Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 387th lead the red line

after one day.

After a lot of hard work, Hinata Hana finally found the last bell hidden by Mitarai Red Bean.

"Congratulations, little fireworks, you have worked hard these days. 35

Chu He appeared in front of the fireworks to congratulate him.

"Well! You have worked hard, can you see it next to you?"

Hyuga Hana frankly accepted Mo Yin's compliment.

"Of course, there is a good look at the side."9

Chu He touched Hinata Hanako's head.

"Okay, I found the bell I hid in less than four days. I thought it would take you at least a week."

Mitarai red beans also praised -.

"Mummum, Mr. Red Bean underestimates me too much, at least I have white eyes that can see through everything within a certain area-everything.

Mitarai red bean pouted a little unhappily.

"Hahahaha, it's really convenient to look at the eyes. It's not surprising that you can find it in four days. In short, I'll give the three of you a few days off after a long absence. If you have special training or tasks, I'll find you. Next You will be free to move in a few days.

Mitarai Red Bean said.

"Since, free movement, also, that means vacation!!!"

Hinata Hana showed a look of anticipation on her small face that was a little tired from life in the wild.

"Yes, ninjas also have to take vacations. If they keep working, they will suddenly break like a tight knot one day. As for how to act, it is up to you to decide."

After leaving a sentence, Mitarai Red Bean turned around and disappeared.

The past few days have been spent in the forest with Hinata Hanako and the others, and she has never eaten dessert, and now she has to go back and have a good dessert.

"Well, Chu He, can I go to your house to play with you these days?"

Hinata Hanako asked.

Rest, she has to go home and report to her father, Hiyo, but as long as she goes to Chu He to play, her father will definitely agree.

But she didn't know if Chu He would be willing to stay at his house by herself, so she had to ask the doctor in advance.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, all members of a group come as you want. 35

Chu He waved his hand.

"Okay! Then I'll go home and tell my father first, and then I'll take a shower and come to play with you!

Hyuga said excitedly.

After living in the wild for a few days, she was also a little dirty, so she was a little embarrassed to go to Chu He's house to play.


Chu He nodded, and then the three returned to Konoha Village together, and then Hyuga Hanako returned to his home.

When Chu He and Bai went upstairs, they happened to meet Naruto Uzumaki who was going downstairs.

"Brother Chu He, you are back, are you going to eat ramen? My treat!

Naruto Uzumaki happily invited.

"Forget about the ramen, we will have guests coming soon, and it will be bad to keep her waiting for a long time. By the way, how is your relationship with Xiao Ying?"

Chu He asked with a smile.

"Hey... A big failure, Sakura kept talking about Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke, what's wrong with that guy... I didn't care about her at all.

Uzumaki Naruto said with a look of loss.

"To be honest, the twisted melon is not sweet. I personally recommend that you stop chasing Haruno Sakura. The two of you are not suitable."

Chu He said that he still remembers the matter of Hinata Hana begging him to help lead the red line.

"Why... how is this, even Chu He, you said so...

Naruto Uzumaki suffered even more.

"Although Haruno Sakura doesn't have much drama, there is a girl named Hinata Hinata, she likes you very much, why don't you try dating her.

Chu He opened his mouth to propose.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh, she likes me??

Uzumaki Naruto's face suddenly turned red, a little shy and a little happy at the same time.

"Yeah, your eyes were always on Haruno Sakura before, and you didn't pay attention to the people around you. Isn't that kid Hinata quite cute."

Chu He said with a smile.

"Difficult, is it because she asked you to tell me about this, Boss Chu He?

Naruto Uzumaki asked expectantly.

"It's not her. That child looks like a very shy person. It was her sister Hinata Hana who asked me. She said that her sister has always liked you a long time ago."5

"Oh oh oh! That's it! Then, when will I go to find Hinata?"

Naruto Uzumaki asked expectantly, knowing that there are girls who like him, no boy will feel unhappy, right?

Well, Sasuke is the exception, it's perfectly normal for him to be happy!

Naruto Uzumaki thought so in his heart.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

"If there's nothing wrong with her, I'll ask Hana to call her out to meet you later."

"Okay! Then I'll go get some ramen first!"

Naruto Uzumaki nodded, then ran downstairs in a hurry.

"Father, I'm back.

Hinata Hana went back to her home.

"Oh, it's Hana, how was the training camp?

Hinata Hizu asked.

"Chu He taught me a lot of wilderness survival skills. It took me three days to find the bell hidden by Teacher Hongdou. She also praised me that I thought it would take me a week."5

Hinata Hana replied happily.

"very good.

Hyuga Hizu nodded in relief.

"I, I want to go to his house to play after I take a bath, is that okay, Father?"

Hinata Hanako asked.

"Well, let's go and play, have fun, there's no problem if you don't come back at night. 39

Hyuga Hizu said without hesitation that he wished that Hinata Hana could be with Chu He, and naturally he would have no opinion on this matter.

"Hmmmm! 35

With the permission of Hinata Hizu, Hinata Hana immediately ran to the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking a comfortable hot bath after a long absence, Hinata Hana changed into a set of clean clothes and ran to Chu He's house.

"Hana, I told Naruto what you asked me to help you with last time. If Hinata doesn't have training, just call her over at night and let her get along with Naruto. 99

Chu He said.

"Wow!!! What a high mobility!"

Hinata Hana said in surprise that her sister had not made any progress towards Naruto for several years, but she made great progress within a few hours of co-authoring Chu He's return.

"After all, Naruto and I are neighbors... it's not a big deal.

Chu He shrugged.

"Then I'll call my sister here! Wait a moment."

Saying that, Hinata Hanabi ran home again.

As soon as he got home, Hinata Hana saw that Hinata was facing Hinata with a cold face.

"Look at Hua Huo, he is so promising at just a few years old, and he has already gone out to perform tasks, how about you? The whole day is the basic task of picking up garbage."

Hyuga Hizu scolded Hyuga Hinata Factory very sternly.

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