Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 890 Gringotts was robbed again

The hard shackles were easily cut in half by the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse, and then the other side.

With a few loud noises, the shackles that bound the fire dragon were all broken and fell to the ground with a bang.

The big hand made of stone also disappeared, but the fire dragon did not realize that it was free and still subconsciously wanted to attack Kyle.

The violent roar and roar echoed in the deep underground vault, the flames swept across the rock wall, and the broken stones fell like raindrops.

A semicircular shield appeared above Kyle's head, blocking the stone while also bouncing the fire dragon's flames elsewhere.

Kyle tried to appease the fire dragon, but at this time, a stone just fell on the iron sheet thrown by Oren before, making a crisp sound.

The fire dragon immediately let out a hoarse roar, trembling and retreating, with a touch of human fear on his face.

When you get closer, you can still see the terrible scars of varying depths on its face.

Just a sound scared the largest Iron Belly so much...

Kyle's mouth moved, as if he cursed.

He waved his wand again, and several huge iron chains flew into the air, exploding into a pile of iron chips in front of the fire dragon.

Seeing this scene, Iron Belly's originally cloudy eyes reappeared a glimmer of light, and finally realized that the shackles that once bound it had been broken.

It was free.

At the same time, Kyle also raised his wand and pointed it at the tunnel above his head.

"Thunder Explosion!"

A series of explosions came from above, and there seemed to be goblin screams in them, but Kyle didn't care.

After a while, a gap was blown in the tunnel, and a ray of sunlight passed through the dark vault and fell on the wings of the fire dragon.

This beam of light was very small, and the area illuminated was about the same as a bludger, but it was just such a small piece of light that made the fire dragon stop in place.

"Fly!" Kyle said softly.

With a roar, the dragon stood up, spread its wings and flew into the air, flying towards the cave entrance.

Kyle turned around and prepared to destroy the iron sheet, but the next second, he was stunned.

He noticed that there were several purple cracks on the stone pressing the iron sheet. The stone was shattered along the cracks by the dragon's wings.

"Curse magic?"

Kyle's eyes twitched. Fortunately, he didn't use this thing.

Even the stone was broken into slag. It's hard to imagine what would happen if he touched it just now.

Without any hesitation, Kyle swung the wand in his hand forward.

The broken stones on the ground flew into the air, all turned into simple stone cones, and rushed to a vault not far away.

At this time, Oren had just controlled the fairy named Cara to open the complicated vault door, but when he turned around, he saw the surprise that Kyle brought him.

The sharp stone cones flew over like locusts covering the sky.

Oren rolled over without caring about his image, and barely dodged it.

The rubble rushed into the vault, smashing the gold coins and gold cups piled to the ceiling into pieces.

"You are so ruthless, do you really want to kill me?" Oren got up from the ground and grinned, "I have taught you."

"Same here." Kyle sneered, "Isn't it the same for you? I helped you contain the dragon, but instead of thanking me, you even tried to use curse magic to plot against me. You are worthy of being a Death Eater, so disgusting."

"It's a pity that you didn't fall for it." Oren sighed, "And I didn't expect it to succeed. After all, you have a dragon yourself, and some magical animals that are more difficult than dragons..."

He looked at Kyle meaningfully.

Although he didn't understand why there was another Kyle when he was in Godric's Hollow before, he saw the giant snake that was almost fifty feet long from a distance.

And judging from Voldemort's frustrated performance afterwards, the Dark Lord seemed to still know the snake and value it very much.

Oren shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"Is it a pity?" Kyle said, holding out his wand again.

But this time Oren was also prepared.

Two rays of light, one yellow and one red, shot out from the two wands at the same time and met in the air, forming an orange ball of light at the connection, with sparks flying everywhere.

The falling sparks hit the surrounding rock walls, making a series of crackling explosions.

Both of them held their wands tightly and tried their best to force the light ball to the opposite side.

Originally, Oren was sure of victory. He admitted that he could no longer beat this former student, but he did not think that he would lose to him in a magic battle.

Including this special magic chain, it was also deliberately created by him... There is no way, if you can't beat him head-on, you can only use some special means.

However, Oren, who was full of confidence, soon discovered that the ball of light in the middle was moving towards him at a slow but steady speed.

This... is too much!

As the ball of light approached the tip of the wand, Oren panicked a little. He felt that the wand in his hand was getting hotter and hotter, as if it could explode at any time.

This couldn't go on any longer.

Oren took a deep breath and swung the wand upwards, trying to throw the ball of light farther away.

But the distance was too close.

When the light connecting the two wands was disconnected, the relatively stable magic power suddenly went out of control.

With a bang, the ball of light exploded.

At such a close distance, even though he had prepared the armor spell in advance, Oren was still thrown backwards in the explosion and hit the rock wall beside the vault heavily.

His legs were twisted in an incredible posture, and his body seemed to be stepped on by a large group of horned camels. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak.

