Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 342 Snow Village and White

"However, Chakra... what an interesting power system.

Chu He smiled slightly, leaned against the tree beside him and began to analyze the knowledge gained through Legilimency.

According to the knowledge learned by this person in the age of ninja, Chakra seems to be the special power of using ninjutsu formed by the energy drawn from every cell of the body and the fusion of spiritual power.

Knowing the principle, theoretically, you should be able to do things like condensing Chakra.

Naturally, the more types of power, the better. After all, in terms of magic power, the God of Destiny has forbidden magic that can completely nullify the magic power. If you master Chakra, you can use the Chakra system of ninjutsu to attack Destiny. God of God, so when he encounters a new type of power, he naturally has to learn it.

Five hours later, Chu He stretched out his right hand, and then the five fingers and fingertips condensed five chakras of orange-red, light blue, turquoise, khaki and gold in turn.

"Tsk, just condensed to such a point... It seems to be another strength that requires long-term training and accumulation to improve. 35

Chu He smacked his lips in dissatisfaction. He spent five hours condensing the 800 chakra and the magic power he held must be too far behind.

But everything needs to be accumulated, so Chu He quickly adjusted his mentality.

At this moment, he vaguely felt that there were two other types of Chakra in his body.

After applying a shielding magic to himself, and after some efforts, a black and white yin and yang fish appeared in Chu He's empty left hand.

"What is this... It stands to reason that it should be the two attributes in Chakra, but there is no mention of it in memory...

Chu He covered his forehead depressed, so it's not good to say half-hearted, so that he can't even understand his own ability clearly.

However, if the chakra attributes that form the yin-yang fish are very rare, then try not to show it until you become enough to kill gods.

It is rare to find a world that can devour masters, and he does not want to be driven out of this world by the gods of this world too early.

After all, his arrival is actually a kind of predatory behavior in this world, and it is better to keep a low profile. .

Chu He didn't plan to go to a school where he could learn ninjutsu right away.

Because through the memory of the ninja just now, he roughly understands that ninjas are similar to spy assassins, which are much stricter than Hogwarts.

If you don't know the world and you enter a certain school rashly, you are likely to reveal flaws in some trivial matters, thus making enemies for yourself.

So he plans to learn a little about the operation of this world, and then go to school to learn ninjutsu.

After making up his mind, Chu He explored the way out of the forest through magic, and then walked out of the forest.

When Chu He walked out of the forest, a small village with an ancient style appeared in front of him, and the sky began to snow.

But what puzzled Chu He was that the village gave him a lifeless feeling. From a distance, he could see the firewood and the fodder for the livestock in winter, but it revealed a dead silence.

With a hint of interest, Chu He walked into this small snowy village.

After searching for a while, Chu He saw a little girl sitting on her knees with a dead expression in front of an old log cabin.

"are not you cold?

Looking at the thinly-dressed little girl, Chu He asked, the other party was two or three years younger than him, and he seemed to see himself a few years ago.

The little girl shook her head wordlessly.

"What about the rest of the village? 99

The little girl didn't speak, just silently shedding tears, and glanced at the house behind her intentionally or unintentionally.

(bdbd) Chu He walked into the house and saw that more than 20 villagers with agricultural tools in their hands were frozen inside the ice sculpture. In the corner, there was an adult woman who looked a bit like a little girl and died.

Chu He turned and walked out of the house.

"The people in the village wanted to kill you and your mother, so you killed them all?"

Chu He asked.

"Dad... I'm afraid of my mother and me. After I kill my mother, I'm going to kill me. I don't know why. I used ice to freeze them all. I have nothing, why?"

"Didn't you already say the answer yourself? Because the weak and cowardly father is afraid of the strength of you and your mother, so he did this kind of thing, people will have awe, jealousy, and hatred for the powerful existence. exist."

Chu He stretched out his hand and touched the little girl's head. No matter how the child's parents just died before her eyes, he, Chu He, was not a cold-blooded person, so he would still comfort her a little.

, What will happen to me next? My parents are dead, my life. . . Meaningless. 99


The little girl said with tears.

"Why seek meaning in others, how about living for yourself?"

Chu He asked.

"I have nothing to do, I killed my father with my own hands, I have already... 35

"Then just live for me, you can freeze so many people at such a young age, you will be a very good subordinate in the future.

Chu He interrupted what the little girl was going to say, and he somewhat guessed what the other party wanted to say.

Such a small child should not let her choose death because of her cowardly father.

"I'm like this...is it really necessary to be needed by you?

"Of course, my eyesight is quite accurate.

"Aren't you afraid of me? Maybe one day I'll get out of control and kill you like my father. Before that, it's better to kill me here... Maybe it's better."

The little girl opened her mouth to remind her that she was very relieved that Chu He could talk to her at this time. After all, in this village, everyone died when she came back to her senses, so she didn't want Chu He to end up like this one day. end.

"Don't look at me like this, I'm still pretty strong, even if you lose control, you can't kill me, not to mention that you don't have killing intent towards me.

"On the other hand, if you can control your power, then I earn it.

Chu He opened his mouth to answer.

"Then... please take me away, my name is... Bai."

"My name is Chu He, eat something first, you look starving. 35

Chu He said, took out a piece of strawberry fudge from the storage space, removed the sugar coating, and handed it to Bai, he knew that Bai must be very sad now because of the death of his parents, and eating some sweets would make her feel a little better.

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