However, Umbridge is also despicable enough to dare not confront him, so he will attack his girlfriend's parents.

It seems unrealistic to send someone to protect them. His opponents are now powerful beings like Voldemort or God of Destiny. Even Umbridge has entangled thirty dark wizards.

In addition to his own ability to deal with this number, even if the talented and intelligent little Barty Crouch was asked to protect Hermione's parents, he would not be able to keep the two of them. After all, when the number reaches a certain level, it will cause a qualitative change.

Considering that only oneself can protect the two of them when encountering such an enemy, it would be better to give the two of them the ultimate guardian spell and tracing spell cast by themselves.

In this way, if a wizard or a gangster attacks the two, they will first be attacked by the defensive counterattack effect of the ultimate guardian spell. If the opponent is strong enough to resist the counterattack of the ultimate guardian spell cast by him, he can also use the tracing magic to cooperate with the space. The Forbidden Magic Magic immediately rushed to the spot to protect the two.

At this time, in a warehouse in a forest farm in Ireland, twenty-five black wizards were sitting on a haystack drinking.

Since sending too many killers to kill Chu He at one time might be exposed, only five of them stayed on the way to kill Chu He.

The rest are waiting here according to Umbridge's arrangement.

On the other hand, these dark wizards were all very proud, and felt that a mere underage wizard sent five of them to have taken Chu He very seriously.

They even gambled money Chu He couldn't even come to them alive.

In the center of the forest warehouse, there is a middle-aged couple looking horrified. The two are Hermione's father and mother.

"Your Excellency Deputy Minister Umbridge, what's the trouble with you? We didn't do anything to make you angry, so please spare us both."

Hermione's father, who had read the report on Umbridge in the wizarding newspaper, begged.

"Ha, don't you know that I'm not the Deputy Minister now? It's all thanks to the boyfriend that your good daughter Hermione found, without him Minister Fudge would never have kicked me out of the Ministry!

Umbridge said yin and yang, and then pointed the wand at Hermione's father, and a Cruciatus was triggered.

Hermione's father fell to the ground, convulsing in pain.

"Hey, you two just pray that Chu He will take some responsibility, if Chu He doesn't come within a week, you two won't have to live.

Umbridge said viciously.

The reason why she still saved the lives of these two people is to catch Chu He, otherwise she would have killed Hermione's parents to vent her anger, even if they had no grievances against her.

Hermione's parents fell into silence, and the dark wizards who were drinking beside them were all murderous, and they were obviously desperadoes. So many people wanted to bully a child...

To be honest, even they themselves would not dare to come to such a battle, let alone a minor child.

Both of them felt that their fate was explained here this week.

A few hours later, when it was time for lunch, a dark wizard used magic to control a piece of black bread and a bowl of muddy water and flew in front of the two of them. Hermione's parents pushed me to finish the poor little black bread.

Since they were caught, they can only eat this one meal a day, and even this extremely unpalatable black bread that is as stone-like, eating it represents a greater hope of survival.

In the afternoon, Hermione's father stood in front of his wife as two dark wizards approached them with wands and cruel smiles.

This is already the entertainment of the dark wizards. When they have nothing to do, they will torture themselves and their wives with a few painful spells.

"Gouging out the heart..."

With a bang, a swift white magic light swept out from Hermione's father's back, and slammed on the black wizard who was going to cast the torture spell. 's parents felt a hand on their shoulders.


"Sorry, I made my uncles and aunts suffer, I will take good care of them for the grievances you have suffered these days.

Hermione's parents heard young but determined voices coming from behind.

Hermione's parents were speechless for a while, the child really risked his life to save them!

"Chu He! You are so daring, how dare you come!"

Seeing Chu He, Umbridge was overjoyed and said that she had always been worried about what would happen if Chu He didn't bite the bait at all.

If Chu He stayed in purgatory, she would have nothing to do.

"I should have killed you directly in Wizengamo that day, and I said that it was not the family's fault, but you are good, even my girlfriend's parents have been arrested, you really don't want any face.

Chu He said coldly, looking at the haggard Hermione's parents, he knew that Umbridge tortured them a lot.

"Hmph, since you dare to come today, don't leave, let's take action together and kill him!"

Umbridge raised his hand proudly and pointed at Chu He, and ordered the dark wizard behind him.

"Want to kill me, do you have the ability?"

Chu He's wand slashed forward, and a huge wind blade quickly condensed and slashed towards Umbridge and the twenty-four dark wizards who were still alive.

Feeling the terrifying power of this wind blade, the twenty-four-life black wizard reflexed and cast an ultimate guardian, pouring all the magic power, and intending to join forces to defend this wind blade.

The ultimate guardian spell jointly used by twenty-four powerful dark wizards should not be underestimated. The thick magical barrier made all wizards including Umbridge feel very at ease.

However, when the giant wind blade collided with the defensive barrier formed by the Ultimate Guardian Curse, the twenty-four dark wizards felt that the magic power in their bodies was exhausted at an almost insane speed, and then the magic barrier of the Ultimate Guardian Curse was destroyed. Pull the rotten general crash and shatter.

When they were about to turn around and flee, everyone's field of vision suddenly turned around, and they saw their lower body spewing blood upward...

And Umbridge is so short that she sees her own headless body.

All dark wizards were cut in half by Chu He, a giant wind blade

"how so....

Several dark wizards muttered to themselves in fear, and even Hermione's parents were frightened by the bloody scene in front of them. These were twenty-five living people. Cut alive.

Although they had suffered a lot under these dark wizards in the past two days, it was somewhat relieved to see the fate of these dark wizards.

However, while relieved, there is a trace of fear.

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