Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 248: The Prison System of Strength 1

And just like that, the pilot cycle of the wizarding prison purgatory is officially operational.

Within the first day, magical light flew from all areas of the prison, and the prisoners and the Aurors fought fiercely.

However, no matter how fierce the five prisoners fought, they had no intention of escaping.

Because they know very well that being stared at by Chu He is equivalent to being stared at by the god of death, and as long as they run away, they will die.

a few days later.

When Scrimgeour came to inspect the purgatory, he was a little confused for a while facing the chaos in the prison.

"Chu He...you purgatory...isn't it a little too messy. 35

Scrimgeour said hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter if it's messed up, isn't it because no one escaped from the prison, didn't the five prisoners you sent here honestly stay here?

Chu He shrugged.

"But it's not good for... the management and rehabilitation of prisoners? 99

“When they are qualified to be reformed, I will naturally reform them myself, and prisoners who are not qualified for reform should be prepared to stay in this prison for the rest of their lives. 95

Chu He said indifferently.


You don't plan to let them return to society at all..."

. . . . .

Scrimgeour looked at Chu He speechlessly.

"The ones you can send to me are extremely dangerous prisoners, right? It's not a good thing to let them freely return to society, and the wolf should wear a collar before it can be released.

Chu He shrugged.

"But how do you guarantee that there will be more prisoners in the future and they won't try to escape? The management is so chaotic now.

Scrimgeour asked suspiciously.

"The entire purgatory is covered by the Space Forbidden Spell. As the last line of defense, the Space Forbidden Spell will prevent them from escaping when they want to escape. Before that, they rely on my majesty to restrain them and let them understand that escape is equal to Just die.

Chu He replied with a smile that the purgatory he created is a complete supremacy of power. The strong can get more power and better treatment, and the people who climb to the top will become his subordinates. He does things.

At that time, even if someone does escape from the prison, he doesn't need to hunt down and kill himself. Those prisoners who stand on the top of the prisoners and are remodeled by him will hunt and kill each other.

As long as all prisoners understand that disobeying his orders is only a dead end, not many prisoners will choose to escape.

"You are so violent.

"No violence, do you think I can survive Voldemort and Death Eaters, that's what I do.

Chu He replied with a smile.

"Then the Ministry of Magic will try and escort some prisoners every once in a while, right?"

"No problem, you can also transfer the more ferocious prisoners from Azkaban, and don't send the weak ones. 35

"Okay, I will inform Lu Demis to assess the danger of the prisoners and send them to you later.

Scrimgeour nodded. Although Ludmis had excellently defeated the Death Eaters in the prison raid last time, it was undeniable that Azkaban had been targeted by Voldemort and the Death Eaters. If something happened again , the prestige of the Ministry of Magic will further decline.

In the current situation, it is the safest move to transfer the more brutal prisoners to the purgatory of Chu He.

After all, Chu He was the nemesis of the Death Eaters, how could the Death Eaters dare to come to his territory to spread wildness.

A week later, Ludmis arranged for more than 20 prisoners to be transferred to Chu He's purgatory, and after Chu He restrained the 20 prisoners' wands, they threw them into the prison fight. among.

In order to increase the enthusiasm of the prisoners to fight with each other, Chu He let the house-elves randomly put a certain amount of food in each cell of purgatory every day, but the total amount of food put in will be 20% less than the number of prisoners, which means that there will always be 20% of prisoners go hungry.

After all, these prisoners have committed crimes outside, and this level of punishment is a matter of course.

In order to eat a full meal, even if the prisoner wants to lie down and does not want to fight with others, he will have to attack others in order to eat one bite.

In this way, purgatory will turn into a poisonous poison, in which wizards fight each other to improve the level of these wizards on an overall level.

On the other hand, old Barty Crouch has the right to issue cleaning tasks. The big purgatory has to be cleaned up by someone. Those wizards who are not strong enough to grab food can come to take the cleaning tasks and change their lives to survive. Of course, These foods are not going to taste good.

After the purgatory system was basically formed, Chu He returned to Hogwarts through Apparition, and it was time to discuss magic with Anne Willow to test her true strength.

If there is a chance, he wants to try to play against Annie Willow, and he has some idea in his heart.

Not long after Chu He returned to Hogwarts, a smiling Anne Willow appeared in front of Chu He.

"Senior, I'm glad you came back to see me, people are very happy~"

Anne Willow said happily.

"I didn't come back to see you on purpose."

Chu He rolled his eyes, although he said that he did come to see Anne Willow, but he couldn't be too obvious, otherwise the initiative would be taken by Anne Willow.

"I still don't admit it, both of your girlfriends are not at Hogwarts now, and the professors in the school don't teach any lessons, senior, you didn't come back to see me, but who else did you come to see?

Anne Willow answered confidently.

"I came back with the intention of 753 discussing some advanced magic with Headmaster Dumbledore."

"What kind of profound magic, why don't you tell others about it?"

"Food creates magic, can you?"

Chu He asked.

Don't look at the magic of food creation. It looks like you can make something to eat, no big deal, but it's actually a kind of magic that generates energy out of thin air.

So far in the world, there is no way to directly concretize food through magic. For example, the banquet that suddenly appeared at the Hogwarts opening dinner was actually cooked in advance by the house-elves behind the scenes. They also need to buy ingredients for the dinner. .

So food creation magic is actually a very advanced magic, after all, it is equivalent to injecting extra energy into the concept of the world out of thin air.

This kind of magic, even Chu He has no clue now.

"Well... food creates magic, it's very difficult, no one has created this kind of magic, but I can give seniors some personal advice and research ideas."

"Appreciate further details."

"It's an old rule, senior and I go out on a date, go shopping and cook a meal, and I'll tell you the direction of research~"

Anne Willow smiled and held Chu He's arm, and a peach-like sweet fragrance came from her body.

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