Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 271 Mihadilin: If you can't beat it, you will have to rot!

When Chu He made a defensive magic tool with the ultimate guardian spell attached, Mihadilin's subordinates also returned to the beautiful and cheap in horror.

Previously, because he was afraid of being discovered by the dark wizard killers employed by Umbridge, he did not follow too closely, and used a kind of far-sighted magic in the case of using the Disillusionment Charm.

So he was monitoring Umbridge and others from a kilometer away.

It was because of this wise move that he saved his life.

Otherwise, let's not say whether Chu He can see through his phantom body spell, he can't bear the aftermath of the terrifying wind blade and the sea of ​​fire.

In addition to happiness, there is deep fear.

The power of a single person's spell can be so powerful that even twenty-five people can't defend themselves with the ultimate guardian spell... Chu He is an unquestionable monster.

The beautiful "Seven Seven Zeros", the Office of the Special Enforcement Division of the Magical Congress, Mihadilin was speechless for a long time after listening to the report of the spy in charge of monitoring Umbridge.

"You mean, he defeated the ultimate guardian spell jointly cast by twenty-five dark wizards with one instant magic?"

Mihadirin reconfirmed suspiciously.

Magic has a magic power conversion efficiency, and a certain amount of magic power will be lost in the process of constructing magic.

Forbidden spell-level magic requires a longer chanting time, and the magic power conversion efficiency will be higher, so Chu He uses forbidden spell-level magic and instant magic to defeat the ultimate guardian spell used by the twenty-five black wizards. a completely different concept.

On the other hand, aside from the conversion efficiency of magic power, the instant magic test examines the magic power that a wizard can mobilize in an instant, that is to say, only when Chu He's total magic power reaches an extremely terrifying level, can it be released like this Powerful instant magic.

If Chu He used Forbidden Magic to kill the ultimate guardian curse of the twenty-five wizards, that would be fine, but if it was instant magic, I am afraid that the beauty and the cheap would go here to bring food to Chu He.

So Mihadilin had to confirm what method Chu He used to defeat the ultimate guardian spell constructed by those dark wizards.

"Yes, Mr. Mihadilin, that Chu He defeated the ultimate guardian spell cast by the twenty-five dark wizard killers hired by Umbridge with just one instant wind blade magic, if I hadn't been far away, I would have It will be killed by that wind blade together."

"He also used an extremely powerful ice-blue flame after this, and the magic in his body seemed to be endless. 35

The spy added.

"Tsk, this is trouble, you go to the Dolce Wizard Bank and take out our share of the money that Umbridge deposited."

Mihadilin raised his hand and commanded.

This time, thanks to his wit, Umbridge let Umbridge go to the mine first. If the subordinates he trained by himself died like this, he would be distressed to death.

Dark wizards die when they die, anyway, after a while, they will sprout up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

But at the moment, the test is a test, but it has not been fully tested, because the twenty-five dark wizards that Umbridge found have something to do, and they couldn't fight back and forth with Chu He at all, and now he just got the magic power conversion of Chu He. The efficiency is extremely high, and the total amount of magic power is extremely strong. However, how strong Chu He really is, and what kind of powerful magic he has mastered, he is still at a loss.

After thinking for a while, Mihadirin made a decision that went against his duty... He decided to ignore Chu He.

Originally, in his position, the future enemies of the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress should be eliminated at all costs.

But the problem is that based on the existing information, Chu He is already powerful enough to make people desperate, and the situation has exceeded his control.

If you continue to fight against Chu He, you may lose your life one day. It would be better to make money. When you make enough money, you can retire from the position of the director of the special executive department of the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress and enjoy the glory and wealth. never mind.

After he abdicates, he won't have to worry about the floods that follow.

Even if Chu He grows up in the future and wants to enslave their beautiful and cheap wizards, then he will surrender with both hands and pretend to be a grandson. Anyway, now he will do it for the beautiful and cheap magic society, and then he will do it for Chu He, this is just a change. Just a master, nothing to worry about.

Although this way, I am afraid that there will be wizards who will blame and scold me in the future, but being scolded a few times is better than losing my life, and if I die, there will be nothing left.

In fact, as long as Chu He is a little weaker and can let him see a little hope of killing Chu He, he will not be so spineless...

But Chu He is really too strong, before the desperate gap in strength, he can only be rotten.

But before that, Mallove must be called back.

Mallove can collect a lot of useful information from someone as strong as Chu He, which is enough to prove Mallove's excellence as a spy.

Since he does not plan to fight against Chu He in the future, it is better to arrange this talent to collect information on other people.

Otherwise, if one day Mallov capsized in the gutter and Chu He found clues, he would be very distressed when he was killed.

After all, it is difficult to cultivate a good spy, and sometimes it is not an exaggeration to say that a spy is a consumable.

Afterwards, Mihadirin gave Mallov an order to return to the beautiful and cheap.

After all, in England now, he has all kinds of black material that can blackmail Fudge, and Chu He can't do it, so it makes no sense to keep Mallove there.

Then it's time to blackmail Fudge. It's enough to send a not-so-important spy over there to blackmail him.

On Mallov's side, after receiving Mihadirin's order to summon himself back to the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress, Mallov immediately contacted Chu He.

"looking for me?

Chu He, who appeared in front of Mallov through space magic, asked.

1.3 "Master, the Magical Congress called me back today. This is the first time I've been called back in so many years. Generally speaking, there are only two possibilities to call a spy back. One is that this area is no longer worth sending spies. Now, another possibility is that there are more people who need to be monitored and I need to monitor."

"Now I think you are the strongest wizard in the world. It should not be the second situation. If it is the first situation, then I may not be sent here again. It will be difficult to report the internal affairs to you face to face. situation.""

"Just in case, if you can, I hope you will give me the order for a long time to come, and I will carry it out slowly. 35

Mallove asked.

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