Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 298 Breaking the game


After a long journey of two days, Mihadirin's spies finally came to France.

After putting down the ship and turning around, they discovered a very strange problem.

They didn't receive cross-examination by French wizards, let alone cross-examination, they didn't even see a French.

You should know that in places like ports or train stations, generally the magic department in the area will send some Aurors to watch here, in case there are wizards from outside the area - come to the area to make trouble.

Unless the wizarding forces in the entire region completely collapse, the wizards in this transportation hub will basically not be affected.

And now they have not received cross-examination here, which shows that there is a big problem in the French wizarding world.

But it's strange here, if the French wizarding world is devastated, there should be time to call for help from the outside world, and it will not suddenly disappear without even a splash.

After all, not all wizards in the wizarding world stay together on weekdays, and it is almost impossible to catch them all at the same time.

Together, the three spies decided to go to the French Ministry of Magic to see what traces might remain there if there was a battle.

After all, this situation is too strange.

After Mihadilin reported the strange situation of the French wizarding world, the three spies went to the French Ministry of Magic together.

A few hours later, the three spies successfully arrived at the French Ministry of Magic. There was indeed a wizard here as they had guessed, but the wizard was none other than Bellatrix who was in charge of logistics.

The spies themselves are not good at fighting, so when these spies from the Special Enforcement Division of the Beautiful Magical Congress met Bellatrix, a cruel witch who was quite warlike among the Death Eaters, the three of them even ran away. They were knocked down by Bellatrix with Cruciatus without a chance, and after a simple interrogation, they honestly confessed their origins.

Bellatrix immediately contacted Chu He using remote contact magic after hearing that the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress had begun to investigate the French side.

"Master, I have caught three spies here. The Beautiful Magical Congress has noticed that something is wrong with France. How should these spies be dealt with?"

Bellatrix asked respectfully.

"Ask Cassandra about this, she is solely responsible for this suppression task.

Chu He gave a quick answer. In fact, if he wanted to suppress the beautiful and cheap wizarding society, there were many ways. This time, the suppression of the beautiful and cheap wizarding world was actually a test for Kassandra, look at her The ability of Chu He, so Chu He does not intend to intervene.

"Understood, then I'll contact her here, gouging out the bone!! 39

Bellatrix replied as she swung her wand and cast a torture spell at a beautiful, cheap, magical Congress spy who was trying to escape.

The spy who ate the Bellatrix Torture Curse suddenly curled up into a ball and kept shivering.

The power of the torture curse also depends on the person. When a person's heart is more evil and cruel, the power of his torture curse will be stronger.

And Bellatrix is ​​the kind of extremely cruel person among the Death Eaters, so the torture spell she issued is also very powerful.

"Hahaha, run away, keep running away? Why didn't you run away?"

Bellatrix raised her right foot and stepped on the head of the spy who was trying to escape just now, smashing the other's forehead with the sharp sole of her boot.

"I didn't want to run away. I just felt uncomfortable lying down and wanted to move my body. Dear lady, please forgive me."

The spy who was trampled on by Bellatrix begged bitterly. He didn't expect Bellatrix to be able to notice the situation on his side while communicating with others remotely.

Now that his intention to escape was discovered, he could only survive Bellatrix's torture by his own will.

"Ha, it's okay to be uncomfortable! Comfort is reserved for the dead! Don't force me to use the Death-Slaying Charm, my patience is limited.

After warning the spy under her feet, Bellatrix immediately used remote contact magic to contact Cassandra.

"Kassandra, I have caught three spies from France who were sent by the beautiful and cheap Magic Congress. Their purpose is to investigate what happened to the French wizarding world. What should I do with them now?

Bellatrix asked.

"All killed.

Cassandra's eyes lit up, and then without hesitation gave the order to execute the entire staff.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

"Don't you need to use them to do something with the Beautiful and Bitchy Magic Council?"

Bellatrix asked.

"Use it, of course, but not with the living ones, but with the dead ones. After killing them, as the French Minister of Magic, you will send an owl to the beautiful and cheap Magic Congress.""

"The letter said that the three were executed by the French wizarding community for stealing the secrets of the French wizarding community, and they were executed on the same day, and then the three people's death was recorded as a magic image and attached to the letter.

Cassandra ordered.

Now the Aurors of the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress are carefully patrolling the homeland every day to prevent dark wizards from infiltrating New York.

But once the letter from Bellatrix is ​​sent to the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress and made public, in order to maintain the majesty of the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress, the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress is bound to send a certain number of wizards to France to beg for one. statement.


After all, the general wizarding world would not kill a spy so quickly when they caught it. They would inform the other party at least a little bit. Even if they were executed, most of them were executed in secret. Such a face-skimming behavior would undoubtedly anger the Beautiful Magical Congress.

At that time, let Bellatrix directly kill the group of wizards who came to discuss the argument, and completely pull the beautiful and cheap magic world into the quagmire of war, which will naturally lead to a gap in the local patrols. Here, take advantage of the emptiness behind the opponent to fight a blitz with a large number of dark wizards and quickly suppress the beautiful and cheap wizarding world.

It can be said that these three spies gave her an opportunity to break the deadlock. As long as they operate properly, she can suppress the beautiful and cheap wizarding world that seems to be airtight.

"I understand, I'll deal with it now."

Bellatrix is ​​no nonsense, since Cassandra wants her to kill, she will naturally not be vague, and immediately find a wizard to let him hold a magic camera that can take dynamic pictures, and then use extremely cruel means to kill Three spies sent by the beautiful and cheap wizarding world.

Bellatrix then wrote a letter along with this magical photo to the Beautiful and Cheap Magic Congress at Cassandra's order.

PS: The waist still hurts. . . I was a little confused when I wrote it. . Maybe this chapter is not well written. . Very sorry factory.

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