Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 321 Deeply Hidden Gong and Fame?

"This, this kind of thing is too...

Minerva McGonagall opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

She knew that Chu He would be a big man in the future, but she didn't expect it to be to this extent.

His girlfriend would actually be the new Dark Lord. If this is wrong, it is possible that Chu He and Cassandra will go astray together, and then the problem will be big.

If a genius like Chu He goes astray, it would be a disaster for the entire wizarding world.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall suddenly remembered Hermione, the best student of his Gryffindor branch.

Hermione's recent appointment as Minister of Magic has caused a stir throughout Hogwarts, after all Hermione was only in her fourth year at Hogwarts this year.

She has already set a precedent for working in the Ministry of Magic before graduating, not to mention that she has climbed to the position of Minister of Magic in less than a year. Could it be that... there is also Chu behind this. Shadow of He?

Minerva McGonagall suddenly felt that this was very possible. After all, Chu He has always been cautious and in a state of hidden merit and fame.

If there is a shadow behind Hermione and Cassandra, doesn't that mean... Chu He has secretly dominated the entire wizarding world?!

This is... something no one has ever done before!

For a moment, Minerva McGonagall wondered if this was good or bad.

"Professor McGonagall, what are you worried about?"

Chu He asked with a smile.

"I...do worry about something."

McGonagall hesitated, then nodded.

"Kassandra dominated those wizards a few months ago, there is no trouble with the dark wizards, right?"

"It is.

Professor McGonagall nodded. In fact, since the completion of Chu He's purgatory, dark wizard crimes have been rare. From this point of view, we should be able to trust Chu He.

"It will continue in the future. The dark wizards themselves have been in a state where they dare not be too arrogant after the fall of the last Dark Lord. As a noble king, Kassandra will continue to restrain them. You Don't worry at all, 々.""

Chu He replied with a smile.

His dragon transformation f*ck Gus and Phoenix f*ck Gus are all thanks to Professor McGonagall, so he doesn't plan to hide too much from Professor McGonagall in this matter.

Basically he took Professor McGonagall as his own.

"Then...hope there won't be any trouble in the future."

After listening to Chu He's comforting words, Professor McGonagall's heart was somewhat relieved. After all, Chu He is so polite, and if he thinks about what really happened in the future, running over and talking about it can also play a certain role.

"Don't worry, nothing can go wrong with Hermione at the Ministry.

Chu He smiled and answered confidently.

"Then, let's have some lunch first, and then I'll introduce you to the characteristics of other teams. After all, you haven't understood their tactical styles."

Professor McGonagall proposed.

"it is good.

Chu He nodded.

Although he is absolutely sure of winning, it is also a good thing to collect as much information on the opponent as possible, as is his own character, so he has no intention of rejecting Professor McGonagall's proposal at all.

After Professor McGonagall took the Hogwarts school team to lunch in the canteen of the contestants, he began to introduce the tactics of the other seven teams to Chu He.

The next morning.

The Quidditch World Cup officially kicked off, and the huge venue was crowded with tens of thousands of wizards from all over the world. Hermione also took Kingsley to the best place to wait for Chu He's appearance.

Eight shortlisted teams for the Quidditch World Cup came out in sequence, and the most exciting of them was Krum of Bulgaria. He was seen holding a broom with one hand and making various difficult flying movements, attracting fans off the field. There was a loud cheer.

Chu He doesn't care much about this, his personality is not the kind that likes to show off, and he was too famous at Hogwarts in the past, so he was chased by fanatic fans, so he didn't do anything special. A windy move.

But he is not going to be in the limelight, but obviously some people don't think so.

This person is the host of the Quidditch World Cup.

"Everyone, cheers, this Quidditch World Cup team has a genius wizard who built what is known as the most heavily defended prison in England at the age of twelve! Azkaban, who has a Dementor as a jailer, is even tighter! 39

"He is Mr. Chu He, the warden of our purgatory, and he is only thirteen years old! He stepped on the grounds of the Quidditch World Cup and let's see if his Quidditch skills are as good as his magical talents! "

The Quidditch World Cup host said it in a few eloquent voices.

This kind of world-class event, naturally the warmer the atmosphere, the better. Chu He was the warden of purgatory in England at a young age, which is undoubtedly a big selling point, so he naturally used Chu He directly to make it hot. The props for the atmosphere of the scene.

Besides, who doesn't like popularity? Sponsorship fees will come when popularity is high, and he thinks he has helped Chu He.

Coupled with the fact that Chu He had previously fought against Voldemort's conspiracy and tricks, as well as the vigorous publicity of Lockhart and others, his own popularity was not low, which suddenly caused the scene to erupt no less than Callum... or even more And nothing but warm cheers.

The annoyance at the scene immediately made Krum a little unhappy. He has played Quidditch for so many years and has such a high popularity. Chu He can enjoy this kind of treatment the first time he runs here, which is really a bit strange. Fair enough. (Zhao Qianhao)

He has decided to teach Chu He a lesson by relying on his superb skills on the court.

Chu He is also very helpless. He himself planned to come over and play a few games to help Hogwarts win the World Cup trophy. Nosy in his own business made him the focus of the audience, Chu He had no choice but to wave to the cheering audience.

".々 Chu He, I think you will become the dream lover of many girls after this game."

Oliver Wood, who was flying beside Chu He, said jokingly at Chu He's popularity.

"Ha, I have a lot of work to do, but I don't have time to accompany them."

Chu He shrugged. After all, there was a god of fate watching him, and he didn't dare to waste his time on messing with flowers.

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