Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 893: Advance Newspaper, Kyle's Countermeasures

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and the breeze in the early morning was cool on people's bodies. It was a bit cold, but very comfortable.

Early in the morning, Kyle came to the Ministry of Magic, walked through the empty main hall, took the elevator to the second floor, and opened the door of the Auror's office with ease.

Scrimgeour was sitting there, looking tired. He didn't look like he had just arrived, but more like he had been busy all night and didn't go back.

"Another action?" Kyle asked casually.

"It's the same thing as before." Scrimgeour said, "Why are you here? What's the matter? If you want to find Chris, he hasn't come back yet."

"No, I'm just waiting for the goblins."

"Goblins?" Scrimgeour was stunned for a moment, "Can they send the Galleons here today?"

Although he also wanted to get the money as soon as possible, he also knew that nearly 40,000 Galleons was really not a small amount.

The agreement reached only yesterday was delivered this morning... When Malfoy donated 5,000 Galleons to the Ministry of Magic, he was not so efficient.

"I think it should be possible." Kyle said, and fiddled with the huge mirror in the office.

Scrimgeour frowned, but did not stop him.

Because of what happened yesterday, his attitude towards Kyle can be said to be quite tolerant. It's just a real mirror. Although it is important, it won't break if it is just touched.

As time passed, more and more people came to the office. Everyone was in a hurry. They came quickly, reported their work in short words, and left quickly.

During this time, Kyle sat next to them.

When the Aurors reported their work, sometimes he could hear it, and sometimes he couldn't.

It should be that Scrimgeour used magic like the ear-blocking spell, which was quite cautious.

But Kyle was not interested in these. In order not to cause misunderstanding, he took the initiative to get up and went to Mr. Weasley's office not far away.

The office for prohibiting the misuse of Muggle items is also on this floor.

When Kyle knocked on the door and walked in, Mr. Weasley was talking to Chris.

"Dad?" Kyle was a little surprised, "When did you come back?"

"Just now, I met Arthur in the main hall a minute ago." Chris was also surprised to see Kyle here, "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for the goblin." Kyle said.

"Goblin?" Chris was confused without knowing what happened, but fortunately Mr. Weasley quickly told him what happened.

"A fire dragon again, or a Ukrainian iron belly?" Chris rubbed his forehead helplessly.

In order to appease the black dragons in the Hesperidian Islands, he slept for less than three hours in the past few days. If possible, he really didn't want to deal with fire dragons again.

But an adult iron belly that has been tortured has much more destructive power than a black dragon, so he can't ignore it.

"Okay, Arthur, it seems we can only go for a drink next time." Chris took a deep breath and turned to go out.

"Wait." Kyle stopped him, "Don't worry, Dad, the fire dragon has left Britain now."

"How do you know?" Chris asked.

"The Fire Dragon Sanctuary told me," Kyle said. "I wrote to them yesterday afternoon, and they have agreed to take over the Ukrainian Ironbelly.

"The reply I received not long ago said that they would bring the dragon back to Romania from the Pyrenees."

"The Pyrenees..." Mr. Weasley smacked his lips, "Did it run to France?"

"Obviously." Kyle shrugged.

Ironbelly was chasing Oren, and probably lost him halfway, so he flew all the way to France.

After all, the fire dragon stayed in the dark underground vault for so long that its eyes had long since degenerated, and it couldn't recognize the direction at all. It flew to where it felt.

"Well, then. "

After hearing that the dragon had left England, Chris was no longer in a hurry to run out. This was no longer his jurisdiction. If he went there rashly, even if he was helping, the French Ministry of Magic would not be happy.

Afterwards, Mr. Weasley told him again what happened yesterday. When he heard that Kyle had encountered Death Eaters disguised as goblins in Gringotts, he had no reaction and did not look worried at all.

He is used to it now.

They are just Death Eaters. It would be strange if Kyle did not encounter them one day.

And compared to the trace that almost ran through the islands on the Hesperides, these were just minor incidents and there was no need to worry at all.

Until Mr. Weasley told him that Kyle had obtained 30,000 Galleons in compensation from the goblins.

Chris's eyes twitched, and he looked at Kyle with an unbelievable look.

Those goblins who are so greedy that they are stingy with a Knut are willing to pay 30,000 Galleons as compensation to the Ministry of Magic?

Is he crazy or are the goblins crazy.

"It's true..."

"Bang! "

Before Mr. Weasley finished speaking, he heard a banging sound from the next door.

Kyle was the first to run over, followed by Mr. Weasley.

Chris hadn't reacted yet, but seeing that everyone in the office had gone, he followed him out.

As soon as he reached the corridor, Kyle heard Bogrod's exasperated voice.

"Didn't we agree on this yesterday... What does this mean... Where is the integrity of you wizards!"

As if he was too angry, his voice was trembling.

In the Auror's office, the goblin broke in and threw the newspaper on the table.

