Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 326 Triwizard Tournament! (1)

Although the Indian team picked up a runner-up title this time, the world audience thought that the Bulgarian team with Krum was the runner-up.

After all, the Bulgarian team had the courage to face the Hogwarts team, and the Indian team directly surrendered without playing. The aura was enough to see the gap between the two sides.

In this way, Hogwarts won the Champions Cup for the first time in the Quidditch World Cup, and Chu He was also given the title of ace batsman, gaining a large number of fans.

Although a large number of people ran towards Chu He immediately after the game to ask for an autograph from Chu He, the hundreds of dark wizards that Cassandra brought with them directly cleared the field for Cassandra, and Chu He followed Kassandra leisurely. Sandra left the Quidditch World Cup venue.

Although to be honest Hermione also wants to stand beside Chu He and chat with Cassandra, but she is now the Minister of Magic, and now she is too close to Chu He and Cassandra in the outside world. He later caused trouble, so she had to take the Auror back to the Ministry of Magic.

On the other hand, Igor Karkarov breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried about what would happen if Krum won Chu He.

After all, Chu He is his master. If the students in his school win against Chu He, then Chu He will blame him for not having good fruit.

But if he meddled in his own business and let Krum play match-fixing, it might make Chu He mistakenly think he was looking down on him, so Igor Karkarov didn't dare to go to Krum and say something. The game can only be watched on the sidelines.

Fortunately, Chu He's strength is still very strong, even Krum is the best Seeker can not beat him, when Krum fell from the broom to the ground, Igor Karkaroff I was relieved, and then pretended to be worried and asked someone to check Krum's body to see if there was any damage.

"My Chu He is amazing! One person dominated the Quidditch World Cup. 々. 35

Cassandra said proudly.

"Senior Wood and the others also cooperated very well. If it was only me, I would definitely not be able to win against the Bulgarian team. After all, what one person can do is limited.

Chu He said modestly.

"That's because, Chu He, you haven't shown your true strength yet! Otherwise, no one can catch the Bludgers you hit, right?"

Cassandra said proudly.

"You see this?"9

Chu He looked at Cassandra with some surprises, he did put water on his strength, otherwise it would not be very good to make a bludger and cause death in front of the world fans, so he had some control over his shots. The power of the Bludger.

"That's right, I've also grown a lot, okay? Do you think I've been a scumbag during my time outside?

Cassandra answered proudly.

"Hahaha, then go and celebrate today. 35

"That's a must, but you won the championship. 35

A few days later, Hogwarts ushered in a new term.

A group of freshmen began to inquire about Chu He's whereabouts as soon as they entered Hogwarts. As the ace who dominated the Quidditch World Cup Championship, Chu He is now the idol of almost every freshman.

However, it is a pity for the freshmen that Chu He also recorded an interview before the opening ceremony, and then returned to purgatory to concentrate on studying magic.

But they got another piece of good news from the seniors of all grades.

That is, Chu He will replace Hogwarts this year in the wizarding world's grand tournament Triwizard Tournament.

This Triwizard Tournament is on par with the Quidditch World Cup in terms of popularity, but it makes young wizards look forward to it even more.

Because the Triwizard Tournament also tested the combat power of a wizard.

Although Chu He's style of play on the Quidditch field is also very domineering, Quidditch is a sport after all, and they are more looking forward to watching Chu He's fighting scenes.

The Triwizard Tournament, as a stage, can well allow Chu He to show his strength.

So almost all the students at Hogwarts were looking forward to the day when the Triwizard Tournament was held.

A month later, the Triwizard Tournament was officially launched at Hogwarts under the vigorous promotion of the Ministry of Magic.

Afterwards, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang also brought their participating students to Hogwarts.

When he heard that the player Hogwarts was planning to send was Chu He, the headmaster of Beauxbatons was blown away.

Chu He's sturdy playing style at the Quidditch World Cup has proved that he is not to be messed with, and now she has to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, and she feels that her favorite protégé is in danger.

So she protested immediately and planned to prevent Chu He from participating in the Triwizard Tournament due to her lack of age.

".々 Principal Dumbledore, I think we all understand that Chu He is not yet seventeen years old, and according to the rules he should not be in the Triwizard Tournament."

'Principal Maxim, the Triwizard Tournament itself stipulates that players must be seventeen years old, in order to ensure that they have the ability to face danger.

"There is no doubt that our school's contestant Chu He has an excellent ability to deal with crises, and the application from the Ministry of Magic has also passed, and he is fully qualified to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

Dumbledore replied calmly.

Chu He is someone who fights against the god of fate, so it is not a problem to participate in a small Triwizard Tournament.

Moreover, all students and staff at Hogwarts expect Chu He to participate, and as a headmaster, he also has to consider the mood of the students and staff.

"Karkaroff, what do you say?"

Seeing Dumbledore support Chu He, Maxim had to turn his attention to Igor Karkaroff. (Zhao Qianhao)

"I agree with Principal Dumbledore, the rules can be changed. The Triwizard Tournament itself is to select the brave. If we let the strong ones retire, then the Triwizard Tournament might as well not be held."5

Igor Karkaroff also spoke to support Moyin, which made Maxim doubtful about life. The Karkaroff in her impression was not this character at all.

He should be more cautious and timid...

How did you become so brave today?

How could she know that Karkaroff had already signed a contract with Chu He to control the magic of his family. Chu He was his master, and he would never disobey an order from Chu He.

To put it horribly, if Chu He has an order, he knows that he will knock out his own contestant Krum directly to Chu He and tie him.

Familiar control magic is so powerful.

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