Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce and Marry Hermione Backhanded

Chapter 196: The Great Battle (Final Chapter 2)

I saw it with Professor Trelawney's throwing.

A large handful of alienated seeds flew out of the light blue shield along with the alienation agent.

Then clumps of hideous plants grew as if they were crazy.

Pierce the giants and wizards who are attacking the shield.

It seems to be a sugar gourd worn on a wooden stick.

The roar of excitement turned into a panicked wail.

They panicked and wanted to leave, but they were blocked by these hideous plants.

I can only endure the whipping of these plants.

"Keep increasing the alienation potion!

Professor McGonagall said harshly.

It seems that there is no distress about the consumption of alienation agents.

But that's no wonder.

After all, at the beginning of the birth of alienation agents.

The Foley family cooperated with Hogwarts to avoid being divided up of the pie.

Snape has made a great contribution to the secret recipe of the alienation potion.

It is inevitable that Hogwarts will know the recipe for the Alienation Potion.

For others, expensive alienation potions are not as precious to Hogwarts as they might think.

The dark green potion was swung like a water dragon on the alienated plant under the command of the wand.

Make these already mutated plants even crazier.

"Set me on fire!"

Voldemort said with an ugly face.

In just a few minutes of the incident, his large army had already suffered heavy losses.

If you don't solve these difficult plants as soon as possible, you may be exhausted before they can invade Hogwarts.

The Fire Curse was neatly released by the Death Eaters around Voldemort.

The flames with a hideous face devoured these terrifying plants to the fullest.

But these plants are not easy to mess with.

The biggest characteristic of alienated plants is high-intensity adaptability.

Not long after the burning of the fierce fire, many plants evolved resistance to flames.

There are also many plants that grow huge fruits, which burst under the flames.

A pale green liquid flows out of it.

This liquid seems to have a strong resistance to strong fire, and the flame is extinguished by the green liquid.

This put the situation in a state of scorching for a while.

"You bunch of trash! Do you have to let me go?"

Voldemort waved his wand with an ugly face.

Sure enough, with the blessing of Voldemort's magic.

Li Huo quickly took advantage.

The sudden increase in pressure caused the alienated plants to burn out before they had time to evolve.

"All curses are over!"

Accompanied by Professor McGonagall's voice, more than a dozen Terminating Spells shot at the black and red flames.

Let the raging fire disappear without a trace.

But the results were also tragic.

Alienated plants are burned out.

The magic shield was also broken because of the fierce fire.

Of course, Voldemort is not comfortable either.

Alienated plants slaughtered large numbers of giants and banshees.

At the same time, the fierce fire added a fire to this.

After all, like alienated plants, this vicious flame is also the same indistinguishable from enemy and self.

This also made this devastated battlefield wafting with the smell of meat.

"Keep attacking me!"

Voldemort roared.

Professor McGonagall and others looked solemn.

"Isn't there any news from the Ministry of Magic yet?

"Sorry Professor!

Can't be contacted over there!"

A young Auror was desperate.

"Then it's up to all of us!"

Professor McGonagall sighed.

Silently raised his wand.

Although the Philosopher's Stone statue of the Academy is powerful, it is only a magical creation after all.

The brain is not very developed.

It is okay to delay time as cannon fodder and really face the enemy on their own.

Everyone took a deep breath and were obviously ready to sacrifice.

Right at this moment.

In the distance, the song of the phoenix was heard, and the arrival of this beautiful song made the faces of both warring sides change dramatically.

It's just that Voldemort's face is ugly.

Professor McGonagall, on the other hand, beamed.

"It's Professor Dumbledore!"

Sure enough, after the young Auror exclaimed, the figure of Professor Dumbledore, dressed in white robes with a white beard and crescent-shaped eyes, appeared from a distance.

But in the blink of an eye, he appeared beside everyone.

At this moment, everyone, including Professor McGonagall, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.

It's like finding the backbone.

"Damn Ludobagman!

You told me I'd get rid of this bad old man!"

Voldemort said to himself with an ugly face.

If Ludobagman's assurances from time to time he would not face Dumbledore directly.

Since the last time they met, he had felt the majestic magic in the other person's body.

That's not something he can handle.

At this moment, he just wanted to escape, but after imagining the temptation of being a god, he involuntarily stood motionless in place.

"Tom! I don't know where the hell you got the audacity to come!

Trust me this time, though! I won't let you go!

Dumbledore said with a gloomy face.

There was no incident for Voldemort's mouth cannon.

With a wave of his wand, he rushed over.

He wants to solve this henchman in one fell swoop!