It looked like it wanted to throw it at Scrimgeour's face at first, but the instinct for survival made its hand turn halfway.

This is...

Scrimgeour subconsciously looked down at the newspaper and then frowned deeply.

[Self-directed and self-acted, Gringotts may become the private vault of the mysterious man]

Just by looking at the title, Scrimgeour understood why the goblin was so angry.

"A shocking news, Gringotts, which has always been known for its impenetrableness, was robbed. Although those goblins tried their best to hide this news, I, the righteous and brave Rita Skeeter, still got the first-hand news..."

The article was very long, filling the entire front page, and even the corners were not left for the GG position.

And the article was very considerate to mark some key points in bold font for everyone to read.

"I find it hard to believe how a wizard could turn into a goblin and not be discovered. This excuse is the most shameless I have ever heard. I would rather believe that this is a collaboration between Gringotts and the Death Eaters."


"An innocent and excellent wizard was involved in this conspiracy and helped Gringotts drive away the Death Eaters, but was almost slandered as the culprit. I don't understand what the goblins are doing. Is it because they have upset their new masters?"


"Whether the goblins have surrendered to the mysterious man or not is not the point, but Gringotts is no longer that reliable. It might be better to hide the Galleons under their own floor."


Well, how should I put it? It's a standard Rita Skeeter style. The whole report is full of personal speculation and hearsay. If he were a goblin, he would definitely be angry.

Especially the last sentence, which is equivalent to suggesting that people take out the property in the vault... This is also what Gringotts can't tolerate the most.

No wonder that Bogrod was so angry that he couldn't speak clearly just now.

But Scrimgeour didn't know what happened either.

This is indeed the Daily Prophet, but it is very strange.

The layout is a bit strange. The front page of the entire issue is about the Gringotts incident, which is fine, but the second and third pages are all about the Gringotts incident, which is not right.

Even if Gringotts was blown up by the mysterious man, it would not occupy an entire issue of the newspaper.

In addition, the time is wrong.

The new issue of the newspaper is published at eight o'clock, which means that after eight o'clock, the owls responsible for delivering newspapers will leave the newspaper office.

But now...

Scrimgeour glanced at the time.

There is still half an hour before eight o'clock, and no one should be able to get the new issue of the newspaper at this time.

And from Bogrod's description, they have already finished reading the newspaper, and obviously received it earlier.

Scrimgeour's expression kept changing, and he closed the newspaper after a moment. He did not tell Bogrod about his discovery, but frowned slightly.

"I don't know what's going on."

"You don't know?!"

"Yes." Scrimgeour said calmly, "The Auror Office is only responsible for catching dark wizards and has no right to interfere with the newspaper, so I don't know."

"Oh... what's going on here?"

At this time, Kyle just walked over slowly from outside, "I can hear the commotion here from next door... Oh, isn't this Mr. Bogrod?"

Kyle greeted him enthusiastically as if he had just seen a goblin, "Why, are you here to give me money? You are so polite, don't be so anxious."

"It's you!" Bogrod suddenly reacted, "This must have been done by you!"

"What did I do?" Kyle blinked.

"This!" Bogrod waved the newspaper excitedly, wishing to throw it in Kyle's face.

"You know everything?" Kyle said in a deep voice,

"Hey, you..."

"Don't thank me." Kyle said before Bogrod, "I just helped a little, it's no big deal."

"What did you say?" Bogrod was stunned, "Thank you?!"

Going back on his word and ruining the reputation of Gringotts, and no need to thank him?

It has been a goblin for so many years, and has never seen such a shameless wizard.

"Ah, you ask what happened?" Kyle suddenly looked at Mr. Weasley.

Mr. Weasley looked at Kyle in confusion... He didn't say anything just now.

But seeing Kyle blinking, Mr. Weasley nodded quickly, "Yes, what happened."

"It's simple. I asked a friend in the newspaper to help me." Kyle said, "I was worried that the people in the Daily Prophet would not let go of this big news, so I asked her to help pay attention. Once the latest content has news about Gringotts, send a newspaper in advance."

"It's just..." Kell paused for a moment before continuing, "She seemed to have misunderstood what I meant. I asked her to send me a copy, but I didn't expect her to send it to Gringotts."

"You, you..." Bogrod looked at Kyle dully.

Does he believe it?

If it were someone else, he might believe it, but it couldn't be true when it came from Kyle's mouth.

That newspaper must have been his doing, and the witch didn't send just one copy, but a full 100 copies.

If it was just a message, would it be necessary to send so many?

"This newspaper...cannot be published...absolutely not!" Bogrod said tremblingly: "You need to be responsible for this matter, otherwise, otherwise, all the previous conditions will be invalidated!"

"I can't help." Kyle sighed, "My friend is just a small employee. What the newspaper wants to publish doesn't count."

"Where is your Ministry of Magic!" Bogrod shouted loudly: "Don't tell me you don't have this right either."

"Yes, but there is no way."

