Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 905: Potions and Logistics

France, magic shopping street.

Christmas has just passed, but the holidays are still going on. Beauxbatons students are walking up and down the streets, thinking about how to create more happiness with limited pocket money.

When they hurried past an inconspicuous street corner, they would occasionally mention the shop that seemed to never open in their chat.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π’•π’˜π’Œπ’‚π’.π’„π’π’Ž]

It was probably before school started. The sign of this store has been up for several months now, but it has never been opened.

Not once.

In the basement of the shop that they couldn't see, Fleur Delacour, once a popular figure in Beauxbatons, was counting the potions on the shelf and said at the same time:

"Bill has brought all the potions back to England."

"That's good." Kangna raised her head from the crucible.

"He asked me to express his gratitude to you. That batch of potions is very useful." Fleur said. "Bill told me that it is difficult for Aurors in the UK to buy high-quality blood-replenishing potions and antidotes for Galleons."

"So, my decision was right." Kangna smiled.

Although neither Kyle nor Snape wanted her to stay in dangerous Britain, that didn't mean there was nothing she could do.

Logistics is also the most critical part of war... For wizards, potions are logistics.

As it happens, she has a bit of a talent for potions.

"You're right." Fleur put the counted potions into a box.

β€œBut one thing I must tell you is that France has also been affected. Since last week, the prices of some key materials have continued to rise, especially fecal stone, which has tripled in price.

"For the same amount of galleons, the materials we can buy are getting less and less."

As she spoke, Fleur closed the box irritably, "I went to see my father, but he didn't agree to fund us."

"This is normal." Kangna didn't find it strange. "Delacour is a wizarding family in France. In a sense, it also represents France. Naturally, it cannot interfere too much in British affairs.

"In fact, it's surprising that he allows you to continue helping me and allows you to date Bill."

Fleur raised her eyebrows, "Delacour is always very tolerant when it comes to love."

"Where's Kyle?" There was a hint of teasing on her face, "I thought he would spend the night here last night."

"Professor Dumbledore seems to have something to do with him." Connor said, "The phoenix took him away last night."

"Phoenix..." Furong thought again of the most beautiful big bird she had ever seen.

"Connor, do you think that based on my help to Britain, if that phoenix lays eggs, will Mr. Dumbledore agree to sell me one?"

"Ah?" Kangna blinked, a little surprised by Fleur's brain circuitry.

"Probably... yes." She said with some uncertainty.

The main reason is that she has never heard that phoenixes lay eggs. It seems that such creatures have always existed, and their numbers have never changed.

But Fleur was still very happy.

She used her wand to push the box into the adjoining storage room.

"I have another question. Why didn't you tell Kyle? Why don't you let me talk to Bill... This is already a scene from the last century."

"I didn't hide it." Connor shrugged, "Both you and Bill know, and he should have told Professor Dumbledore. Only Kyle and Uncle Severus don't know.

"It seems that they have kept their agreement and have not told this matter."

"I've wanted to ask you why you did this for a long time." Furong said doubtfully: "He will know sooner or later, right?"

"At first I just wanted to find something to do for myself and give Kyle a surprise, but then he came to France and saw the closed shops but didn't feel anything was wrong. I realized that this was a very big deal. Interesting things..."


Kangna thought for a while and asked, "Let's put it this way, what was Bill's expression when you first handed those potions to him."

"Surprised, excited, unbelievable..." Fleur blurted out: "He was not so excited when he kissed me for the first time."

"What if this expression appears on Kyle's face?" Kangna continued to ask.

Fleur thought for a while, and the corners of her mouth began to slowly rise unconsciously.

Kyle has always left a special impression on her. With his strong strength and meticulous thinking, he easily won the Triwizard Tournament.

In comparison, she and Viktor Krum are like foils, background fillers playing trees and straw in two stage plays.

It was hard for Fleur to believe that the other party was actually two years younger than her.

It would be very interesting if such a person showed an expression of shock and disbelief... Especially since Kyle came in twice and found no clues.

"I'm looking forward to it." Fleur said.

"Me too." Kangna narrowed her eyes.

Fleur shivered subconsciously, maybe it was an illusion, she seemed to have seen the shadow of Kyle in Kangna just now.

Must be dazzled.

She sat down next to Kangna.

"However, I feel like yesterday Kyle actually thought about asking you to return to the UK. If you hadn't interrupted him, maybe he would have said it.

"If that were the case, would you agree to go back to England and live with him?"

"Uncle Severus would have killed him," Connor said. "If he had stayed in the potion shop last night, it would have been the same if Uncle Severus had known about it."

"Not really." Fleur found it hard to understand. "Are all wizards in your country so conservative?"

"No." Connor shook her head. "Or maybe Uncle Severus is different."

"He's so nice to you."

"Yes." Connor said.

There was no doubt that Snape cared about her, even more than he did. This kind of care often made Connor feel heavy.

Especially before coming to France, they had a conversation in the castle.

At that time, Snape told her a lot of things, and each one was very detailed. He even gave her the key to the vault in a tough manner. He hinted that she could move the vault to France or somewhere farther away from Britain, intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was explaining...

