Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 245 Are you qualified to talk to me about conditions?

"You two, what are you doing with us for so long?"

Chu He asked with a smile.

"Excuse me? Hahahaha, let your sister give us two a shot, and I'll let you two brats leave.

The man holding the Kunai demanded in a disgusting tone.

"Huh, then you guys are really brave enough to hit my pet's idea."

Chu He sneered and raised his hand, and two giant hands formed by invisible magic power squeezed the bodies of the two ninjas.

“Damn it!!! This kid is weird, run away!

The men under the cloak were shocked when they noticed the invisible power that was holding him. They didn't expect Chu He to have such a strange power, and they suddenly felt resigned.


In the next second, a white smoke burst out, and the two bodies in the hands of the magic giant transformed into two wooden stakes. The man in the cloak took the road from where he came, and the man holding two Kunai in his hands was Instantly appeared behind Chu He.

"Kid! Die to me!!!""

In the end, the sharp Kunai failed to pierce Chu He's 13 skin. When the man moved behind Chu He with a stand-in technique, Shiro condensed three ice needles and nailed it towards him as if it were a conditioned reflex. Throat, when he shouted, the ice needle had penetrated his throat.

"Can... can... 99

The ninja who was killed by the ice needle fell to the ground with a look of resentment and unwillingness, and with two clangs, the Kunai in his hand also fell to the ground.

At this time, Nagini also turned into a giant python and jumped out instantly, tied the cloaked man who had fled earlier with his tail and brought it back to Chu He.

"Strange! Monster!!"

The cloaked ninja, whose bones were about to be crushed by Nagini's snake tail, looked at the giant python that was entangling him in horror. He never imagined that the two of them were thinking of such a terrifying beautiful snake.

"Forgive your life, don't kill me, I have a very strong B-rank ninjutsu here, you forgive me and I will teach you.

Knowing that he was unable to escape from Chu He and Nagini's direct line, the cloaked ninja begged for mercy.

"Are you still qualified to talk to me about conditions?"

Chu He sneered, this person, hasn't figured out his own position yet?

"I, I'm not negotiating terms with you, I'm just begging you, beg you to be merciful... We are really still confused for a while! 95

"Hmph, you have to have the awareness to pay the price for anything you do."

Chu He snorted coldly and stopped paying attention to the man in the cape, but directly activated Legilimency to read the memory in the man's head.

Although the feeling of the memory being read made the man in the cape very uncomfortable, the problem was that he couldn't resist Chu He and Nagini at all, so he could only be next to each other.

Five minutes later, Chu He slowly closed his eyes and began to analyze the cape man's memory.

"How to deal with this?

Nagini asked in snake language.

"As you like. 35

After receiving permission from Chu He, the python's body gradually shrank, and the bones in the man in the cape made a creaking sound. In the end, Nagini smashed the bones of his whole body and died in great pain.

Nagini then recovered and returned to Chu He.

"Tsk, it's a little troublesome.

After analyzing the cloak ninja, Chu He frowned slightly, then raised his hand and applied a devouring magic to turn the bodies of the two into energy to strengthen himself.

"Is something troublesome? Let me handle it."

Nagini asked thoughtfully.

"It's not that easy to fix.

Chu He replied with a frown.

Unlike Shiro, who was born in a small village and didn't know anything, these two water ninjas still knew a lot of inside stories as ninjas.

First of all, the ninja village on the side of the water country is called Wuyin Village. The elimination mechanism is that the weak eat the strong and kill each other. It doesn't matter if he goes, but it is difficult to adapt to it if he goes for nothing. After all, she is just a stranger Children who have fought.

Although judging from Bai's reaction just now, she may be a natural killer, but Chu He doesn't want Bai to lead such a cruel life.

And on the other hand, he learned from the ninja's memory that normal ninjas are chakras with five attributes, namely water, wind, earth, fire and earth, and the white ice escape seems to be an ability called blood and boundaries. , And the current Kiriyin Village is vigorously persecuting the holder of the blood line boundary, and once the white power is exposed, it may become an enemy of the entire water country.

Although it is not a problem to kill everyone in the country of water with his magical strength, this large-scale killing will definitely attract the attention of this Hu Sijie manager...that is, a certain god, so Chu He is not at this stage. Like going to the Hidden Village of Kirito to learn ninjutsu.

Moreover, his yin and yang attributes of chakra seem to be very rare, and once exposed, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, if he wants to learn ninjutsu, he has to leave the country of water.

In addition, there is another place that gives him some headaches, that is, the Ninja village that teaches ninjas is very exclusive. It does not mean that as long as a child with a talent for wizards like Hogwarts can go in and learn magic of.

He, Nagini, and Shiro randomly entered a certain ninja village, and it was good enough that the other party didn't arrest them as spies, let alone teach him and Shiro ninjutsu.

Of course, whether it can be caught or not is another matter.

To be honest, Chu He is still a little interested in ninja, because his Magic 800 has always been training magic, magic skills and magic principles to create new magic, and his physical strength is still very weak compared to magic.

But ninjas can train together, so if conditions permit, he wants to learn ninjutsu systematically.

"Anyway, let's find a place to eat something to warm up, and I'll think about my future course of action.

Chu He said, and at the same time, with a wave of his hand, the two magic powers fished out the wallets of the two Kiriyin Murakami, and then walked out of the alley to look for food stalls on the side of the road.

Nagini herself obeyed Chu He's orders unconditionally, and eating was still her hobby, so she didn't say much.

The three found a shop and asked for some special snacks from the Land of Water, and then sat at the table and ate slowly.

"Am I... causing you trouble? In that case, it's okay to throw me away.

Bai keenly noticed something, and then said.

Although she actually likes to stay by Chu He's side, she also doesn't want to be a burden to Chu He.

"No trouble, I don't really like the rules of this Wuyin Village, so I don't plan to stay in the country of water, you don't need to care, it has nothing to do with you."

Chu He touched Bai's little hand and comforted him, he didn't have the habit of abandoning his own people.

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