"No way?"

"The main reason is that there is no money." Kyle spread his hands, "Everyone is busy now, and there is also the escaped dragon, which has taken away ten people at once. Without extra overtime pay, no one is willing to deal with the trivial matters of the newspaper."

Bogrod understood that this was asking for money!

"That's nearly 40,000 Galleons..." It roared excitedly: "I've already said that once Gringotts has raised the money, it will be sent over immediately."

"You misunderstood, I really didn't mean that." Kyle shook his head repeatedly, "But the Ministry of Magic is really busy. If you don't believe me, go to each floor and see who doesn't have seven or eight tasks in hand. They really can't spare the time."

Bogrod stared at Kyle in a daze, without saying a word. After a few minutes, he asked in a deep voice: "We pay the money, and this article will be cancelled, right?"

"I said, this is not something I can decide." Kyle thought for a while, "But with overtime pay, everyone's work enthusiasm will definitely increase, and maybe someone will be willing to go to the newspaper office."

"But I don't think it's necessary. The owl that delivers newspapers will leave soon. How can Gringotts get more than 30,000 Galleons in such a short time?

"Let's think of other ways. "

Borgrod said nothing and turned away.

Scrimgeour wanted to ask something else, but seeing that Chris and Mr. Weasley beside him didn't say anything, he stopped his curiosity.

Kyle sat there, watching the time.

Five minutes later, Bogrod came back with a big box taller than it.

The goblin didn't say anything and raised his hand to open the box.

In an instant, the bright golden light seemed to dye the entire Auror office golden.

"Now... it's okay!" Bogrod said gritting his teeth.

"Of course, of course..." Kyle couldn't help but grinning towards his ears, "Director Scrimgeour, why don't you arrange for someone to go to the newspaper office quickly, it will be too late later!"

"Oh, I'll go right away. "Scrimgeour forced his eyes away from the big box of Galleons, and walked out for a walk, looking back every few steps.

When he came back, the goblins had left, leaving only the big box of dazzling gold coins to prove that all this was true.

"Did they... did the goblins really gather more than 30,000 Galleons so quickly?"

"That's for sure." Kyle laughed, "It would be ridiculous if the largest wizard bank in the UK even needed to raise these 30,000 Galleons."

"Then their previous excuses..."

"Just to make things difficult for us." Kyle said, "Give us a little bit every month, and make some small requests by the way. For the sake of Galleons, as long as it's not too difficult to do. You shouldn't refuse."

Scrimgeour thought about it and nodded slowly.

If that's the case, they really won't necessarily refuse, and even the minister must be the same.

"Of course, these are all my guesses." Kyle said, "The goblins may have other ideas, but they just want to make a profit and make up for the losses as much as possible. "

"This bunch of greedy guys..." Scrimgeour whispered something, like a curse word.

"Okay, share the money!" Kyle said indifferently.

Now that the Galleons are in hand, it doesn't matter what the goblins think.

Hearing his words, Scrimgeour's face instantly became excited.

Share the money, what a wonderful decision.

"I'll go find the minister! "He stood up and ran out quickly.

The money was nominally given to the Ministry of Magic, and Scrimgeour could not take the agreed portion privately. The Minister had to come forward.

Soon, Amelia Bones arrived.

After seeing the whole box full of Galleons, even she was distracted for a moment.

It was incredible that he actually got it.

Then things were much simpler.

Kyle took the lead and took away his own 6,500 Galleons. The heavy Galleons were put into a bag, and the collision made a pleasant sound.

The Auror Office also received the agreed 15,000 Galleons, and Scrimgeour never closed his mouth.

It was just that Amelia Bones also gave him the restoration work of Diagon Alley. Although magic can solve most problems, it is not all after all.

The falling dragon flames and the split golden cup also burned a lot of things, such as the books displayed outside Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. These could not be solved by magic, and Galleons were needed.

Scrimgeour readily agreed.

He had a general understanding that the damaged things were not many and were completely within the acceptable range. Moreover, since he took the lion's share, he should take the job.

As for the remaining half, according to the prior agreement, the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures would take one-third, that is, 5,000 Galleons.

The reason was that fire dragons belonged to their scope of work, so naturally they should get more.

Although everyone knew that this was an excuse, they all acquiesced.

The money was obtained by Kyle, and it was reasonable for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to get a share, which was understandable.

Chris almost laughed out loud, and although he tried to hold it back, his shoulders were shaking.

After going out for a while, he came back with an extra 5,000 Galleons of funding, and he didn't have to do anything extra. This feeling was really good.

Mr. Weasley beside him smacked his lips with envy... The Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts also needed funding, but he also knew that Bones was unlikely to agree.

Now the focus of the department is all on fighting against the You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters, and the Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts has almost no say.

If he hadn't insisted on staying in his original position, when Dumbledore announced that the Order of the Phoenix would be incorporated into the Auror team, this department would have been temporarily closed.

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