"Hahaha, see, this is the spirit of my family Chu He! He doesn't care whether it's good or not. Since you want to know the test content so much, then I'll tell you."

"The content of the first test is to test the courage of the wizard. The three warriors will steal the golden egg guarded by the dragon from the three-headed dragon species. This is the content of the first test."

Hermione announced with a sneer.

Hearing that the first test was a dragon, a look of shock appeared on Furong's face.

Dragons are terrifying creatures with the highest risk factor in the world. If they are accidentally hit, they may be crushed to pieces or burned to ashes by the dragon's breath. Those huge and powerful claws will be seriously injured if they rub against them.

She did not expect such a terrifying creature to appear in the first test of the Triwizard Tournament.

Krum's face was also slightly condensed, but as Durmstrang's pride, he still had the courage to face the dragon.

Chu He, on the other hand, was indifferent. Dragons might be dangerous to others, but they were nothing to him.

He has slaughtered dragons before, but now he just grabs something from the dragon's claws~ of course it's not a problem.

"Hmph, from the indifferent look on your face, you must have known the news a long time ago. Sure enough, it's the same as I guessed."

Looking at Chu He with a calm face, Maxim maliciously guessed.

"Oh, you are really shameless, I don't care because it's just a train, there is nothing to make a fuss about, rather than knowing the test project in advance like you maliciously speculate.

Facing the entangled Maxim, Chu He was also a little unhappy, and an icy killing intent was directly locked on Maxim.

This person is shameless and invincible, she can think badly about anything you do.

Locked by Chu He's killing intent, Maxim immediately felt cold all over, as if an invisible hand was pinching her heart. If he said a few more words, I'm afraid Chu He would really turn his back on him on the spot. A killing curse struck.

Feeling that his life was threatened, Maxim obediently shut his mouth.

"Then, now that you know the content of the first test, everyone should go back and prepare for the test.

Dumbledore also noticed that Chu He was angry, and in order to prevent Maxim from being killed by Chu He on the spot, he hurriedly played a roundabout.

After all, if Chu He really wanted to kill, he couldn't stop him. After all, Chu He resurrected his sister Ariana, and from that moment on, he planned to dedicate the rest of his life to Chu He.

And Maxim's questioning is indeed a bit too much, but as the headmaster of Hogwarts, he can't speak for Chu He clearly, and Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will think that he is covering up Chu He. He.

"What a Damn it big female orangutan! 55

In Hermione's office, Hermione was stamping her feet and cursing Maxime.

After all, Maxim kept looking for Chu He's fault just now, which made her very angry.

"Let her dance for a few more days, and when she leaves Hogwarts, we'll go find her and settle the bill."

Chu He said calmly, drinking coffee.

"Settlement? Do you want to find a way to arrange some black material for her to arrest her in purgatory, or do you say it?"

Hermione asked.

As a young girl in love, Maxime questioned that she could, but not Chu He, she had already killed Maxime.

"Look at her attitude. If you lie on the ground and beg for mercy, humiliate her to make her remember. If she has an iron head, then kill her. 99

Chu He replied with a smile.

"Humph, let's go together and tell her to bully you! I want to watch her tragic end from the sidelines.

Hermione said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, I will definitely call you when the time comes."

Mo Yin nodded slightly.

Two days later.

The Triwizard Tournament officially started. Chu He, Fleur Delacour and Victor Krum were summoned by the school to the preparation stage of the contestants.

Then Kingsley brought a cloth bag.

"There are three tokens of three dragons copied by magic, and each of you grabs one to choose your opponent.

Kingsley opened the cloth bag.

"Who will come first?"

"I. 35

Hibiscus was the first to speak.

Krum and Chu He had no objection to this, and then Furong reached into the cloth bag and took out a small green dragon.

"Welsh green dragon, the little guy is lucky, this dragon is the most docile."

・・・・Seeking flowers・

Kingsley complimented.

"Who's second?"

Kingsley looked at Krum and Chu He.

Krum hesitated for a moment, then took the initiative to reach out and put his hand into the cloth bag. After all, he was weaker than Chu He and wanted to pick a weak dragon as much as possible.

"Oh, the Swedish short-nosed dragon, it's alright, there's one of the most ferocious Hungarian Hornets left at the end, it looks like you can handle it with Chu He.

Kingsley teased Chu He with schadenfreude.

And Furong and Krum also secretly rejoiced in their hearts, fortunately they touched it first, otherwise if they encountered the most ferocious dragon, it would be enough for them to drink a pot.

"It's just a one-stop process, and I'm almost too hard to embarrass me.

Chu He said with a sneer.

There are nearly a thousand dragons in this world, no matter how rare, and the Dark Lord only has a few Voldemorts, and he can beat Voldemort, let alone a dragon.

"Then, let's start the game in the order of touching the dragon, Miss Furong, you are the first. 99

Kingsley urged.

Furong nodded, then walked out of the backstage where the contestants were.

In the huge circular arena, a whole-body emerald green behemoth with a body length of more than ten meters was walking around in the arena with its wings flapping.

And a golden egg is placed near it.

As soon as Fleur appeared, the Welsh green dragon moved its sturdy and powerful claws and rammed towards Fleur like a chariot.

Furong immediately swiftly rushed to the side of the rock to avoid the Welsh Green Dragon's chariot.

Then Furong quickly pulled out her wand and tapped the tip of her wand on her body.

Immediately, the cold magic power of the Disillusionment Charm overflowed from the wand and spread all over her body.

Hibiscus immediately blended into the environment as if she was wearing an optical camouflage.

At this time, the Welsh Green Dragon rushed over again with a dragon cart and smashed the stone that Furong was hiding in, but before that, Furong had tiptoed to the golden egg guarded by the Welsh Green Dragon.

After all, her phantom body spell is not good enough, the magic power can't cover the whole body perfectly, and if the movement is too big, it will show traces, and only slow motion can ensure the stealth effect.

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