Hogwarts: My Plants Have Billions Of Evil Points

Chapter 94 Strengthening Of Mandella Grass

"Professor, where is this flower pot?"

In the greenhouse, Leonard was wearing dragon leather gloves and carrying a flower pot and shouted to Professor Sprowder who was sorting out the fertilizer.

"Just put it here." Professor Sproud pointed to his side, "Then add these fertilizers, which are made by mixing dragon dung and moon moron's dung, and the effect is great."


Leonard looked at the pile of manure exuding a strange smell, and was a little moved.

His botanical garden should also need a lot of fertilizer.

Leonard, who completed a week of homework in one day on Saturday, volunteered to help in the runway greenhouse early in the morning on Sunday.

He didn't go to the Restricted Section, and he wouldn't venture into the ruins until the Botanical Gardens could provide him with seeds.

As for the purpose of his coming to the greenhouse to help, it was naturally to establish a good relationship with Professor Sprowder and see if "April 20" had a chance to get some plant seeds.

Aside from those banned plants, Professor Sproud should be delighted to see an interest in magical plants.

And there are other benefits, such as this kind of fertilizer, Leonard really didn't know about dragon dung and moon monster dung as fertilizer.

When distributing fertilizers to the flower pots, Leonard took the opportunity to ask Professor Sproud for some fertilizers, but the professor didn't care, and generously asked Leonard to come and get them when needed.

After changing the fertilizers for all the flower pots, Leonard and Professor Sproud used the floating spell to send the flower pots to Greenhouse No. 2.

It is filled with mandella grass, and its lush branches sway in the greenhouse.

"Professor, do you need to change the basin?" Leonard asked.

"Oh, you don't really need it, it's a lesson for second-year students, but it's actually part of the job, so if you want to try it, there's no problem.

Professor Sprowder said and handed Leonard an earmuff, "Put it on. Although these mandella plants are not yet mature, their calls are still dangerous and can make people unconscious."

Leonard took the earmuffs and put them on.

"It's earmuffs that shut out unwanted sounds so they don't stop you from hearing me.

Professor Sproud picked up a pot of mandella and said, "Now, watch me."

As soon as the words were finished, Professor Sproud pulled out a mandella plant with force.

A ginseng-like rhizome was pulled out, and it came up with a big mouth, screaming piercingly...


Mandella, who had just uttered one syllable, suddenly closed his mouth.

Professor Sprowder, who was about to meet the screams, was stunned and shook the mandella in his hand in doubt, "Why don't you scream? Are you sick?"

Leonard was ashamed, his intuition told him that this might be caused by his talent.

But fortunately, under the shaking of Professor Sproud, the uncomfortable feeling made the mandella scream again, and the harsh voice made Professor Sproud frowned.

While Leonard was expressionless, he felt that the voice didn't seem to work on him.

Obviously, the venom secreted by the magical plant is effective on him, but the sound from the mandella grass is not effective on him.

Leonard felt that his talent was a bit of a mess.

"That's it!" shouted Professor Sprowder. "So be quick, as long as it's covered in dirt, rest assured that Della will stop barking!"

Professor Sproud explained that the movement of his hands was not slow, and the soil was filled in two or three strokes.

"Okay, that's it." Professor Sproud breathed a sigh of relief. "It's a terrible job to do, but I have to do it. Della grass is very inviting to the living environment. It's okay in the field. Flowers It needs to be changed frequently in the pot, otherwise they will scream in the soil when they are in a bad mood.'

Leonard had a learned expression.

"Come on, Leonard." Professor Sproud called Leonard's name naturally.

"Okay, Professor Sproud." Leonard's eyes lit up and he walked towards a flower pot.

He followed suit and launched a mandella under the watchful eye of Professor Sproud.

Meanwhile, Leonard activates Optimal Growth.

Three pictures appeared in front of him, and Leonard scanned them quickly.

In the first picture, a figure approached the Della grass, and suddenly the Della grass growing in the ground jumped up and screamed piercingly. When the figure covered his ears and fell to the ground in pain, the Della grass burrowed into the ground again.

One is used as a passive defense, strengthening traps.

In the second picture, the mandella plant was pulled out of the pot and thrown out. The mandella plant immediately let out a fatal scream, but was blown away by a magic...

However, the deadly sound did not disappear with the mandella being destroyed, the deadly sound was still echoing.

This enhancement is deadly and terrifying, completely unreasonable, and even if it is destroyed, the sound cannot be eliminated.

The third picture is a large-scale bird's-eye view map. It also threw a Della plant that had just been pulled out of the flower pot. With the scream of the Della plant, the sound was heard tens of meters away. It is roughly estimated that the range of at least 50 meters from Fang Yuan is shrouded in this sound.

And the sound heard in every place is the same, without attenuation due to distance.

It's just that this sound is not fatal, the effect is only to make people stunned.

A buff that increases the area of ​​effect but reduces lethality.

Now that the strengthening is here, Leonard should choose one to strengthen under normal circumstances.

But instead of doing this, Leonard interrupted the optimal growth.

This mandella grass is not his yet, so it can't be strengthened casually, otherwise it will be a disaster to strengthen any one.

While Professor Sprowder was frowning at the screams of the mandella, Leonard quietly snipped off a small piece of root from the inconspicuous place of the mandella and hid it in the glove.

Then he put the mandella grass in the pot and quickly filled it with soil.

Soon, the scrambling sound died away, and Professor Sproud breathed a sigh of relief.

"You did a good job. If this was in class, I would definitely give you a 3.9." Professor Sproud said with a smile, "But the speed can be a little faster. It seems that you have been affected a little."

"Yes, professor, that sound is really uncomfortable, especially at close range." Leonard said with a smile while pinching the small root.

"Just get used to it. If you want to delve into this subject, you have to suffer a little bit." Professor Sproud sighed.

Leonard nodded and exchanged a few pleasantries with Professor Sproud before planning to leave.

"Professor, if there is nothing else, I'll go first. I still have some questions I want to ask Professor Flitwick." Leonard had the kind of bright smile that middle-aged and elderly women like most.

"Oh, then hurry up, kid, you can't delay your studies." Professor Sproud was more and more satisfied with Leonard, "You are such a studious kid."

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