Even though he had seen Kyle's strength once, he didn't expect that he would lose in magic.

Are all the newly graduated students like this now?

However, this is not over yet.

In just a blink of an eye, a huge rock not much smaller than a fire dragon fell off the rock wall directly above and hit him hard.

After a violent vibration, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the vault returned to silence.

Kyle walked over and frowned slightly at the boulder.

Something is wrong, there is no blood.

If Oren was really hit, it would not be so clean.

Sure enough.

The next second, a black mist rose from behind the boulder, gathered together and rushed towards Kyle.

Kyle took a small step back without panic, and with the wand in his hand, a red wall of flames appeared out of thin air in front of him.

The surging fierce fire turned the entire underground space red, and the temperature began to rise rapidly.

The black fog braked suddenly, stopped in front of the fierce fire, and turned back at a faster speed, floating in the air, revealing Oren's upper body, making him look like a human-shaped Momo Ran.

His condition was not very good, his hair was curled by perm, and a wisp of white smoke could be vaguely seen.

After a while, the black fog condensed into the appearance of Oren again and fell opposite Kyle.

"It was really dangerous, I almost got killed." He pointed his wand at his leg and forcibly straightened it, and his face turned pale with pain.

"You are really merciless." A long bandage jumped out of the tip of the wand and wrapped around his leg.

Although it was not beautiful, it could finally hold on for a while.

"No way, who told you to start it first?" Kyle spread his hands, "You cast a curse on the metal sheet, but you didn't show any mercy."

As soon as the voice fell, the two raised their wands at the same time again, as if they had agreed.

"God's blade has no shadow!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The two spells collided again, but this time they did not form a magic chain, and they knocked each other away in the air.

The sharp blade cut a narrow crack in the rock wall, and the Kedavra flew towards the corridor.

"Found them, they are here..."

A fairy driving a car rushed in in a hurry, and just caught the Kedavra with his body.

The fairy flew out directly, and lay there straight after landing.


Kyle didn't know what to say for a while...The spell that was bounced was completely out of control, which was a bit too coincidental. Even a hit-and-run could not hit it so accurately.

The car without a driver sped uncontrollably, and finally inevitably crashed into the car in front.

The violent collision caused the two cars to derail at the same time, turning into parts all over the ground.

At the same time, more goblins appeared at the end of the corridor, and the already chaotic scene became even more lively.

"It's the Death Eaters again. They dared to kill goblins!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

"The dragon ran away, damn guy, he let the dragon run away!"


More cars appeared on the track, and the sound was getting closer and closer.

"The goblins will be here soon." Kyle looked at Oren, "Where are your reinforcements? Don't tell me that you are the only Death Eater here. If that's the case, then you are in a bad situation."

"Sorry, I'm the only one here." Oren said lightly, "Those rubbish that drag us down are better off not being used."

"It's also good to use them as a scapegoat." Kyle waved his wand, and several spells went straight to Oren, "Just like now."

Oren gritted his teeth to deflect the spell, but he didn't mean to fight back. Instead, he chose to turn around and rush into the vault and grab the nearest golden cup.


He screamed in pain, and there was a sizzling sound between his fingers, as if he was holding a piece of red-hot iron.

But even so, Oren still held on and did not let go.

"Is that what you are looking for?" Kyle raised his eyebrows.

"Of course... in the vault, the golden cup... completely meets... the requirements of the Dark Lord..." Oren said in a trembling voice.

It seemed that he was not feeling well to forcefully hold the cup, and in just a short while, the cup had split into more than a hundred pieces, and fell to the ground with a tinkling sound.

Oren turned into a ball of black mist again.

"Do you think you can run away?" Kyle stretched out his wand, and the surrounding Fiendfyre kept twisting.

He admitted that this magic invented by Voldemort was very useful, it could fly and was fast, but this thing was not a real Obscurus after all, and it was not invincible.

He was able to escape just now, entirely relying on his extremely fast speed to slip away before the boulder fell to the ground.

Kyle was not going to give him this chance again this time.

The Fiendfyre blocked the road, even if it was a real Obscurus, it would have to leave a layer of skin.

"I think... yes." The black mist that Oren turned into quickly spun around in the vault.

After the treasures inside came into contact with the black mist, they all began to split and multiply like the golden cup. Then, the vault could no longer hold any more, and the copied gold poured out like a tide.

The hot gold also emitted high temperature, and mixed with the fierce fire, the entire underground space felt like a furnace.

The fairy Carla, who was controlled by Oren with the Imperius Curse, was standing at the door of the vault. If the gold rushed out, it would be submerged in an instant.

At the critical moment, Kyle decisively gave up stopping Oren, waved his wand, and an invisible force threw it to a safe place nearby.

This fairy was the only one who knew the truth. If it and Oren died here, Kyle could not guarantee that those greedy and shameless fairies would not blame him for everything.

This is not impossible.

