Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 257 The king was chosen because he had the strength of the king

"Actually, I don't think it's unacceptable to follow Chu He, as long as he doesn't shoot us."

A dark wizard who was over sixty years old suddenly spoke.

At his age, he has lived through the era of Grindelwald and through the era of Voldemort.

In contrast, Grindelwald's era was a carnival of dark wizards. As the Dark Lord, Grindelwald was fighting for the benefits of pure-blood wizards. At that time, the dark wizards who followed him had a good time.

In the era when Voldemort was the Dark Lord, Voldemort was not only cruel to his enemies, but also to his own people. The young black wizards were a little scared in their hearts.

And now, Voldemort can't make a comeback no matter how he looks at it. There is a high probability that the next Dark Lord will fall on Chu He. Although Chu He does not seem to have much identification with the group of dark wizards, it seems that Chu He has done a lot in the past. At least it can be judged that Chu He will not torture and kill people for no reason. He estimates that Chu He is a Dark Lord between Grindelwald and Voldemort.

It is not unacceptable for him to obey Chu He.

Living to his age, he understands most of the principles in the world, and he knows when he should be on which team to survive.

"Indeed, it would be better for Chu He to be the Dark Lord than the Mysterious Man, but I don't think he will come forward for us. There is such a king... Is it really good?"

Another dark wizard asked with some confusion.

The Dark Lord, as the name suggests, should be the king of the dark wizards, supporting and ruling the dark wizards, but they felt that Chu He would not support them even if he really became the Dark Lord, so he was somewhat dissatisfied with this.

Can't Chu He just enjoy the power of being the Dark Lord, without any obligations?

"Oh, the Dark Lord was not chosen by us dark wizards from the beginning. The reason why the Dark Lord is the Dark Lord is because he has the power to become the Dark Lord, and it has nothing to do with your or my will. When he wants to become the Dark Lord At times, those who stand in the way will be trampled underfoot to form a mountain of corpses.

The aged dark wizard sneered, then finished drinking the wine in the glass and turned away from the blood staff, while the remaining dark wizards thought carefully because of his words.

The king was not chosen by them... but. . . Does Chu He himself have the potential of a king?

Although some people are a little dissatisfied with what this old dark wizard said, after all, no matter how strong Chu He is, he will not be able to fight against hundreds of dark wizards together to attack, right?

But if he really wanted to pull him out to become a rebel among the hundreds, he was naturally unwilling.

After all, even if these hundreds of dark wizards can seriously injure Chu He, I don't know how many of them will survive.

Not to mention that the dark wizards themselves are all cherished masters, so it is impossible to resist Chu He in such a united way.

"I advise you to be honest, Chu He is really not someone you can afford. 35

Itkins behind the bar reminded.

This black wizard who drinks in the blood rod has a strong wizard killer, which brings a good pump to the blood rod. In this case, he will still remind him.

"I said Atkins, have you already made a statement about your blood rods?"

Some dark wizards heard the meaning of Itkins's words, and then asked straight to the point.

"Blood Staff is still an independent third-party organization that collects money to kill people. As long as he can afford the money, our Blood Staff will serve him. We will not become his vassals, but we will not be his enemies.

Itkins answered.

After listening to Itkins' answer, the Dark Knights in the Blood Staff also dispelled the last thought of disobeying Chu He.

After all, even the old-fashioned forces like the Blood Staff have threw an olive branch to Chu He. Isn't it boring for them to go to Chu He's trouble again?

For the next two months, Chu He basically studied the ideas of food creation magic obtained from Anne Willow, and secretly practiced void magic and magic annihilation magic.

Among them, he also found time to test, the forbidden magic field created by the magic annihilation magic cannot be used even with golden divine power. All pulled to the same level to fight.

As long as he can kill the God of Destiny in terms of physical strength, he has a chance of winning.

However, there is no way to do this. Even if he doesn't use this magic, when the God of Fate finds that the strength of magic is not comparable to himself, she will use this magic-forbidden magic.

It can only be said that knowing God of Destiny's hole card in advance will prevent him from falling into a passive situation.

But what makes Chu He a little happy is that void magic can be successfully used in this forbidden magic field. Albis is indeed a genius of the same level as himself. It can be effective in magic.

This is fortunate in misfortune.

With nothingness magic and shielding magic, at least he can still escape if he can't beat the God of Fate.

Although it is said that the progress is very slow, but now he has gradually started to have a good chance of winning against the gods.


On this day, three unexpected guests came to Chu He from Purgatory.

Looking at the beautiful blonde girl and the two witches dressed as servants, Chu He was somewhat surprised.

"Cassandra, why are you here?"

Chu He asked as he got up from the warden's chair.

"I heard you're not going to Hogwarts! What's the matter?!

Cassandra asked angrily.

"Well, I'm a little interested in the position of warden at the moment, so I have a student status at Hogwarts for the time being, and I will visit occasionally. 35

Chu He explained.

"Do you think I'm too strict with you to not go to school?! 35

"It's not that it's not... it's just that purgatory can provide me with excellent subordinates...""

Chu He raised his hands in surrender to appease Cassandra's emotions. In fact, he came to be the warden to avoid Annevello's entanglement, but this real purpose obviously cannot be told to Cassandra, otherwise Maybe she's going to fight Anne Willow to the death.

With Cassandra's current level of magic, Annie Willow would be 100% dead, so he had to hide the real reason in his heart.

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