Chapter 77: The Forbidden Forest.

The commencement banquet at Hogwarts made Leonard feel a little refreshed.

The refreshing and detailed explanation here is that the ears and eyes are as if they have been crushed and recast.

The eyes are fine, mainly because Leonard did not expect that Hogwarts also has a bizarre tradition, that is, singing school songs. It seems to be mentioned in the novel, but because it is not an important plot, Leonard simply does not pay attention, and it is not mentioned at all in the movie.

But Leonard doesn’t have this feeling of collapse if there is a highlight of the catastrophe of this link.

The Hogwarts school song is a piece of lyrics without composition, and the part of singing the school song is to sing freely and freely with your own tune.

One person singing his own tune can be tolerated as long as it is not too difficult to hear, but thousands of people singing this nonsensical way is a nightmare.

When the song first started, Leonard suspected that something was wrong with his ears, and when the singing came together to form a buzzing murmur, Leonard began to doubt life, and by the time the singing gradually stopped, Leonard had fallen into a sluggish state.

Which is it? What happened? What am I doing here?

I think I didn’t do anything bad in my life, and hearing this song can be regarded as saving merit in advance, right?

Leonard supported his forehead with one hand and looked down painfully, and the ancient shoots in his sleeve dizzily drilled out, and the leaves on both sides were wilted.

This is a song that even ancient shoots can’t bear, but look at Dumbledore on the rostrum, he actually enjoyed Leonard at first thought that he was abnormal, but then look at the other professors’ faces with indescribable expressions, Leonard understood 457, the problem should be Dumbledore.

It can only be said that Dumbledore, who is worthy of being called the greatest wizard, can endure ordinary people can’t bear it.

Fortunately, the singing is over, and this most torturous part has passed smoothly, and then it is a beautiful part to have dinner. A Hogwarts castle night looks a little gloomy.

Leonard walked in the night, looking at the gloomy portraits on both sides of the castle corridor because of the shadows, and his heart did not fluctuate. He, Leonard, a Hufflepuff freshman, went on a night tour on the first day of school!

His roommates were two guys he met at the banquet, Justin and Ernie.

The two were very enthusiastic and kept pulling Leonard to talk until late, Leonard was also very patient, after saying goodnight to each other, he lay on the bed with his eyes open, and waited until there was a long breathing sound from the bed of the two before leaving the dormitory.

After putting a powerful illusion spell on himself, Leonard quickly left the castle from the direction of the east courtyard and followed the path towards the Forbidden Forest.

In fact, the Forbidden Forest does not refer to the forest around Hogwarts, but to the forest outside a certain range.

Hogwarts is also surrounded by a forest, but it is a safe area that is regularly cleaned by Hogwarts professors, and some dangerous creatures do not come here.

These places are naturally not in Leonard’s choice, and Leonard needs places that are inhabited and preferably dangerous that no one dares to go.

That is to say, the deeper the Forbidden Forest, the better.

Along the stone path, Leonard passed by the stone house still lit by candles, which was the residence of the hunting ground guard Hagrid, who was Leonard’s most important “enemy”.

Hagrid enters the Forbidden Forest, and if Leonard’s botanical garden is not well hidden, it will be easy for him to find. So after Leonard entered the Forbidden Forest, Leonard also needed to pay attention to Hagrid’s trajectory.

This should not be difficult, Hagrid’s patrol of the Forbidden Forest should take a fixed and safe path, and long-term actions will leave very obvious traces, which can be easily found with Leonard’s scavenger’s professionalism.

Once found, just avoid it.

Leonard passed in front of the stone house and suddenly heard the barking of dogs from the stone house.

“Tooth, what are you calling?”

Hagrid’s voice came from the stone house.

Then there were heavy footsteps and the sound of the door opening, and then Hagrid, who was more than three meters tall, bent out of the stone house.

“Is anyone here?”

Hagrid looked suspiciously at the empty space around him, and looked at the hounds at his feet with some suspicion

“Tooth, did you smell wrong?”


The hound, named Tooth, let out a grievance whine. Leonard, who was standing not far away, looked at the hound, tooth, and his eyes were dark.

