Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 295 Lockhart: Make m1y and make m1y.

"But is this really good? Life being watched by spies."

Cassandra asked in confusion.

"Now if I go and kill Mihadilin, I'll be stunned by the grass, and the beautiful ones will realize that there is a ghost inside them, and I've started to rule out people who doubt me. In this way, I've confirmed the truth behind this incident. With my shadow, when you invade the beautiful and cheap side, the difficulty will be greatly increased.""

"And if I go out and show up now, there will be some suspicions on the beautiful and cheap side who claim that the mastermind is my Mihadilin, which can weaken his influence to a certain extent.

"Battles are not necessarily all fighting each other on the bright side, and sometimes this method of retreating to advance can reap greater benefits.

Chu He smiled and taught Cassandra. Cassandra was a little too arrogant and liked to be straight in everything she did, and she wanted to learn from him when it came to conspiracy.

"Yeah, that's it...I see.""

Cassandra quickly understood Chu He's plan, and then felt that Chu He thought much further than herself.

"Is there a clue to the plan to suppress the beautiful and cheap?"

Chu He asked with a smile.

"Well, it's just a secret~ I'll tell you when I'm successful! 39

Cassandra said mysteriously.

On the one hand, her plan has not been fully formulated, and now she just wants to start, and it is a bit embarrassing to tell Chu He.

On the other hand, she doesn't know whether this plan can be implemented perfectly. If she speaks to Chu He boldly now, and if it fails later, it will not end well, so she doesn't tell Chu He now.

"Okay, then I'll look forward to it."

Chu He smiled, and then ended the communication with the magic tool.

Immediately afterwards, Chu He snapped his fingers, and the gray vortex of Apparition swallowed his figure.

The next second, he was at Lockhart's house.

"Master! Why are you free to see me today? I'll make you a cup of coffee."

Seeing someone Apparating over, Lockhart was startled, but when he saw it was Chu He, he immediately got up and went to make coffee.

"Well, you will hold a book signing in two days. When the time comes, you will invite me, and I will come over to support you. 95

Chu He opened his mouth and ordered.

"!!! This is great! With you coming to watch the show, my autograph session will be the headlines of all the news! This year's royalties can be expected!

Lockhart said happily.

Before that, he had been grinding Chu He to his autograph conference, but Chu He was not interested in this matter at all, and he had no time.

Unexpectedly, Chu He took the initiative to come to the door today.

Chu He is now the youngest warden in the history of wizards, and under his excellent management, purgatory has accommodated a large number of Death Eaters and vicious dark wizards, but no one escaped from prison, so Chu He is in the wizarding world. Fame and prestige are still great.

Now, only the fame of Hermione, who was arranged by him, surpassed him for defeating Voldemort, and even the fame of the old legendary wizard Dumbledore was gradually eclipsed by the aura of the two.

But Dumbledore didn't care much about it, after all, neither he nor Hermione belonged to the Chu He camp.

Two days later, Lockhart held his autograph conference as scheduled in Lihen Bookstore. Chu He also took a photo with him and bought a set of Lockhart's autobiography. The advertising effect of this person was immediately reported. All Lockhart books were looted.

And the spy sent by Meijian also reported that Chu He ran leisurely to buy books.

This incident made Mihadilin feel a little suspicious of life.

You know, on his side, he swore that to a large extent Chu He was behind the French invasion.

But as soon as he reported this guess, Chu He ran off to buy novels like no one else, which was equivalent to giving him a hard slap in the face.

This incident alone made his voice in the beautiful and cheap Magic Congress drop a lot.

At the same time, Barty Crouch Jr also arrived at the beautiful and cheap port again at this time.

With the shielding magic bracelet given by Chu He, he would not be discovered by the Auror who was in charge of monitoring in the port. Then Barty Crouch Jr used Apparition to come to New York City where he visited last time. In the past two days, he began to look for a suitable place to hide a large number of wizards in the wilderness.

Although it is said that the problem of accommodation can be solved with a tent with a traceless stretching spell, the problem is that Cassandra's subordinates are hundreds of dark wizards, and these hundreds of people will need dozens of traceless no matter how they live The tent of the stretching spell is over, and this location should be chosen carefully....

While working under Voldemort, Barty Crouch Jr. was known for being meticulous and perfect.

After two days of wandering around 50 kilometers outside the suburbs of New York, he really found a forest area that was remote and easy to hide.

Then Barty waited with the space beacon made by Cassandra.

After eating some dry food and resting against the tree for a while, a silver light flashed, and Cassandra and Bellatrix appeared in front of Barty Crouch Jr.

"Thanks for your hard work.

Cassandra looked around, and was very satisfied with the location chosen by Barty Crouch Jr.

"It's my honor to serve the master, you don't need to thank me."

Barty Crouch Jr shook his head.

"You should have a good rest these two days, and you will be used later. 55

Cassandra ordered.

Barty Crouch Jr nodded immediately, and then Cassandra returned to France and began to continuously build space magic so that her direct subordinates brought various living materials to the place of life chosen by Bartty Crouch Jr.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In itself, this large-scale transoceanic space transfer magic is not enough for a wizard's magic power to be used continuously, but before the invasion of France, Chu He gave Kassandra a small bag of fully charged magic power refining rings. In terms of magic power reserves, this small bag of magic power refining rings can almost hold the magic power reserves of more than 30 Dumbledore.

Therefore, Kassandra can continue to launch this kind of large-scale teleportation and super long-distance space forbidden spell.

A day later, the dark wizards that Cassandra brought out of England and the dark wizards that were suppressed in France were sent to the location of Barty Crouch Jr. Cassandra then ordered Barty Jr. to carry out strict inspections. intelligence control, in order to prevent spies in France from tipping off to the beautiful and cheap Magic Congress.

Besides, she didn't tell the wizards where they were teleported. Under the two-pronged approach, Mihadilin did not receive any relevant information about Kassandra's battle plan.

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