Hogwarts: Start in Azkaban

Chapter 418: 1 move to control Orochimaru

Soon, Chu He locked the position of Orochimaru, but he was busy with interesting things. He seemed to be confronting Sasuke and Sakura.

Chu He immediately took out his elder wand and tapped it on himself with the tip of the wand, and then the cold magic power of the Disillusionment Charm covered his body.

Using the illusion spell with his current magical attainments can not only reflect light to imitate the surrounding landscape, but also completely devour the opponent's observation.

This is the modification he made based on the broken godhead he obtained.

Human observation is through the five senses to perceive what is happening in the world, and then the brain responds to the information obtained from this observation to understand things.

But if he devours the information that the other party observes himself at this step of observation, then no one will be able to discover his existence.

Just like light, when people observe things, they need light to reflect, which means that "830" can see things clearly during the day, but it is difficult to see things clearly at night.

But if the light shining on him is directly swallowed by him, then naturally no information will be reflected back, unless he wants to reflect some kind of information.

From this point of view, his Illusory Body Curse has already left the category of ordinary Illusory Body Curse, and has entered another state after qualitative change.

Thirty seconds later, Chu He arrived at the place where Sasuke, Sakura and Orochimaru were.

A raging killing intent enveloped Sasuke and Sakura, and the two of them were unable to move at this time, and Orochimaru immediately threw two Kunai towards their foreheads.

Just when Chu He was about to rescue him, Sasuke suddenly stabbed his leg with Kuwu, and then quickly regained control of his body by relying on the pain and fled with Sakura in his arms.

"Well, interesting guy, did you actually rely on pain to break the effect of fear, he is indeed a genius of the Uchiha clan.

Orochimaru said somewhat unexpectedly, the next second he suddenly found that the surroundings were plunged into absolute darkness.

"Interesting, to be able to activate such a huge spell before I realized it, it seems that Hongdou really taught a good apprentice, is that you, Chu He?"

Orochimaru said with ease, the next second he suddenly felt that his limbs and neck were locked by some kind of restraint, and at the same time his own chakra was quickly sucked away by these five areas.

In just one second, the chakra in his body was completely drained, and then the figure of a young man gradually emerged from the darkness.

"It's me, how do you feel now?"

Chu He smiled and stared at Orochimaru in front of him.

"I feel very excited. I didn't expect you to create a chakra absorption technique at this age, and the effect was so violent. I didn't expect that I would be defeated so easily by a teenager. The strongest genius."

Although the chakra in the body was completely plundered by Chu He, Orochimaru still looked at ease.

"Aren't you afraid that I will hand you over to Hongdou to kill?

"I'm the legendary Sannin after all. Even the third Hokage, I don't have the confidence to subdue me. It's impossible for you to do this as a ninja. How do you explain the power you have?"

"No matter why you stay in Konoha for whatever reason, handing over the powerless me to Konoha's ninja will greatly hinder your further actions, so a smart person like you will not hand me over to Konoha. Killed by red beans."9

Orochimaru answered confidently.

Chu He frowned slightly, this Orochimaru has two brushes, and he has judged so many things just by the environment he is in now and the fact that he is in Konoha, and his mind is very firm, even if he wants to use it. It is not easy for Legilimency to capture all the knowledge in his brain, and it will take at least two to three days to read it completely.

It is worthy of being known as the existence of the three ninjas. On the spiritual level, he is the strongest and toughest he has ever seen in this world, and even the third-generation Hokage cannot compare to him.

Moreover, this man is not afraid of death, there is no fear of death in his eyes, I am afraid there is some way to avoid death.

"Let me ask, the reason you came to see me is not just to eat my chakra, right? What do you want?

Orochimaru asked.

"The forbidden technique you are studying, according to the information I checked, you are a person who is fascinated by forbidden techniques, and I want these. 35

Chu He answered.

"Hahahaha, you and I are really like-minded people. I have all my research materials in my residence, and I can share them with you unconditionally, but before that, I have to do one thing, I hope you don't hinder me."

Orochimaru opened his mouth and talked to Chu He about the conditions...

"What's up?"

Chu He asked.

"I want to kill the third Hokage and push the gears of the times, otherwise everything will come to a standstill and will eventually usher in destruction."

"The third generation of Hokage is old and has no momentum. Everything is tender to the outside world, and indulgent to Danzo internally. You are so good, Danzo has an idea for you? He can be so ingrained in Konoha. For a long time, it is because of the connivance of the third Hokage, Konoha will rot.""

"Come with me, Chu He, the two of us can get all the skills of the major Shinobi villages and Akatsuki together, and we will stand at the top of the world.

Orochimaru opened his mouth to invite.

"I'm not interested in standing at the top of the world. I'm only interested in forbidden techniques, and I don't trust you. After that, I will go to other ninja villages and take away the forbidden techniques they hold."

Chu He shook his head.

"What about the third Hokage, will you stop me from fighting him?

Orochimaru asked.

"Yes, he gave me an identity to stay in this village for the time being, and he treated it as a favor, and I will protect him."

Chu He answered.

"Hey... This world, there will be a catastrophe in the future, Konoha in a peaceful state can't deal with that disaster at all, and eventually we will all turn into nourishment in dreams, unless Konoha has a lot of you hiding like this Genius of strength.35

Orochimaru said suddenly.

1.3 "Nutrition in dreams?""

Chu He was brought up to arouse interest.

"I can't say, otherwise it will cause the Heavenly Dao to completely annihilate me, I can only know, but if you are interested in this, you can try to investigate the matter about the Six Dao Immortals. 35

Orochimaru shook his head.

"Um...that's it, then let's go."

Chu He suddenly unlocked the lock that imprisoned Orochimaru. What he said about the annihilation of the way of heaven might be some mechanism made by the gods of this world.

He is not yet ready to fight against God, so Chu He intends to keep a low profile temporarily and pretend that he has not discovered the existence of God.

And let go of Orochimaru, as long as he continues to study this matter, he can attract the attention of God instead of himself. When he can fully integrate Chakra with his own power to form a stronger power, he can consider playing with God. .

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