Connor's hand trembled, and the wand that was stirring the crucible drew an arc, and the originally light blue potion quickly turned purple.

"Ah!" Fleur screamed.

Connor came to her senses and immediately reduced the flame, changed from clockwise to counterclockwise, and continued stirring.

Soon, the potion turned the previous light blue again.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Fleur asked.

"Nothing, I'm just a little sleepy." Connor said.

No, that's not right, she must have thought too much.

Snape is a professor at Hogwarts, and he is safe with Professor Dumbledore.

Connor tried to convince herself.

But she also knew that Snape was doing something big, although she didn't know what it was, but it was certain that it was dangerous.

Another reason why she stayed in France was that she didn't want to distract Snape.

Anyway, potions can be brewed anywhere, and there is no difference between Britain and France.

When Connor took out her wand and transferred the brewed potion into the bottle, Kyle, who was far away in Britain, also poured herself a glass of butter beer.

The rich butter beer a hundred years ago had a general taste, but the taste of beer and butter was more obvious, and it tasted different.

At this time, he was sitting in the cabin with Dumbledore, discussing Draco Malfoy.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Magic sent a letter overnight, hoping that Minerva McGonagall could let Draco re-enroll.

As mentioned before, they want more Death Eaters to see that it is a wise choice to abandon the dark and join the light.

"I guess the Death Eaters also contributed to this." Kyle took a sip of butter beer, "Voluntary, or Imperius Curse, there must be their people in the Ministry of Magic."

"Indeed." Dumbledore said, "A month ago, there were traces of Death Eaters where Bardock, the head of the Disaster Department, lived, but they seemed to just pass by and left without doing anything."

"Ah?" Kyle looked up at Dumbledore.

"That's the advantage of being an old wizard, you have a lot of friends." Dumbledore smiled, "I just happen to have an old friend who lives near Bardock, and we have been keeping in touch through letters.

"One time when we were chatting, he accidentally mentioned that Bardock hadn't visited the dessert shop on the corner for a week. Before that, the director of the Disaster Department had to drink a cup of hot cocoa every day before work."

"The Imperius Curse?" Kyle asked.

"That should be right." Dumbledore nodded, "Bardock used to be Barty Crouch's subordinate and the person who was most opposed to the dark arts.

"But this time, he wanted to help Draco out of character."

"You are amazing, Professor Dumbledore." Kyle smiled.

"It's just a coincidence." Dumbledore also smiled, "Sometimes having many friends is good."

"So what do you think?" he asked, "I remember you told me before that you wanted Mr. Malfoy to come back to school."

"Yes." Kyle nodded, "We had a deal, and this is one of the terms of the deal."

"Oh, deal?" Dumbledore was a little curious.

Kyle recounted the scene in Knockturn Alley.

"I deleted his memory, but left a hint, a hint to go to my store, and then I would use Legilimency to check the information about the Death Eaters."

"It seems that you really learned something from Lockhart." Dumbledore said, and then his expression became serious.

"But Kyle, I don't want to use Legilimency on other people frequently. When you peeped into the secrets of other people's hearts unscrupulously, it's easy to magnify some of your own desires, which is not a good thing."

"I know, so this is a deal." Kyle said, "I got the consent of Draco Malfoy himself, and he allowed me to use this method to transmit information.

"In addition, this is the safest for him."

Hearing that Malfoy himself agreed, Dumbledore didn't say anything else.

"Then what news did you get?"

"Malfoy told me about the wandering wizard in Cornwall." Kyle said, "and the Hesperidian Islands, which are also related to him."

"It seems that Mr. Malfoy has helped us a lot." Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully, "Then in return, you must fulfill your promise to him."

"Aren't you afraid that he has other purposes?" Kyle asked.

"No." Dumbledore's tone was flat, as natural as discussing what to eat for lunch.

"Then I have no objection. Let him return to Hogwarts." Kyle said, "However, I always feel that this is not a plan that the mysterious man can come up with. It should be someone else giving him advice."

"Why do you say that?"

"Self-directed, self-acted, and a bitter plot, this is a bit too brain-intensive for the mysterious man." Kyle took another sip of butterbeer.

"Although there is no necessary connection between the soul and wisdom, it is an important factor in maintaining emotions and thoughts, and people are only suitable for thinking when their emotions are stable."

"The mysterious man's soul is almost broken into pieces, and it is difficult for him to come up with such a complicated plan. At this point, he is not even comparable to his own diary.

"Today's mysterious people are more suitable to use a simple and quick way like the Death Curse to solve all problems."

"This is the first time I heard someone commenting on Tom like this," Dumbledore couldn't help laughing. "Everyone who knows Tom has said that he is a boy with a deep mind and a good calculation."

"He had never made a Horcrux at that time."

"Even if he can make a few fewer Horcruxes, I will not hesitate to take back what I just said. Of course, if I meet him, I will still run away."

Voldemort couldn't use his brain very well, but he was really strong, and he was almost able to use his dark magic to his advantage.