Seeing Dumbledore speeding over, Voldemort's heart also set off a nameless fire.

"Then come on! Let's see who's afraid of whom!"

Roaring Voldemort was not to be outdone.

Inside the bronze door, flame became the main color here.

Braun only felt as if he was filled with flames.

The whole person seems to be left with only consciousness.

The huge black dragon in front of him had disappeared and was replaced by a middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to himself.


Not similar to yourself!

It's similar to your past life!

"You... Who is it?

Where is this and where?"


The middle-aged man smiled slightly.

"Didn't you already have the answer?

I...... Isn't that you? 99

Braun sneered:

"Don't tell me these mysterious things.

You saw my memories to become like this.

Don't waste your efforts.

How can I say that I am human in both past lives and now, and you?

The corners of Braun's mouth showed a hint of mockery at the right time.

"It's just a big lizard in captivity!

The middle-aged man did not have the slightest anger at Braun's words, but showed a touch of compassion.

"Are you really sure that your past life is real?"

"What do you mean?"

Braun's face was gloomy.

Although the events in his past life are short and very boring, this does not mean that he does not miss it.

And if his past life is really as the man says it is false...

That yourself...

Wrong! You have lived in another world for eighteen years and you remember all the bits and pieces!

All this is just the nonsense of this black dragon!

'It seems that you still don't believe it...'

The middle-aged man waved his hands.

One picture after another appeared in front of Braun:

And these are all simulated in his former Gold Finger simulator.

Merlin, the Black Snake Witch, Helpo, the Dwarves...

Memories remind Braun of his simulations.

"Don't you find it strange to you that the talents of the Potions Master, the Children of Darkness, and the Alchemy Master?

And why did this Gold Finger disappear so abruptly later?

I guess you won't have such doubts in your heart... 35

The middle-aged man said with a smile on his face.

"Trust me, you are me... And the purpose of your existence is to bring about the magic of this world...

Save me from this cage...


We are one

Together, we ...

King's Landing!"

Braun's eyes were filled with bewilderment.

Slowly hold the middle-aged man's outstretched hand.

And if you can see it from the outside.

Braun was walking towards the black dragon step by step.

Step into his big mouth in the expectant gaze of the black dragon.


It was at this moment.

The scales and armor of the bound black dragon seemed to be as warm as jade.

The body has become even bigger.

The body swells more like a balloon.

It's just that this swelling doesn't make people feel bloated.

On the contrary, it carries a sense of beauty of power.

'Ding! A host change has been detected that the emulator is being rebound.

Current host: [Nibelungen Leviathan ******* Nighold]'

"The world... I'm back!"

Flames burned on the pitch-black wings, and the originally strong chains were easily broken like tofu dregs at this moment.

There was a shaking inside the cave.

But the black dragon seemed to be unaware.

The rocks overhead were as fragile as paper under his dragon flame.

The scorching magma flowing down could only make the black dragon squint comfortably.

'It's the taste of freedom...'

Looking at the bright night sky black dragon above his head, he took a deep breath, and the wonderful smell made him feel intoxicated.

He seemed so intoxicated that he didn't notice the faint voice in his head.

I saw an extra line of small print in the original prompt box.

Current host: [Nibelungen Leviathan ******* Braun Foley]

"I said Tom! It was the school I brought you to the beginning.

And now it's up to me to end you!"

Dumbledore said coldly as he looked at Voldemort, who was lying on the ground and spitting blood.

Although he looked very embarrassed, no one dared to laugh at the most powerful magician in England's magical world today.

"I will resurrect Dumb 3.2 Lido again!

Voldemort spat blood.

Against the background of the dark red blood, he looked even more cruel at this moment.

"I am immortal!"

{"No one will not die Tom!"}

Dumbledore slowly raised the light of the tip of his wand and became more and more powerful.

"Even God will come to an end!"

"Dumbledore be careful!"

The young Auror's face changed dramatically and flew towards Dumbledore.

I saw a huge python suddenly rush out in his direction.

Under the vocal resistance of the young Auror, Dumbledore even dodged.

But the young Auror was bitten by a python.

Crash and fly out.

I don't know if I live or die.

"Damn! 35

Dumbledore said with a gloomy face.

He did not expect such a bad pool.

The spell in his hand flew towards the python and blasted this python that had just been immortal into minced flesh.

"Useless Mr. Principal!"

Looking at the young Dumbledore who was still casting spells on him, he shook his head.

The blood couldn't stop flowing out.

His face turned extremely pale as a result.

"I have no regrets about dying for you.

I only have one request..."

Auror's voice gradually became faint.

Dumbledore apparently also discovered the situation of the other party.

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