Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 286 Hermi1: It's enough for me to have Chu He as a friend

"This Hermione is indeed a talent. She can defeat Voldemort at a young age. I wonder if she would like to join the Ministry of Magic."

Fudge asked.

He was not in a hurry to make Hermione a hero this time. The last Chu He had made him suffer enough. That time was to stop Dumbledore's influence, so he was in a hurry to make Chu He a hero in the wizarding world, but This time he was more careful.

If Hermione is as uncontrollable as Chu He, he will try his best to suppress this incident and minimize Hermione's influence.

"I had actually spoken to Hermione before I came, and she said she would agree to join the Ministry if she could keep her Hogwarts status so she could continue studying there a few days a week.

Scrimgeour answered.

"And such a good thing?!""

Fudge's eyes lit up, and he said overjoyedly.

After a while, Fudge realized that he had slipped, and coughed a few times in embarrassment.

But no way, Hermione's request was too much for him.

First of all, Hermione asked to continue her studies at Hogwarts, which proved that 13 she was not interested in power, and he Fudge was worried about what if Hermione got too much momentum and got him out of office.

Hermione offered to put her studies first, and it was obvious that she was not interested in her position as Minister of Magic, which could be ignored.

Secondly, Hermione has joined the Ministry of Magic and has to open a special office at Hogwarts. He can justifiably open a special office at Hogwarts and ask Hermione to monitor the situation of Dumbledore. After all, Hermione will be the Ministry of Magic in the future. It would be more than fitting to ask her to spy on Dumbledore for her treasonous intentions!

In the end, Hermione is so eager to learn, and he will definitely be better than Chu He in the future. After all, Hermione has won Voldemort now, and he will no longer need to be angry with Chu He.

Now, on the face of it, he showed his surrender to Chu He, but he would not forget how Chu He once humiliated himself, and now seeing Fudge in another way from Hermione is like catching a life-saving straw... ...he wouldn't even think that Hermione was Chu He's man from the beginning.

"Immediately arrange Hermione's entry procedures, then set up a luxurious special office for her at Hogwarts, send her two subordinates, and give her the salary of the middle and upper levels, she will work under your hands, With an ace like her, we can sit back and relax in the future!"

Fudge said happily.

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

Scrimgeour turned and left the Office of the Minister for Magic.

Fudge hummed a song, opened a bottle of champagne and drank it by himself. The thug who could defeat Voldemort joined the Auror department of the Ministry of Magic, which was a great improvement to the overall strength of the Ministry of Magic.

It just so happened that there was still a vacancy for a Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Magic, and he planned to use this position to win over Hermione.

And as long as he generously gave out the deputy minister, he could also seal the mouths of outsiders, lest those wizards shouted that he was stingy and refused to give meritorious people the rewards they deserved.

In this way, all the aspects of my headaches can be solved.

Following Fudge's instructions, Scrimgeour first signed a work contract with Hermione to pull him into the Ministry of Magic, and then announced that Voldemort had been dealt with by Hermione.

The fishing reels controlled by Chu He also publicized Hermione's reputation together after receiving Chu He's instruction. For a time, Hermione became a celebrity in the wizarding world and became famous.

Then the Ministry of Magic spent a lot of money to build a small villa for Hermione at Hogwarts, which was a small house with accommodation and office.

Hermione is also very satisfied with the office.

And because Hermione defeated Voldemort, she also became the second genius who was invited by the Ministry of Magic before graduation. She also became a popular celebrity in Hogwarts for a while.

However, in the face of the pursuit and praise of Hogwarts students, Hermione still maintained a proud attitude.

Once these people said bad things about themselves, at that time only Chu He accepted himself, loved himself and admitted himself.

So it's enough for her friends to have Chu He alone. These guys are only gathered around her because of their fame. When their halo fades away, everyone will leave like people walking away from tea. , once again became Chu He alone to accompany her.

So even in the face of everyone's favor, she did not accept anyone's friendship.

Waiting for her to make a fortune and then fawning on her, how can there be such a good thing!

Besides, others don't know, but she knows that the first battle of Voldemort was entirely fought by Chu He. If she fought against Voldemort, she would definitely lose her life, and Chu He was also seriously injured because of her failure. She was very guilty.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the fame or attention that he has obtained now, Hermione is very clear in his heart. This is not what he deserves. Originally, these honors should be added to Chu He!

So she doesn't dare to feel proud and complacent because of the popularity of everyone and the attention of the Ministry of Magic. She must strengthen her strength as soon as possible to really help Chu He, instead of accepting his protection all the time!

On the third day after the special office was built, Fudge also brought his 770's bodyguard to Hogwarts to meet Hermione.

"Miss Granger, I have to say you're amazing to beat that sly Voldemort. 35

As soon as they met, Fudge put a tall hat on Hermione.

After all, he wanted to befriend Hermione, so he naturally wanted to make the relationship between the two more familiar.

"Just a fluke."

Hermione shook her head, she hadn't won after all.

"Hahaha, it's very precious to be lucky enough to win at your age. Work hard, and you will be the deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic in the future."5

Fudge took Hermione's reaction as modesty, which made him more optimistic about Hermione.

After all, if there is another one who is as arrogant as Chu He, he will have some headaches.

"Then, thank the Minister for the cultivation. 99

Hermione said politely.

After all, her appreciation must pass the level of Fudge, so it is necessary to befriend him, so Hermione also maintained a certain courtesy to Fudge.

"Then, just study hard at Hogwarts, and I won't bother you to improve yourself.

Seeing Hermione being so polite, Fudge nodded with satisfaction, he was confident that he could win over Hermione with the right.

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