Even if it can be explained clearly in the end, it will waste a lot of time and the gain will not outweigh the loss.

Oren thought the same way.

While Kyle was saving the fairy Carla, he flew to the top of the tunnel without hesitation.

Passing by the black fog, Kyle seemed to be hit hard, and flew backwards and hit the cliff behind.

This move made Oren, who was flying in the air, stunned for a moment... Did he attack Kyle just now?


But why did Kyle suddenly fly out, was he trying to scam me?

But at this time, a large number of goblins had already arrived and jumped off the carts, leaving Orlando no time to think.

The black fog sped up again, and finally got out of the hole above before the goblin magic fell on him.

Danger was everywhere.

Looking at the goblins below who were furious, Orlando couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Although the process was slightly different from what he thought, the result was perfect. He got the things and played tricks on the goblins in Gringotts.

Maybe this time when he goes back, he can go one step further among the Death Eaters and peek into the secrets that only veteran Death Eaters are qualified to touch.

For example, why did Voldemort care so much about a thing hidden in Gringotts? Bella, who was in charge of guarding it, just died, and he remembered to move it, even at the cost of offending the goblins.

After all, as long as Voldemort can be patient, those goblins will stand on his side sooner or later.

What is the purpose? Not only give up the help in hand, but also push them to the opposite side, just for a golden cup?

Oren was thinking, he was so excited that he didn't notice at first that the sunlight above his head seemed to be blocked by something huge.

It took him a moment to react.

A blazing fire fell from the sky.

The dragon didn't leave!

No, it should be said that it turned back and bumped into Oren who had escaped.

The golden cup that Oren was holding was still splitting, and the clear smell of Gringotts' vault on it stimulated the dragon.

There was nothing to say.

The dragon spewed flames wantonly, chasing what it thought was a 'goblin', wanting to crush it to vent its anger.

But this made the shopkeepers in Diagon Alley miserable.

Not only did they have to avoid the golden cup that fell from the sky, but they also had to be on guard against the crazy dragon at all times, and they had to put out the fire on the roof in time.

Damn it, why did a dragon appear in Diagon Alley? !

Of course, some people also set their sights on those golden cups and wanted to pick them up for themselves.

But these people soon paid the price. After being burned and screaming, they found that the golden cups were actually split fakes and had no value at all.

"Damn it, which bastard..."

The angry curses echoed in every corner of Diagon Alley.

However, there were also smarter people who vaguely guessed what happened.

The splitting spell and the fire spell on the golden cup were obviously the means of Gringotts, which means that someone broke into Gringotts and took something from it through illegal means.

Gringotts was robbed again?

Some people keenly noticed the key problem.

The reason why I said "again" is that Gringotts was also robbed once six years ago.

But at that time, the person in charge of Gringotts said that there was nothing in the stolen 713, and the things inside had been taken away long before.

It can't be that this time is also an empty vault.

Gringotts, which had been peaceful for hundreds of years before, was robbed twice in succession recently. It is hard to believe whether this is a coincidence.

The Daily Prophet, which received the news, immediately sent people to rush over.

But Gringotts also reacted quickly. Rita Skeeter didn't even enter the door, and was stopped outside by the goblins who were as if they were facing a great enemy, along with several Aurors.

Even though the goblin was determined, Rita Skeeter rolled her eyes, did not entangle, and left quickly.

As for whether she really left, no one knew.

At the same time, Gringotts was also not peaceful.

Oren escaped, and the goblins really turned their target to Kyle.

"They are in the same group, catch him!" Bogrod screamed.

"You'd better think it over." Kyle held the goblin Carla in one hand and the magic wand in the other, looking at the old goblin coldly.

"You guys at Gringotts are really great. Not only is the goblin actually a Death Eater in disguise, but I was accused of being an accomplice even though I volunteered to help."

"Just wait, this matter is not over yet, I will tell the Minister of Magic the truth!"

"Do you think we will believe you if you say that?" Bogrod snorted coldly, with no intention of giving up.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I have evidence." Kyle lifted the goblin up, "As long as we send it to the Ministry of Magic, the Aurors will only need a few seconds to get the truth from its head. I wonder how long you can keep your mouth shut."

Bogrod stopped talking.

As an old goblin, it could see that someone had cast the Imperius Curse on Kra.

And that person was most likely the escaped Death Eater, the goblin who replaced Griphook.

If the wizard was telling the truth, Gringotts would be in trouble.

"Why, you want to rob goblins?" Kyle looked at Bogrod's changing expression and immediately guessed what he was thinking.

"We will deal with the goblin problem ourselves, and there is no need for you wizards to intervene."

"I don't care about your goblins, but the 6,300 Galleons that were robbed from me, you Gringotts should give me an explanation."

"And..." Kyle looked up, "Whether wizards want to intervene or not is not up to you to decide."

It was still the same gap as before, and seven or eight Aurors fell from the sky and entered the underground vault.

The leader was still Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office, an old acquaintance.

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