Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 236 Be careful, be careful, you can have the last laugh

"This file is indeed a bit strange."

After looking at Anne Willow's file for a while, Dumbledore also felt a little strange.

This file is the kind of file that looks very normal at first glance, but when you look carefully, you will notice a strange file.

"I think this may be the life of someone who is favored by fate.""

Dumbledore commented.

"It's really lucky to be favored by fate, I'm a little envious.

Chu He said, Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, Chu He in his impression was not the kind of person who would bow his head like fate.

After all, this Lord is thinking about how to kill the God of Destiny.

But Dumbledore quickly reacted, and then nodded his head in agreement with Chu He.

"Yeah, what an enviable good fortune - little one.

"Then Dumbledore is arrogant, the next class is about to start, so I'll go first-. 35


Dumbledore nodded and watched Chu He leave his office.

He knew that Chu He had begun to doubt Anne Willow's identity. If she was really related to God of Destiny, the open investigation here would not allow him to discover that Chu He was aware of Anne Willow's identity. Chu He is Deliberately acting to deceive the god of fate, let him underestimate the enemy's carelessness.

Although this kind of speculation seems a little suspicious, after all, the opponent is the supreme god, and it can be said that the whole game is lost in one step. It is obviously a good thing that Chu He is so cautious.

At least he is more likely to kill gods than himself, and all he has to do is to cooperate with him.

After all, Chu He resurrected his sister, and this kindness has to be repaid.

Leaving Dumbledore's headmaster's office, Chu He walked towards the herbal medicine classroom of the next class at his normal pace.

Judging from the information given by Dumbledore and the Sorting Hat, Anne Willow was definitely not a girl's love for herself, but a more dangerous emotion.

He doesn't want to be made into an inescapable collection by others, and the strength that Anne Willow is showing now is enough to make him pay attention.

Looking at people, it is best to treat the strength revealed by the opponent as one-eighth of the iceberg exposed on the ice, and prepare in advance for the seven-eighth that is hidden. He can come up with countermeasures with his trump cards.

After all, the strength that he usually shows is less than one-eighth, so it is very possible for Anne Willow to hide his strength.

The current response should be to establish a certain good relationship with her first, and then slowly assess whether she is a threat to him, and if there is no threat, you can try to form an alliance with her.

If there is a threat, then it is time to consider whether to kill her first.

Just as Chu He was thinking about the countermeasures to deal with Anne Willow, Ronald just came over from the opposite side.

"Chu He, I want to join the Gryffindor Academy as a hitter, can you train me?

Ronald asked expectantly.

"Sorry, I have an appointment with someone this afternoon, and I don't have time to train you.

Chu He shook his head.

Not to mention that he is going to cook dinner for Anne Willow in the afternoon and get some information about her from her mouth. Even if he doesn't cook for her, he still has a lot of things to study. How can he teach Ronald to play Quidditch? .

What's more, he played Quidditch with strong fighting skills as technical support, which was different from ordinary Quidditch skills.

He was a good Quidditch batsman because he fought hard.

This obviously can't be taught to Ronald.

"What about tomorrow? I can't do it tomorrow. I have time for the day after tomorrow."9

Ronald still asked reluctantly.

After all, when it comes to Quidditch, he is the only one in the entire school history that directly dominates the stadium like Chu He. Ronald hopes that he can be as brilliant as Chu He no matter what.

"Mr. Ronald, isn't it inappropriate for you as a student of Gryffindor to ask me, a student of the Slytherin branch?"

Chu He politely reminded Ronald that the so-called "stretch out hand doesn't smack the smiling face," Ronald ran over to ask him with a smile on his face, he couldn't slap the other side away.

"What's wrong, you have been our Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor last year, you are the pride of our Hogwarts, I have no problem asking you for advice.

Ronald said confidently.

"I'm very sorry that I won't have time for the next period of time. Maybe I won't have time to participate in this year's Quidditch match. You should ask another clever guy."

Chu He spread his hands, and then passed Ronald. He has a lot of things to deal with now, and he really doesn't have time to pay attention to Ronald.

After all, things related to fate may affect his life, and if he kills the god of fate unrealistically, he will never feel at ease.

Well, that doesn't bother you anymore. "


Seeing Chu He rejecting himself again, Ronald turned around and left unhappy. He felt that Chu He was not enough friends.

I usually have such a good relationship with Harry that I treat myself differently.

Ronald was completely unaware that his friend's friend was not his own friend, he actually didn't know Chu He well.

After the herbal medicine class, Chu He just left the teachers when he saw Anne Willow with a sweet smile standing in front of the classroom door waiting for him.

"Why did you come just after class?"

Chu He looked at Annie Willow, who was blocking him, speechlessly.

"Hey~ I want to see you so much, senior, so I skipped Professor Flitwick's class~ Anyway, I've already mastered the little magic of levitation spells~ Instead of listening to what I already mastered, I might as well come and wait for you, senior. valuable.

Anne Willow cutely tapped her head with her small fist, and spit out her pink tongue in a cute way.

"As expected of Chu He, he hooked up with a lovely school girl again."

"Yeah, yeah, I heard that he's still messing with that Hermione of Gryffindor, who obviously has Queen Cassandra of the Slytherin Branch, and is still messing around outside. 95

The boys in the Hufflepuff branch who took the herbal medicine class whispered sourly.

The girls who are flirting with Chu He are all outstanding in appearance. If there is a chance, they would also like to fall in love with these people, but these people are all fascinated by Chu He. .

What's more, Anne Willow, the cutest among the school girls in this grade, also ran over to chase after Chu He, which made them even more uncomfortable.

Chu He didn't pay attention to the whispers in the crowd, these words had no effect on him, and there was no need to pay attention.

"Let's go first, and then change to a place with fewer people.

Chu He left the herbal medicine classroom while Annie Willow hummed and followed Chu He.

Cassandra hesitated after looking at the backs of the two, but in the end she didn't follow. She vaguely noticed that Chu He seemed to be planning to investigate something, and she might disturb Chu He if she followed.

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