Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 380: On Deception, Chu He Is the Old Ancestor

"Gan, you boy, how come you can drink so well? Is it really the first time to drink it?"

After filling the ice water, Mitarai Red Bean quickly calmed down, and then opened his mouth with a complicated expression.

Originally, her mission was to get Chu He drunk and inquire about his background, but she did not expect that she was drunk by Chu He, which is really embarrassing, and the task given to her by the third Hokage I couldn't finish it myself.

"It's the first time I drink it, how do I know why I can drink it so much.

Chu He shrugged, of course he wouldn't tell Mitarai Red Bean that he directly used magic to transfer the liquor out of his body.

"Tsk, willing to bow down, willing to bow down."

Mitarai Red Bean, who had a splitting headache from a hangover, said with a sigh.

As far as Chu He's 1,000 cups of alcohol can't be poured, the possibility of getting drunk and taking information out of his mouth is zero.

But she vaguely remembered what Chu He said to herself last night.

"Can you really guarantee that you won't betray Konoha?"

Mitarai Red Bean opened his mouth and confirmed it.

"The premise is that Konoha doesn't target me and Shiro.

Chu He said.

"The village will definitely not be sorry for the two of you.

Mitarai Red Bean swears by it.

"Then don't worry."

Chu He shrugged.

"To be honest, I won't tell the third Hokage whether you are someone from the Land of Water." 5

"I said I'm not, you don't believe it, or you wouldn't want to get me drunk.

Chu He said with a smile.

66 was seen by you.

. . . . .

A somewhat embarrassed smile appeared on Mitarai Red Bean's face. She didn't expect Chu He to see through her own thoughts directly.

"Under normal circumstances, does asking a child to accompany you to drink will catch the other party and pour it? Red bean, your purpose is too strong, and it is easy to be seen by others. 々.

Chu He opened his mouth to remind.

"Then you know you are still drinking with me.""

Miten Washing Red Bean was a little puzzled.

"Because I have nothing to hide, even if I'm drunk, it doesn't matter.

Chu He shrugged his shoulders righteously, and Mitsurugi immediately felt ashamed. Chu He was so magnanimous, and they were still thinking of using alcohol to test Moyin, which was really inappropriate. How could she know that Chu He had magic fundamentals? not drunk.

. . . . . Sorry, I won't be testing you again in the future.

Mitarai Red Bean apologized to Chu He.

"It's okay, it's understandable. After all, Bai and I are from the Land of Water, and with good strength, it's normal for you to think that we are spies sent by the Land of Water. 35

Chu He generously said that when it comes to deceiving people, he was able to deceive the most cunning Dark Lord Voldemort a year ago, not to mention that now he deceives the outspoken Mitre Washing Red Bean.

"Let me meet the third Hokage once.

Mitarai Red Bean stood up and said.

"OK. 95

Then Mitarai Red Bean settled the bill for the barbecue house, and took the three of Chu He to the office of the third Hokage.

"Hana, Shiro, the two of you wait outside for a while. Chu He and I will go in and talk to the third Hokage."

Mitarai Red Bean said.

"it is good.""

Shiro nodded with Hinata Hana, and then Chu He and Mitarai red beans entered the third-generation Hokage's office.

"Chu He, Mitarai red beans, you are here.

The third Hokage raised his head and gave Chu He a kind smile.

"Well, the third-generation Hokage-sama, I went to Chu He for a drink last night, but I didn't drink him, but I don't think he was a spy sent by the country of water.

Mitarai Red Bean said straight to the point that she was moved by Chu He and decided to stand on the same line with Chu He.

The third-generation Hokage's old face twitched, and he never thought that Mitsuwashi Red Bean would come over like this.

Normally, this matter should be reported to him in private.

"Ah, by the way, Chu He, it's my idea to drink alcohol and ask questions, this matter has nothing to do with the third-generation Hokage-sama, I say it to prove that you don't have two hearts.

Mitarai Red Bean also saw the embarrassment of the third-generation Hokage, and hurriedly scolded the drinking and made a mistake, and then opened his mouth to defend the third-generation Hokage.

"Hmm, I know.

Chu He smiled and nodded.

"Well, let me see your improved technique, Chu He. 35

The third-generation Hokage said, he is known as the textbook of the ninja world, and the ninjutsu aspect can also be ranked in the ninja world. It is definitely not wrong for him to identify the ninjutsu level of Chu He.

"Okay, fire escape, dragon fire technique!"

Chu He made a seal of the dragon fire technique, and then the fire dragon circled in the office of the third Hokage.

".々Interesting, can this technique be freely controlled by your will?""

The third Hokage opened and confirmed.

"Yes, it can be freely controlled by my will."

After Chu He finished speaking, the hot fire dragon flew to the third Hokage and stopped.

"This technique should be classified as A-level ninjutsu. After all, its lethality does not exceed the original C-level category, but it has improved a lot in terms of finding enemies. You can liberate you after you say how to use this technique. Konoha Village A-level ninjutsu reading permission.

The third Hokage thought for a while, and then said.

"Okay, then please give me a pen and paper and I'll write it down.

Chu He said.

The third-generation Hokage beckoned, and the guard ninja beside him immediately took a blank ninjutsu scroll and pen. Chu He took the scroll and spread it on the ground and began to write down his improvements to the dragon fire technique.

Half an hour later, the third Hokage carefully read (Qian Dezhao) the dragon fire technique transformed by Chu He, and then frowned slightly.

"Chu He, you little guy has something. The difficulty of this technique is no less than that of the Flying Thunder God technique developed by the fourth-generation Hokage. I am afraid that no more than three people can learn it in the entire ninja world. 35

The third generation Hokage said seriously, he is not talking nonsense, Chu He's concept of dividing his own consciousness into chakra is simply creating a chakra with a new attribute. The strength is very difficult to condense. He just tried to condense it a little bit. Even his shadow-level ninjutsu encyclopedia could not condense it in a short time. Those who can master this technique improved by Chu He are even rarer.

"Hahaha, if you want to gain powerful strength, how can you get it if you don't devote yourself to studying it? If the A-level ninjutsu is bad, I think the ninja world will be over."

Chu He said with a smile.

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