Dumbledore took out a piece of parchment, probably preparing to write a reply to the Ministry of Magic.

"Who do you think gave Tom the idea?"

"I don't know, it's possible for anyone." Kyle said after thinking for a moment: "But no matter who it is, he has done us a favor and let us know what the mysterious man is definitely going to do. All we need to do is keep an eye on Malfoy. ”


The Ministry of Magic moved quickly.

Not long after Dumbledore's letter was sent, Draco Malfoy appeared at the door of the school, and it was Scrimgeour who delivered it himself.

An Auror office director personally acted as a bodyguard... He didn't get this treatment when Lucius threw gold coins into the Ministry of Magic.

After arriving at Hogwarts, Scrimgeour was taken to the principal's office by Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore.

The task of receiving Malfoy naturally fell on Kyle, who was most familiar with him.

Although the memory of being in Knockturn Alley was gone, Malfoy still remembered what happened in Godric's Hollow. After seeing Kyle, he instinctively wanted to retreat.

"Don't worry, it'll be over when you get to school!"

Kyle was quite enthusiastic and pulled him towards his cabin.

"I have good news for you. I will be a professor at the school after the vacation. We can still see each other often. Aren't you very happy?"

Malfoy turned pale. He never dreamed that he would not only meet Kyle in school, but also get along with him forever.

Suddenly he no longer wanted to continue coming to school.

But Kyle didn't give him this chance and forced him to the cabin.

When I walked to the door, I accidentally used a little force on my hand.

Malfoy stumbled and knocked over the wooden barrel placed next to him. The contents splashed all over him, and an indescribable smell made him almost vomit.

"Oh, why are you so careless?" Kyle said loudly: "This is the fertilizer I prepared for Professor Sprout. What a waste."

Professor Sprout...fertilizer?

Malfoy, who had taken an herbal medicine class, immediately knew what was in the bucket, and immediately ran to the side and vomited with a loud noise... He wanted to spit out his breakfast.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll help you clean it up." Kyle said.

Before Malfoy could refuse, he raised his wand.

"Clear water like a spring!"

Water like a waterfall fell from the sky and poured over Malfoy's head.

The waterfall lasted for nearly a minute, and Draco almost couldn't hold it in anymore before finally stopping.

By this time he was soaked to the skin.

Just after Christmas, it was the coldest time, and the wind blew. Malfoy felt as if his whole body was being scratched with a knife, and he couldn't stop shivering.

"Stop standing, come in and warm yourself up." Kyle tried to drag Malfoy into the house again.

But this time he learned wisely, or maybe he was frozen, standing there motionless, all his strength was spent resisting Kyle.


Fortunately, Snape also arrived at this time. He was probably worried about Malfoy falling into Kyle's hands and was walking quickly from the direction of the castle.

And Draco, who saw the savior, was even less cooperative.

"Disappointment." Kyle curled his lips, turned sideways, and pointed the wand in his hand at Malfoy when he wasn't paying attention.


Although he didn't know what Voldemort's conspiracy was, it didn't matter, he could see it.

Dumbledore might have had concerns, but he didn't. He was so tough to get his consent.

Kyle looked into Malfoy's eyes, as if he was flipping through a book, but the content in the book made him frown.

The content is very rich. Kyle saw Malfoy fighting to the death with Death Eaters on the Hogwarts Express, and magic was flying.

I also saw that although he hesitated, he still sent the informant letter to the Ministry of Magic through an owl.

But going forward, there are some trivial things in life.

He didn't find what he wanted to see most, because Malfoy didn't have it in his memory. The last time he saw Voldemort was through the window of the Ministry of Magic.

Some of the scenes in the middle seemed to be blocked by something, just like when Slughorn modified his memory, Kyle could only see a fog and blank pages.

"Draco, are you okay!"

Snape reached out and pulled Malfoy away, and also disconnected the line of sight of Legilimency.

Malfoy's eyes were still a little dazed.

"Professor Snape!" Kyle said hurriedly, attracting his attention.

"Professor Dumbledore asked me to take care of Mr. Malfoy, and I am completing my task."

"You call this... taking care?" Snape looked at him, and then at Malfoy, who was soaking wet and shivering constantly, and his tone was colder than the wind blowing through the Forbidden Forest.

"It's just a little episode." Kyle said, "Mr. Malfoy was a little too careless, I was just about to take him to the house to warm up."

"No need." Snape directly pulled Malfoy to his side. "Leave him to me, you have nothing to do here."

Kyle looked at Snape.

...He cares so much about Malfoy, will he know something?

It can only be said that it is very likely.

But Snape is a master of brain occlusion. Even if Kyle wants to do something, he can't get an answer from him.

But there is no need for this.

Thinking of Snape's identity, Kyle immediately took a step back.

"Since Professor Snape said so, Mr. Malfoy will be handed over to you.

"But professor, you'd better take him back to the castle quickly, otherwise he may need to ask for leave on the first day back to school."

"You don't need to remind me!"

Snape glared at Kyle fiercely, turned around and left with Malfoy.


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