Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 385 Forbidden Techniques, Multiplying Detonating Talismans!

Mitarai red beans are here.

"Huh... This little guy Chu He really has two brushes, he even lost my Joinin."

Mitarai Red Bean, who lost Chu He's whereabouts, said with emotion.

In this training, on the one hand, she is to exercise Hinata Hana's ability to act alone, and on the other hand, she intends to see how Chu He's true strength is.

After all, in the previous battle with Iwa Shinobi, she may not be as powerful as Chu He except as the upper ninja to contain the other's Iwa Shinobi.

As a Junin, I am a little unwilling to this point.

But at the moment, Chu He's whereabouts were lost under his concentrated tracking, which means that Chu He's strength has surpassed her Jōnin, at least in terms of hiding his whereabouts.

Generally speaking, the strength of ninjas is basically the same, which means that although Chu He is a shinoin, his combat power is probably no less than her special jinin.

After all, Chu He and Bai also had a record of beheading Jōnin before, so she could somewhat accept this.

Since Chu He's whereabouts cannot be observed, let's at least check out Bai's whereabouts.

Mitarai red beans then shuttled through the forest looking for Shiro.

Half an hour later, Mitarai red beans found Shiro's whereabouts.

But the moment she saw Bai, a silver needle was pinned towards her.

Mitarai Red Bean slightly turned sideways to avoid the flying needle shot by Shiro, but at this time Shiro had quickly formed a seal and finally formed more than a dozen water bombs and hit his hiding place.

In desperation, Mitarai Red Bean had to use a stand-in to withdraw several dozen meters.

She never imagined that Bai's level of alertness would be so high.

Although with the power of White Ninjutsu, if she wanted to, she could use the fire escape to suppress Bai, but this training test did not focus on combat.

Therefore Mitarai Red Bean did not fight against Shiro.

Are you gone.々?"

. . . .

Shiro waited for a few seconds while looking at the place where Mitarai Red Bean left the stand, then turned around and left quickly.

She didn't know if the person there was Mitarai Red Bean, but according to the rules taught by Chu He, she found that the breath of others was the first to be strong, so she launched an attack directly.

Chu He couldn't find it, and Shiro couldn't monitor it, so Mitarai Red Bean had to finally find Hinata Hana.

"Mr. Hongdou, if you want to follow me and observe me, just come out and observe... Have you forgotten that I have a white eye?"

Hinata Hana said.

Mitarai Red Bean was suddenly speechless, and co-authoring this girl couldn't surveil secretly.

"Cough, I don't need to test Chu He and Bai, both of them are very good in the wild, but you have only learned from Chu He for a day, so I will test you specifically, you don't need to care. I.

Mitarai Red Bean said.

66 Okay. "

. . . .

Seeing Mitarai red bean showdown, Hinata Hana didn't say anything.

After all, Chu He and Bai are really good. In the three-person group, they are dragging their feet. At this stage, it is reasonable for Mitarai Red Bean to focus on himself.

Afterwards, Hinata Hana began to collect food and water sources according to Chu He's teaching, and she killed all the beasts she encountered during the period. After observing Hinata Hana for a day, Mitarai Red Bean quietly left to hide. Bells and traps.

After hiding the bell, Mitarai red beans found the whereabouts of Hinata Hana again.

With the addition of the traps, Hinata Hanako's actions were also hindered a lot, but after suffering a few losses, she gradually got used to the traps arranged by Mitarai Red Bean, and then slowly began to look for the bell.

In the barrier that shielded the magic, Chu He took out his suitcase from the storage ring and drilled in.

"Chu He, you are back, I haven't seen you for a long time. 39

Nagini hugged Chu He happily.

"Well... I'm on a mission recently, and I can't walk away a bit."

Chu He replied with a smile.

"Then is there anything you want me to do when you come back this time?"

Nagini asked.

"No, I'm just going to use the test field to test the ninjutsu I just learned."

Chu He said with a smile.

"Then can I take a look?

Nagini asked.


Chu He said and took Nagini to the magic test field expanded by the law of space in the suitcase, and then took out his wand and placed an ultimate guardian spell on Nagini and himself, and then Chu He took out the ninja bag from the ninja tool bag. He took out two detonators.

"Ninja Multiplication Detonating Talisman!

As the two detonating talismans collided, the number of detonating talismans almost instantly expanded at the speed seen by the naked eye, and finally covered the entire space in just a few seconds.

".々stop! 99

Chu He hurriedly formed the seal of termination, and at the same time all the detonating talismans burst open together, Chu He suddenly felt that the magic power in his body was rapidly consumed.

After the explosion, Chu He felt that the magic power in his body had been consumed by half due to the ultimate guardian curse, and he couldn't help but see a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

The effect of this multiplicative detonating talisman is exponentially multiplied. If he terminated the number later, the number of detonating talismans would double again. By then, it is estimated that even he would have to refine the ring from divine power. I have drawn the magic power that I have reserved to maintain the ultimate guardian spell.

The multiplication detonating talisman technique is a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change. The troublesome thing is that even oneself will be involved in it, and it seems that they have to find ways to improve it.

Otherwise, while pursuing the ultimate attack power, you may get away with it and blow yourself up.

Although his ultimate guardian spell can defend against this technique, there is no need to waste such a huge amount of magic power to defend it.

"What a powerful magic.. 35

Nagini looked at the devastated space in surprise.

"It's not magic, it's a ninjutsu unique to this world, and the level is also a forbidden technique. It is easy to involve myself in using it. I just learned this forbidden technique, and I am not very proficient in it, so I need to improve it. to be used in actual combat.

Chu He said.

"Oh, do you want me to learn ninjutsu too?"

Nagini said with interest.

You can take a look at these ordinary ninjutsu, and I will teach you the forbidden techniques when I am here, otherwise, you may lose yourself and kill yourself. "

. . . .

Chu He took out a few ninjutsu scrolls and handed them to Nagini.


Nagini nodded, she had absolute trust in Chu He, and Chu He would definitely not harm her no matter what.

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