Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 365, the hand wash red beans: you have the scent of other women

"By the way, Cassandra, why are you here?"

Chu He asked curiously.

"I miss you, and I finally practiced the space magic that can cross borders, so I ran over to see you! Why, are you upset?

Cassandra asked with some dissatisfaction.

"No, no, I'm just worried if something happened in the wizarding world that I need to go back to deal with, it's fine."

Chu He smiled.

"What can be the matter, Hermione is in charge of the Ministry of Magic, and I am in charge of the dark wizard's side. It's good for you to take care of it."5

Cassandra said proudly.

"Where's Anneville?"

"I don't know, it hasn't appeared before. You said that she is likely to be the god of fate. I don't want to have a conflict with her now, so I didn't ask my subordinates to investigate.

"Old Barty Crouch is in charge of purgatory, and there is nothing wrong with it. Now, a wizard army of about 4,000 people can be formed, and you can have absolute control."5

Cassandra reported.

"As expected of you and Hermione, what a beautiful job. 99

Chu He opened his mouth to praise.

"Hmph, that's not it, who do you think I am? The twenty-eight pure-blood families have now been served by me for 800 posts, and the wizarding world is now what we say.

Cassandra said proudly.

"You're probably the most powerful Dark Lord ever.""

Chu He said jokingly.

"Ha, if you were there, I guess I really wouldn't be able to grab the Dark Lord's position with you, this position was originally yours.

Cassandra poked Chu He's cheek.

"I'm not very suitable for that kind of leadership type of thing, I like to study magic to become stronger."5

Chu He shrugged.

"By the way, do you want me to conquer Muggles?"

Cassandra asked.

She came to see Chu He this time. On the one hand, she really hadn't seen Chu He for a long time and thought about Chu He, so she ran over to see Chu He's condition.

On the other hand, she has ambitions to conquer Muggles, but this is no small matter, so she asks Chu He for advice.

"Not recommended.

Chu He shook his head.

"Why? Wouldn't we have more power then? 35

Cassandra asked in confusion.

"On the one hand, the number of Muggles is too large. If you want to conquer Muggles, you will not be able to manage them. You don't even have the energy to manage the number of Muggle cronies.

"And once you can't control it, it's a big problem, and in the end you're likely to be on the opposite side of Hermione, and it's not easy for me to do things.

"On the other hand, wizards are still a small group, you and Hermione conquered the wizarding world, and Anne Willow might find other toys that she is interested in among the large number of Muggles.

"But if our family's forces have conquered Muggles, it will pose a certain threat to her god, after all, people's ambitions are endless."

"When she thinks you're a threat to her, she'll probably do it to you. Ambition is one of the elements that leads to destruction."9

Chu He answered.

"Che, that woman... It's really troublesome, I really can't like that guy."

Cassandra said with some disgust.

"Wait, the ninjutsu in this world can strengthen my body very well. When I enter the realm of gods, I will be sure to go back to deal with her. At that time, the world will be ours. 99

Chu He said with a smile.

"Is it really good to let this child listen to so much? Do you want to use it and forget it?"

Cassandra looked at Shiro.

Previously, Bai just listened silently, didn't ask anything, and was very quiet. She was a little worried that Bai would do something bad for Chu He.

"No, Bai's words will never betray me, he is someone who can be trusted.

Chu He replied with a smile.

"Hey...the relationship between you is already so good...really, I want to accompany you too...hey." (bdbd)

Cassandra said with a sigh.

It's a pity that she can't disappear for a long time as the Dark Lord. Now, she is the more restrained Dark Lord who suppresses the dark wizards below. If she disappears for a long time, the dark wizards below will be ready to move, relying on Hermione's fighting power. She couldn't hold back these dark wizards at all, so she couldn't follow Chu He to this world for a long time.

"thank you."

Chu He stroked Cassandra's cheek lightly.

"Well, after all, it's for our bright future. You should be working hard here, right? But when will you go back to see Hermione? She misses you a little too.

Cassandra said.

"Okay, but the tasks here are continuous and continuous, I will only have time to go back to see you after I finish a task, just wait.

Chu He kissed Cassandra on the forehead.

"Okay, I said, I'll sleep here tonight, okay?

Cassandra asked.

"That must be okay."

Chu He answered without hesitation.

"Go, go to bed! Hold me tight tonight, or I won't be happy. 35

Cassandra's overbearing demands arrived.

"Good. 95

Immediately, the single bed was crowded with three small bodies, silent all night.

Early the next morning.

"Then, I'll go back to the wizarding world first, you can come back as soon as possible. 35

Standing in front of the cross-border passage, Cassandra said goodbye to Chu He with some nostalgia.

"it is good."

Chu He kissed Cassandra's white neck, and then watched Cassandra walk into the cross-border passage.

"Brother, is she a sister-in-law?

After Cassandra left, Shiro asked.

"Well, one of your sisters-in-law, and another sister-in-law named Hermione."

Chu He replied with a smile.


Bai nodded obediently, and then the two walked out of the room.

Just in time, Mitarai Red Bean also came out of his room.

Then Mitarai red beans suddenly came close to Chu He's body and sniffed carefully.

"Huh? It smells like a woman, who's it? Chu He, you won't harass the maid at night, will you?"

Mitarai Red Bean said jokingly.

"It was actually an invitation to marry, but I declined. 39

Chu He replied calmly.

"My good guy, you are really in demand, but you are too good, so many families will want to invite you to join. In the future, it is better to be a little more restrained? Otherwise, those who have been rejected are likely to want to join. You are ruined...to prevent you from being acquired by hostile forces.

Mitarai Red Bean opened and reminded.

"Don't worry, I know, I also encountered a lot of things along the way with Bai. 39

Chu He waved his hand,

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