Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 278 Hermi1's 1 Murder

"God! Feng! Wu! Shadow!"

Hermione flicked the wand in her hand, and then quickly pointed at the three black wizards. The three black wizards didn't even respond, and they were killed on the spot by slitting their throats by the Shadowless Curse.

Chu He, who was watching from the side, nodded slightly, Hermione made such a decisive move, and she deserved to be his girlfriend.

Murder may feel uncomfortable for the first time, but if you kill more, you will get used to it.

And killing someone in extreme anger will greatly reduce this discomfort, because the mood is eager to get angry, and there is no time and energy to think about killing people.

With three dull sounds, the bodies of the three black wizards fell to the ground, which immediately shocked the boss, trembling all over and almost didn't urinate.

After all, Chu He and Hermione were wearing the phantom body spell. She only had these three dark wizards in her eyes. All of a sudden, the three of them died on the spot.

Then Hermione lifted her disillusionment and came to the boss.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Hermione, the boss's face was a little scared, she was not stupid, no matter what she thought, it was the three black wizards that this little girl killed.

But what does she want to do to herself? Boss 770 is somewhat uneasy.

"I, I'll give you all the money... don't, don't kill me. 35

"Don't worry, I don't want your money, I'm here to deal with these dark wizards who bully others, and they're dead.

With a wave of Hermione's wand, the burns and wounds on the boss who had been tortured by the three black wizards with black magic quickly healed.

"Thank you, thank you...

The boss said excitedly.

"This place is expected to be very chaotic in the future. If their people die, you may be retaliated by continuing to open the store. I will send you out of Diagon Alley. 95

"Yes, but my shop... If the shop closes, my living expenses for the next month will be...

The boss said sadly.

She really had no choice, she would starve to death if she didn't open a store, so she thought about holding back and opening a store. After all, she didn't have anything in the store before, so she just made a lot of hard money. It's too lazy to grab it, and that's why today's incident of being caught by the Death Eaters happened.

"Life is at stake. Take these fifty gold Galleons for emergency use. You must not open a shop here again until I have finished solving the Diagon Alley issue."

Hermione grabbed a handful of Galleons from her dragonskin bag and put it in the boss's pocket.

"This...how is this funny.

Feeling the heavy sum of money in his pocket, the boss looked at Hermione with tears in his eyes, and then put his hand in his pocket to return the money to Hermione.

"Listen well, if you live well, it is the greatest reward for me. Human life is much more precious than these fifty gold Galleons."

Hermione held the boss's hand in her pocket to prevent her from taking out the money, and then said with a serious face.

"Fucking someone killed our people!!! Come and kill her! Arvada eats a big melon!

With a curse, an evil green light blasted at Hermione.

Hermione's wand touched the ground lightly, and a thick stone wall suddenly stood up from the ground, blocking the green light of the Death-Slaying Charm.

"This is not the place to talk, go first.

Hermione said, grabbing the boss's hand and applying an Apparition Charm, the figures of the two were immediately swallowed by the gray vortex, and Chu He put his hand on Hermione's shoulder before Hermione disappeared, and followed Hermione and the boss together. Apparate away.

After Hermione left, the four dark wizards bombarded seven or eight spells in a row before they shattered the stone wall that Hermione summoned at will.

Wearing the magic power refining ring made by Chu He all the year round, her magic power at this time also exceeded 30% of these dark wizards.

"Damn it!!! That damn little girl dared to touch our people!"

Looking at the corpses of their stinking companions on the ground, the four dark wizards were furious.

(bdbd) They are used to being domineering, and the forces that resisted in Diagon Alley were tortured by Bellatrix and dared not resist. I didn't expect that one of their own people would be killed under their noses today! This is absolutely unacceptable forgive!

In a quiet alley in the urban area of ​​London, a gray vortex emerged, and then the figures of Hermione and the boss appeared from it, as well as Chu He, who was wearing a phantom charm.

"Okay, trust me, in a while, I will drive all those dark wizards away, you stay at home honestly these days.

Hermione spoke up.

"At least... at least tell me your name...

The boss pleaded.

"My name is Hermione Granger.""

Hermione said generously.

"Okay, Diagon Alley will be peaceful in the future, and I will definitely work hard to make money to pay you back the life-saving money!

The boss said sincerely.

"Don't worry, I'll escort you home first."

"Okay, my home is at No. 756 Xie Lingxiang Avenue."

Afterwards, Hermione escorted the shop owner back to her home, and then Apparated to Diagon Alley with Chu He again under the Disillusionment Charm.

"Make up your mind to kill them all?"

Chu He asked.

"Hmm! I'm going to punish these Damn it guys!"

Hermione nodded vigorously.

"The momentum is good, but you have to keep calm and analyze the actions that these dark wizards will take next. Only by understanding the character of the opponent can you find a way to win.

Chu He taught in a persuasive manner.

"Can't you use the Disillusionment Charm to assassinate them like before?"

Hermione was stunned for a moment, and asked in a puzzled way that she was not familiar with the process for her first murder.

"When the Darth Vaders examine the wounds where you killed the three wizards, they'll know that you're not using an ordinary spell, and I think they'll be searching for you in droves and trying to get rid of you. 95

"Your Shunfa spell can kill up to three or four people at a time, but if you encounter a dozen or twenty people, you will definitely not be able to kill them quickly."

"And some magic can break the effect of the illusion spell. If you are unlucky, you will face a dozen or twenty dark wizards at one time. 35

"Although the defensive magic tool I gave you can defend against most death spells and destructive black magic, it is not all of them. I have not mastered all the magic in the world. If there is a fish that slips through the net, your own life will be in danger. .

"Aside from the death curse, black magic is all kinds of strange, there are various restriction magics that can hinder your actions, and the engraved position on the defensive magic tool is limited, I can't engrave all the anti-curses on it, that is to say you You have to rely on your own strength to deal with these limiting magics."

Chu He said patiently.

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