Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 403 Hermi1: What a pity, Chu He, you should be as famous as Dumbledore.

"I don't want to go...I hate being hung up on the newspaper."

Chu He refused without hesitation.

"It's a pity, obviously the things you've done are more famous than Dumbledore.

Hermione said regretfully.

After all, Chu He arranged for her to be the Minister of Magic, and it was also arranged by Chu He that Cassandra could become the Dark Lord.

Chu He, who unified the black and white worlds, is undoubtedly one of the greatest wizards in history, and can keep pace with legendary wizards such as Merlin.

But since Chu He himself likes to hide behind the scenes, this makes everything he does unknown.

In Hermione's view, this really shouldn't be the case.

She felt that the glory of herself and Cassandra should be added to Chu He.

Although it is said that after constant training, her current magic level has greatly improved, and she should have the strength to fight against the weak Voldemort who had fought before, but she still feels that Chu He is the best Accept praise from those around you.

"Don't worry so much, Hermione, isn't yours mine?

Chu He gently stroked Hermione's face with his other hand, and Hermione's face suddenly turned red.

"This, so to speak, will, in the future, after we get married, all our things will be common property, mine is yours, um, that's fine."

Hermione's expression became a little bit buoyant because she thought about the future.

"Get married, at least after I can save my life."

Chu He smiled wryly, the God of Destiny was waiting there, he definitely couldn't hold a wedding with Hermione and Kassandra, so first of all, he had to have the power to kill God before he could go back to marry Hermione and Kassandra. Sandra gets married.

"How's the progress on your side?"

At this time Hermione also came back to her senses, and then asked calmly.

She also knew that the God of Destiny did not deal with Chu He, and she had to find a way to solve this problem before she could get married.

"For the time being, I found a way to kill the gods, but this energy is difficult to control. I can only keep trying, and it will take a certain amount of time to be effective. The physical strength is also gradually improving, but here The world has not yet erupted into a large-scale war, so it will take a while.”

Chu He answered.

"Is there anything I can do to help? 55

Hermione asked.

"You've already helped a lot by taking care of the Ministry of Magic. What's the situation in Purgatory?"

Chu He asked.

"Old Barty managed that place very well, but because your rule is that strength comes first, and you haven't returned to purgatory for a long time, so some dark wizards who are newly imprisoned without long eyes will have some Restless."5

"But Cassandra and I occasionally teach them how to behave as deputy wardens, and after the lesson, they're honest, and there's no big problem.

"I heard that Barty Crouch Jr. and Bellatrix would go there to help when they had time, and it would be safe to have them there.

Hermione spoke to comfort Chu He.

Barty Crouch Jr. is a smart man who can play games with Chu He. He does everything flawlessly. With his help there, Purgatory will naturally not fail.

"What about Draco?"

"He, he is very energetic to learn all kinds of potions and magic from Snape. Snape heard him say that he would be loyal to you forever, so he taught him everything he knew, probably because he knew that you did not intend to let He has participated in the battle, so he intends to train a representative of his own to help you.

"Besides that, Bellatrix was asked by his mother to teach him some very dangerous black magic, but he has restrained a lot more than before, so I think there should be no problem.

Hermione answered.

"He's a prudent man himself, Slytherin is the best in this class besides me and Cassandra, and he won't do stupid things.

Chu He said confidently.

"Well, today, can I stay tonight? I haven't slept with you for a long time."

Hermione asked shyly, blushing.

"Yes, yes, but my hand was held by her, and if I forcibly pulled it apart, I would wake Bai up, and she didn't get much rest these two days.

Chu He said with some embarrassment.

"Then can I hold you from behind? I, I think it's quite comfortable, I haven't experienced the happiness of holding you for a long time... I kind of miss the time when we read together in the Hogwarts library. day.

"If you can fall asleep, then so be it, I don't care..."

Chu He shrugged.

"Hmm~ That's fine. 55

Hermione rubbed Chu He's cheek with her cheek.

"Hey, I miss the old days a little. Although I didn't have any friends at that time, and I was discriminated against by everyone around me, at that time, Chu He, you often accompanied me. 35

"Although there are a lot of people looking after me now, and people in the Ministry of Magic respect me, but they are still not as important as you when added up. After the God of Destiny has been dealt with, you must take care of this missing piece. Give me time~"

Hermione said coquettishly.

"Okay, I will try to make up for you and Cassandra when the time comes."

Chu He smiled.

"Why mention Cassandra at this time! At least at this time, I hope you have only me in your heart.

Hermione said with a pouted mouth.

"Okay okay, isn't your relationship pretty good, why are you jealous again?"

Chu He said with tears and laughter that Kassandra and Hermione used to be friends with each other, and he didn't understand why Hermione was jealous of Kassandra now.

"The relationship is very good, but it is a friendship between girls. When facing a relationship, I still hope that you can only think of me when you are with me, and she will come to play with you when the time comes. You will definitely hope that you only think of her when you are in the middle of nowhere, but you have to pay attention to the girl's mind."5

Hermione opened the mouth to teach 1.3 by Chu He.

"Okay okay, forgive me, I haven't taught a few girlfriends."

Chu He said with a wry smile, he used to study magic most of the time, and he didn't have time to make girlfriends, and naturally he didn't know the girl's intentions in this regard.

"Ehehe~ Only like me and Cassandra? Then I forgive you. 35

Hermione said happily.


"By the way, I brought you the magic power refining ring and the divine power refining ring that everyone has stored up. Do you need this?"

Hermione took out a small bag with a traceless stretch spell and handed it to Chu He. Chu He reached out and found that there were nearly a hundred fully charged magic refining rings in it, and six more that he gave to Dumbledore The Divine Refinement Ring.

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