Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 238 testing each other

"Huhuhu, I said it, I am interested in you, senior. I came to Hogwarts to hunt your heart, so that you will fall in love with me and become my collection~"

Anne Willow said unabashedly.

"Collectibles...the kind that are kept in a cupboard for people to see? Then please forgive me for being insensitive. 35

"How come, you naturally bring an outstanding collection like you, senpai, to show it off at any time, so you don't have to worry about being locked in a cupboard?

Anne Willow replied with a smile.

"Since you say collectibles, you should have collected other things before me, right? Can I have a look?"

Chu He extended the topic.

"Pfft, this can't be done~ It's not okay to be greedy, senpai, you can only ask one question at a time, it's my turn to ask the next question. 35

Anne Willow stretched out her white fingers and shook it in front of Chu He, blocking Chu He's plan to take advantage of it and ask more questions.

"Okay, you can ask. 35

"Senior, do you think you are lucky? 35

Annie Willow asked with a smile, and Chu He immediately became vigilant. This seemingly random question might determine how much he will be hindered in what he wants to do next.

The answer he gave should show that he had no dissatisfaction with the God of Destiny,13 but he could not clearly mention the God of Destiny, otherwise there would be some suspicion that there is no silver tael here.

"It's hard to say, you have to say I'm lucky, I was enslaved by Death Eaters when I was young, and I didn't eat less torture spells. The food he gave me was not as good as what was picked up from the trash can. This is definitely not a lucky childhood. ."

"But you have to say that I am not lucky. After all, I have survived until now, and I have obtained my current excellent magical strength because of my childhood experience. From this point of view, I am lucky again."

"I can't judge whether I am lucky or unfortunate. It is better for you to evaluate my life."

Chu He spread his hands.

"Is this the next question, senior?

Anne Willow opened her mouth to confirm.

"Of course not, I don't really care if I'm lucky or not, I'm more curious if you have other collectibles, I'd like to see if I can. 35

Chu He shook his head. He didn't want to waste the opportunity to ask questions on her evaluation of himself. The collection question he asked was actually confirming Anne Willow's true identity.

If there are some powerful and excellent beings in her collection, it can basically be confirmed that she is the incarnation of the God of Destiny or some kind of existence that is closely related to the God of Destiny.

After all, it is difficult for an eleven-year-old girl to have the ability to collect all kinds of powerful collectibles.

If she refuses to answer this question, then there is actually no difference between answering it, because if she does not have a favorite, she can freely say that she does not have a favorite.

"Huhuhu, this question has to wait until our relationship is more intimate before I am willing to answer the senior, let's change the question. 99

Anne Willow smiled and avoided Chu He's question.

Seeing that Anne Willow avoided this question, Chu He basically knew it.

"Then I'll think about another question."

"It's fine to ask what you want to ask, and now I can tell you what color they wear in their underwear? 35

Anne Willow said seductively.

"I'm not interested in that. 99

Chu He replied with a black line.

"Ah! Does the senior like boys? I heard that the senior has a good relationship with the senior Draco and the senior Harry.

Anne Willow said provocatively.

"Can I see this as your next question?"

Chu He opened his mouth to confirm.

"Of course not~ Because this is a question for the senior to defend his reputation, you can absolutely not answer me, but I don't know how it will spread out~"

Anne Willow reminded with a smile.

"...Ghosts are gay, you don't know my relationship with Cassandra and Hermione. 99

Chu He was speechless for a while, and finally made an honest defense. It seemed that Anne Willow was also an extremely cunning person, and it was not easy at all to deceive her from asking questions.

On the one hand, the question she asked next should not make her aware of her intention to rebel against fate, and on the other hand, she should try her best to use this question that must be answered to dig out her secrets.

"What is your strongest magic?"

After thinking about it again and again, Chu He asked curiously.

This question is very normal, it is just pure curiosity about Anne Willow's strength, it should not cause her doubts.

"Is it the strongest magic? Let me think about it, the magic that I am most good at should be the precognition magic, but this magic is not the most lethal magic, for example, I have actually predicted that the senior will walk here today like a newlywed. The couple went shopping for groceries.

Anne Willow replied proudly.

Chu He's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly suppressed his emotional ups and downs through Occlumency.

If Anne Willow could absolutely predict the future, then she would be basically invincible. No matter what she did, she would be able to defend herself. How could she play a quiz game with herself as calmly as she is now.

This answer, in a sense, is Anne Willow's demonstration of herself.

Chu He turned his head and saw that Anne Willow looked at her face with a smile on her face.

"Oh, senior, do you want to know what will happen in the future? I can make a little prediction for you~"

Anne Willow suggested with a smile.

"Actually, I prefer that the future is unknown. If everything is fixed in the future, wouldn't it be boring?"

Chu He shook his head and rejected Anne Willow's proposal.

No matter whether the prophecy uttered by Anne Willow is true or false, it will not be good information for him.

Really, it will affect his state of mind. False, his preparations for this prophecy will become meaningless, and it is definitely not a good thing for Anne Willow to say a certain prophecy, so He wasn't going to listen to Anneville's prophecy.

"What a pity, it's an opportunity to know everything, but the senior doesn't know how to cherish it. What a fool~"

Anne Willow poked Chu He's cheek and said regretfully.

"Perhaps I am indeed a fool.""

Chu He shrugged, recognizing that there is no harm in cowardly, the most important thing now is to stabilize Anne Willow and avoid the possibility of a war with her, after all, he is not ready to kill God.

It has not been more than half a year since he parsed out the divine power refining formula on the old wand. He has not been able to accumulate much golden divine power. Now he basically only has to run away to fight the gods, so Chu He plans to keep his strength and bide his time. .

Give him enough time to prepare, even if he is a god, he still has the confidence to fight, and this time must be won through his own performance and words.

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