Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 375 Peeping into secrets is not a good thing

After Chu He gave all the samurai emergency treatment, Mitarai Red Bean returned to the team with a smear of blood on his face.

"Lan Yueqingli, the person who hired Yanren is a family named Ding Chuan. I have already dealt with him after I asked, so why don't you worry about your family?"

Mitarai Red Bean said.

"Hey, I already knew it was this family, and my father also knew that they would do something about my marriage, but they should not dare to mess around in the Fire Kingdom City, once they do something to my family in the city, his The family will also be destroyed by the city lord, and the three of us have always been in a relationship of checks and balances.

Lan Yueqingli answered.

"Well, let's go through this place first, and then... can these injured samurai go back? Following the team will slow down the team's movement speed. If there are wounded, you must devote extra energy to protect them. , What's more, they are likely to encounter harsh terrain along the way, and they themselves may lose their lives because of the harsh environment.

Mitarai Red Bean said after looking at the samurai who was given emergency treatment by Chu He.

"We are not afraid of death!"

Hearing Mitarai Red Bean's words, the samurai's second-hand spirit reappeared.

"So you don't understand human language? You are now a burden to the team, and it will slow down the entire team's speed of action. Rather than relying on the team to be taken care of by others, it is better to go home quickly.

Mitarai Red Bean said coldly.

The warriors' faces turned ashen at the words of Mitarai red beans.

"We can at least be meat shields! 39

"Several, ninjas' attacks are generally very fast. It is still difficult to block the sword for the eldest lady with your disabled bodies. My personal suggestion is that you return to Qixia to recover."

Chu He also opened his mouth to propose.

The number of people in the team is really slow, and it is not bad to simplify the team here.

. . . . . Even the little brother Chu He said so.々.

Although the faces of the few warriors were a little disappointed, after all, they had just accepted Chu He's emergency treatment, so it's hard to say anything about it.

Lan Yue Qingli had seen the danger of the battle just now, and knew that it was better to listen to experts like Chu He and Mitarai Red Bean, so she didn't say anything.

"Then Chu He, you gave them emergency treatment just now, you can choose who to go back. 99

Mitarai Red Bean said.

"Considering that the seriously injured samurai are incapable of movement, my suggestion is that the lightly wounded should be responsible for sending the seriously wounded back."

Chu He opened his mouth and suggested that, in fact, with him there, there is no need to worry about the safety of this team. Even if these samurai stay, it will only be a hindrance, so he simply said to let all the injured go back, so that these samurai can also be picked up a life.

"If you think it's good for the team's development, then do it.

Mitarai Red Bean thought for a while, then nodded.

Although she personally thinks that it is good to keep a few good warriors for Lan Yueqingli as meat shields, but Chu He's performance just now also made her trust Chu He's judgment, so there is no objection here.

Afterwards, more than a dozen samurai carried three seriously injured samurai on the way back. After passing through the canyon, the entire convoy rested for a while and then set off on the journey again.

"Faced with the attack just now, Chu He, you did a good job. 35

Mitarai Red Bean praised.

Her fire escape was actually somewhat restrained by Yannin's earth escape. If she was accidentally locked in a dungeon, it would be difficult to escape if there was no one outside to assist her. It is enough to break through the defense of the dungeon, and Chu He is the only one who has the ability to help him interfere with Iwa Ninja Junin.

"It's just that the Jounin's attention was focused on you, Anko Dou, and the support from Shiro and Hana was in place.

Mo Yin said modestly.

"Heh, I'm also a Jōnin after all. I can see who has the most power. Tell me, what is the level of the highest opponent you have defeated?"

Mitarai Red Bean asked curiously.

She didn't know what happened before Chu He and Bai came to Konoha Village. In fact, she was not interested in the past of her apprentice, but today she became interested in Chu He's past for the first time.

"If I told Bai, I killed a wounded Jōnin before."

Chu He thought for a moment, and then answered.

"Good guy, you guys really killed Shangin.

Mitarai Red Bean took a breath. The previous cooperation of Chu He and the three really stopped her in an instant. She blamed herself for being careless and underestimating Chu He and the others, but she didn't expect Chu He and Bai Yuan to be killed. Live the record of ninja.

No wonder Chu He was able to help himself so calmly in the face of the sudden attack on the Jinnin this time.

On the other hand, Hinata Hana was even more stunned. Joinin was an unattainable goal for her, and her father was Joinin.

In the process of fighting with her father, she couldn't see any chance of her own victory at all, and she couldn't even make an effective hit.

I didn't expect that Chu He and Bai, who were only a few years older than him, had already successfully killed Shangin. This was too strong.

".々 Well, good luck.

Chu He replied with a smile.

"What other strengths are you hiding? With the strength you have now, it's impossible to defeat Joinin." 5

Mitarai Red Bean said it for sure.

"That's right, but Hongdou, everyone has a secret, doesn't it? It's not good to spy on other people's secrets."

Chu He smiled.

When he first came here, he didn't know much about forbearance (Qian Dezhao), and it was natural to rely on magic to kill Shangnin. Although Mitre washes red beans as the teacher in the team, he would not tell Mitre wash red beans about this secret... ...at least not until you really trust her.

"Ahahaha, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it. I'm just a little curious about how you guys killed Jounin, and I don't mean to force you. 35

Mitashii Red Bean waved her hand, she also has secrets on her own, and understands the feeling that she doesn't want to be known, so she won't force Chu He if Chu He doesn't want to say it.

After all, it would be a big loss if they turned against Chu He in order to find out the secrets on Chu He.

Not only for his own team, but for the entire Konoha Village, this is a huge loss.

"Why, Chu He, you are so strong.

Hinata Hana couldn't help but ask.

"Because if you don't get stronger, you will die.

Chu He shrugged.

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