyle and said bluntly: "Or, what do you want to do to Draco... He is just a marginal figure and can't provide you with much help."

"Draco Malfoy?" Kyle blinked and suddenly slapped his thigh.

Yes, he had promised Malfoy before that he would see if there was a chance for him to return to Hogwarts.

As a result, he forgot about it when he was busy.

Kyle felt guilty for a second.

To be honest, if he hadn't found the clue from Malfoy, he really couldn't find Cornwall, and he couldn't save Alastor Moody along the way.

Including going to the Hesperidian Islands later, it was because he saw Lucius Malfoy in Diagon Alley.

Whether it was active or passive, it was a fact that Malfoy provided help, but he completely forgot what he promised Draco, which was really wrong.

Why not go back to find Dumbledore while he is still in Hogwarts?

Kyle looked back...

Forget it, at least 20 people just entered. Even if I want to talk to Dumbledore now, I guess I have to queue up.

If I had known, I would have waited a little longer.

Kyle sighed.

But he suddenly remembered that Dumbledore was no longer the headmaster. Whether Malfoy could return to Hogwarts was not up to him.

The new headmaster had to agree to this.

So I had to go find Professor McGonagall. No matter if it worked or not, at least he had said it.


Looking at Kyle sighing and shaking his head, ignoring him, the veins on Snape's forehead throbbed.

He didn't like Kyle, from the first time he saw him. After so many years, he even liked Harry a little, but he was getting more and more annoyed with Kyle.

It turned out that this was not without reason.

"I'm, talking to, you!" Snape said with gritted teeth, his voice was chilling.


"Oh, sorry, professor, I was distracted just now!"

Kyle turned his head as if he had just reacted, "Excuse me, you really underestimated Malfoy, he provided a lot of help."

Snape frowned, "Tell me everything you know, right now!"

"I refuse." Kyle shook his head, "I've said it before, and I still answer now."

"What did you say?" Snape took a step forward. "Do you know that I am Draco's godfather? I must be responsible for his safety and have the right to know what he is doing!"

"I know, you have said it once before." Kyle said, also looking at Snape, "but I still refuse."

"Don't get excited, Professor Snape." Kyle continued: "This is Draco's own decision. He is an adult and has the right to make decisions. And if he wants to get rid of his current life, this is his only way."

"He can go to Dumbledore." Snape said coldly.

"Then why didn't Lucius and Narcissa come." Kyle smiled, "You tried, but it didn't work, right."

Snape's face became uglier.

"It seems that I guessed right." Kyle smiled: "The mysterious man can ignore anyone, but it is impossible to ignore Dumbledore. It is too risky to contact him at this time. The Malfoy family is not stupid. They can't and dare not do this."

"You underestimate yourself too much." Snape said suddenly, sounding a little inexplicable.

Kyle paused for a moment before continuing to speak as if nothing had happened.

"Professor, I've already said that there's no point in looking for me again. It's not that I want to hide it, but Draco has already taken the first step. Now the fewer people know the truth, the safer his secret will be.

"In fact, what I'm telling you now has actually added a lot of risks to Mr. Draco."

"You..." Snape was about to say something, but his pupils suddenly shrank.

What Kyle said just now made him a little concerned.

It's okay to keep it secret so that Draco Malfoy is safe... but why would telling him this add risks to Draco.

The biggest danger around Draco Malfoy is naturally Voldemort.

But for a professor who has been in school for many years, even if he knows some secrets, it doesn't matter, after all, Voldemort can't break into Hogwarts. If he really breaks in, the so-called secrets will no longer be important.

So, only those who often Only the people around Voldemort are likely to be exposed.

Snape's eyes flickered, and he recalled a previous guess again.

What did Kyle know?

Did Dumbledore tell him something?

Probably not... right.

Snape thought to himself.

His undercover work next to Voldemort was basically top secret. Except for Dumbledore, no one else knew about it.

Dumbledore also promised him that he would never tell anyone about it.

But what did Kyle mean by what he said just now? Did he really know nothing?

Snape was very He wanted to convince himself that it was just a coincidence, but his years of undercover life made him think more.


On the other side, Kyle looked at Snape, who was silent and kept changing his expression, and scratched his hair in confusion.

What happened? He was fine just now, why did he suddenly stop talking, and his face turned blue and red.

Snape's current appearance is exactly the same as Dumbledore who just saw the photo of the blood alliance... But he didn't give Snape the photo.

Kyle subconsciously took a step back and distanced himself from Snape.

In any case, it's better to be cautious, Snape Snape is not Dumbledore, so if he wants to attack and hurt someone, he can also run away easily.

After struggling for a while, Snape finally chose to pretend not to know, looked at Kyle again, and turned away.

He was going to ask Dumbledore first. If Dumbledore really told Kyle about his identity, don't blame him for being rude.

The identity issue is his bottom line. He can agree to Dumbledore's help, but he will never allow a third person to know about it.

Even if he wants to say it, he should say it himself... and that person cannot be Kyle.

"Professor, wait a minute!"

Seeing that Snape was about to leave, Kyle hurriedly stopped him.

"What do you want to say again!" Snape turned his head and looked at him coldly.

"Nothing." Kyle smiled, "Professor, you should still remember that some time ago, you broke one of my shelves. I just want to ask about the compensation we agreed on before..."

Snape raised his eyes.

"Of course, I don't mean to urge you, professor. "Kyle said quickly: "But everyone is very busy, it's rare to meet, why don't we just solve this matter."

Kyle rubbed his thumb and index finger together quickly, the meaning was self-evident... pay money.

"Ha..." Snape suddenly laughed, and it was not his usual sneer and ridicule.

"If it's compensation, I've already paid."

"Paid?" Kyle was stunned.

Although Snape had a bad temper and bad character, and he didn't wash his hair, looked old-fashioned all day, and wore the same ugly black robe, he didn't bother to lie about such things.

And there was no need.

For a well-known potion master like Snape, he didn't need these hundreds of Galleons at all. Even if he didn't want to give them, he would definitely say it directly.

But he didn't receive the money.

Could it be that when he went to the Hesperidian Islands, Snape took the initiative to send the Galleons to the store?

Impossible... This is not Snape's style!

Kyle knew Snape as well as he knew himself.

If the two sides switched positions and it was Kyle who needed to pay the money, he would never pay the money honestly.

At the very least, we have to exchange the Galleons for a sack of Knuts, and at least make the other party unhappy.

"I can guarantee that I have already compensated the Galleons, and not a single Knut has been lost." Looking at Kyle who was in deep thought, Snape smiled even more happily, even a little happily.

"As for whether you can get it, it's your business."

After saying that, he ignored Kyle and turned to walk into the spiral staircase leading to the principal's office.


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