Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 245 The youngest warden in history

"Chu He, what do you think?"

Scrimgeour looked at Chu He expectantly.

"I do have a bit of an interest in building a prison and becoming a warden, but if I want to be a warden, the hours of work are up to me, and I'm only responsible for keeping prisoners from escaping the prison I've built.

Chu He made a request. He didn't want the Ministry of Magic to manage himself. The reason why he agreed to be the warden was because he had his own plans.

"Don't worry about this, you are the warden of the new prison, where you have the highest status, you can go to work when you want, as long as the prisoners can't escape, and you need to give certain information to the Ministry of Magic on a regular basis. Periodic summary report, but this summary report can be written by your assistant.

Scrimgeour agreed. In fact, who cares what time a warden gets up? As long as the prisoners can be managed well, the warden is fine if the warden is not in the prison.

"Then I can take the job, but sometimes I'll leave the new prison and go back to Hogwarts to do some research and ask the professors about things I don't understand."

"No problem, as long as the prisoners inside don't run out, you can do whatever you want.

Scrimgeour answered without hesitation.

"Then choose the site, and I will build it after the selection is complete."

"Are you alone enough?

Scrimgeour was a little surprised to ask that, in general, even if you use magic to build a prison, you still need several wizards to manipulate earth and rocks to build. Building materials also depend on a wizard's mental strength.

The fact that Chu He planned to build a large prison alone would naturally surprise Scrimgeour.

"Well, I'm enough alone. 35

Chu He nodded.

"For the time being, it's a large prison that can accommodate 150 to 200 prisoners, is it really okay for you to be alone?

Scrimgeour opened his mouth to confirm.

"no problem.

Chu He confidently replied that he intends to build a prison directly like the Credence black market with space forbidden spells.

In this kind of prison, wizards who do not master space magic can't escape at all, and they don't even have the clue to escape. It can be said to be an extremely safe construction plan.

At that time, it only needs to apply some counter-magic to completely ensure that prisoners cannot escape.

"Considering the management of the prison, the Ministry of Magic will send some Aurors with management experience to assist you in the management, no problem?

"No problem, you (bdbd) arrange for some house-elves to take care of the prisoners' meals."

Chu He asked for it.

"Okay, the day-to-day operation of the prison will be handled by someone from our Ministry of Magic, I'll leave it to you to take care of it.

Scrimgeour spoke.


"Then I'll go back to the Ministry of Magic today to arrange site selection and preparations, and I'll inform Mr. Chu He when I'm done."

Scrimgeour stood up and said.

"it is good.

"Chu He, are you really... going to leave Hogwarts to be the warden of that prison?

After Scrimgeour had left, Minerva McGonagall asked with some gloom.

Knowing that Scrimgeour was here to do this, she would have rejected Scrimgeour directly.

Well now, Chu He has been kidnapped by the Ministry of Magic to be a warden.

"Professor McGonagall, I have to think about the future, and maybe a warden would be a good job.

Chu He said with a smile.

After all, he may still be monitored by the God of Fate or Anne Willow, so he naturally has to give the other party a reasonable reason.

"Well, since it's your choice, then I won't say anything. 35

McGonagall sighed, Hogwarts professors have no right to interfere with students' wishes, and since Chu He has made a decision, she can't interfere either.

"But remember, Chu He, as long as you're tired, you can go back to Hogwarts whenever you want, this place will always be your home.

McGonagall opened his mouth to remind.

"Thank you Professor McGonagall.

The next day, Scrimgeour came to Hogwarts again, and then took Chu He to an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean.

"Chu He, do you have any thoughts on the name of the prison?"

Scrimgeour asked.


Chu He replied without hesitation.

"This name is really good. You can use the space of this island freely. If you don't mind, can I watch how you build purgatory?""

Scrimgeour asked.


Chu He didn't talk nonsense, he took out his chestnut wood wand and waved, and an ice-blue calendar fire jumped out from the tip of the wand, instantly burning away all kinds of shrubs, weeds and other vegetation on the ground of thousands of square meters in front of him.

Then, under the action of earth magic, a large number of stones were raised from the ground to form simple cells.

Then Chu He began to sing obscure incantations.

After a few minutes, Scrimgeour felt a mysterious wave covering the area, and Chu He put away his wand.

"What kind of magic was that just now?

Scrimgeour asked curiously.

"Space-level forbidden spell, you can try to enter the cell to experience the effect for yourself.

Chu He made a gesture of invitation, and Scrimgeour walked into a simple cell.

"Okay, now you can try it out. 35

Chu He said.


Looking at the simple cell that didn't even close the door, Scrimgeour tried to walk out in confusion, but bumped into an invisible transparent wall.

"Is this space magic?

Scrimgeour rarely touched the transparent walls, even the Ministry of Magic, no one could use space magic.

"You can attack this prohibition with whatever magic you want.""

Chu He opened his mouth to remind.

"Break to pieces!

Scrimgeour pulled out his wand and blasted it with a Shattering Charm on the transparent wall, only to find that the magic only flickered and disappeared completely when it hit it.

"It's really... kind of interesting."

"This space-level forbidden spell is not to defend the magic you cast, but to transfer it to another space, so theoretically, no matter how powerful the attack magic is, it cannot penetrate this wall, because for magic, this The door of Dao belongs to the door that does not exist, and it only restricts the human body.99

Chu He opened his mouth to explain.

"Second, then those criminals must not be able to escape from here.

Scrimgeour said with bright eyes.

"This is not enough. In theory, I plan to inscribe some large anti-curses in the cell area to completely eliminate the possibility of criminals escaping the prison."

Chu He added.

"It's so nice of you to be this warden, you'll be the youngest warden ever in the history of magic!"

Scrimgeour said excitedly.

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