Hounds with a very sensitive sense of smell feel very troublesome, or find an opportunity to die.

Yaya, who was looking for the source of the strange smell with his head down, suddenly felt cold, and an inexplicable sense of crisis made it difficult to sit still.

“Teeth? What the hell is wrong with you? Are you sick? ”

Noticing his teeth, Hagrid bent down to reassure his partner.

Tooth let out a mournful cry, as if he saw a natural enemy.


Hagrid touched his tooth’s head suspiciously, and suddenly he felt that he smelled a clear fragrance. The scent was pleasant, as if it were making him lie on cotton.

Hagrid yawned widely, and suddenly found that the teeth at his feet also looked drowsy.

“So you’re sleepy.”

Hagrid touched his tooth’s neck, picked it up and walked into the stone house

“Let’s go, let’s go to sleep.”

Watching the door of the stone house being closed, Leonard, who was standing at the door of the stone house, closed the bottle containing the secretion of bitter thorns

“It’s worthy of being a half-blood giant, and the drug resistance is really strong.”

Leonard looked at the liquid that had evaporated half of the bottle and yawned.

He was a little sleepy holding his breath, but he didn’t expect Hagrid to inhale it all and only feel sleepy.

“Hagrid, Hound Tooth… At that time, it is necessary to plant a lot of toxin plants with obvious odors around, which should prevent it from breaking in with Hagrid. ”

Leonard put away the medicine, took his wand and walked towards the Forbidden Forest.

There is a Forbidden Forest in front, there are many dangers in the Forbidden Forest, and he doesn’t want to be attacked by some magical animals and lose his life.

Although he has learned a lot of magic and mastered powerful ancient magic with the help of ancient shoots, he is just an underage wizard after all.

If he encounters danger, he may lose his life at any time.

Another day of envy of werewolves, if werewolves did not have the curse of the full moon night, it would simply be the most perfect bloodline.

As soon as he stepped into the Forbidden Forest, Leonard felt the smell of the forest rushing to his face.

Looking at the dark forest, Leonard was silent for a while, and took out a few micro-shaped cabbage-like seeds from his pocket.

These are the few remaining kale seeds, but kale is not a particularly difficult plant to buy, and Leonard still has a normal growing kale there, so there is no need to save this seed.

Or is your own safety more important.

Leonard casually threw the seeds of the biting kale to the ground, and with the sound of the earth being pushed open, several biting kales with sharp teeth jumped out of the ground.

Then Leonard, surrounded by these biting kale, walked towards the depths of the forest.

It’s also close to the periphery of the forest, it’s not too dangerous, and with the Kale Shield, Leonard can safely look at his surroundings.

Magical plants and magical animals are not very common, they are ordinary plants visible to the naked eye, and the only difference is probably a magical red mushroom.

This mushroom has slender white stalks, stares at the round red umbrella cover, and grows in wetter places. The magic of these mushrooms is that their umbrella covers jump.

From time to time, Leonard can see a mushroom umbrella cover abandoning his white pole, jumping in the air and falling back. This is the skydiving mushroom, which is introduced in [A Thousand Magical Plants and Mushrooms], and is one of the materials for making stealth potions. But what is the use of stealth potions? Isn’t the Phantom Spell fragrant? Not to mention his own powerful illusion spell.

And mushrooms are not magical plants, so seeing this thing, Leonard’s eyes are full of disgust. It is still important to find a place to grow magical plants.

Leonard watched as he walked, and his nerves gradually tightened as he gradually penetrated into the Forbidden Forest.

The danger here can already touch Leonard’s vigilance, and in the dark corner, it seems that a pair of invisible eyes are staring at him.

This feeling keeps Leonard on his toes.

And the originally scattered jumping kale was gathered around him by Leonard, so that he could deal with possible dangers at any time.

Just as Leonard was thinking about what the danger in the darkness was, suddenly he felt his foot step on something sticky. Leonard raised his foot with a frown, and the tip of his wand lit up with a soft glow under his feet.

It was a piece of white silk fabric, as if it were… Gossamer!

Leonard suddenly realized, and suddenly heard the sound of small footsteps around him. A scarlet dot lit up in the darkness.

Leonard is surrounded.

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