Braun first told Kama the name of the recipient.

Then hand both the letter and the book to Dobby.

Let him help tie it to Kama's body.

He is professional for this job.

It wasn't long before an owl with a letter tied to its paws behind him waved its wings and left.

"Is there anything else I can help you? Master Braun? ”

"No more, Dobby."

Braun waved to leave.

After hesitating, he turned around and said:

"Merry Christmas Dobby!

Hope you have a nice Christmas Eve. ”

Dobby was moved to tears.

"Oh! Of course, thank you very much, Master Braun. ”

Stroll along the castle's path.

Braun couldn't help but sigh a little.

House-elves are creatures that sometimes make people feel some compassion for them.

But Braun also knows that it's impossible to change their personalities, and it will take generations to succeed.

Of course, even if it succeeds, Braun will not do it.

First of all, it is not in his interest.

Secondly, as a beneficiary, he may not want to change the status of house-elves in his heart.

But a little nicer to them can still be done.

Encourage from time to time and send some small favors.

This is all a good idea.

Not only can you gain their gratitude, but also their loyalty.

He wouldn't scold these house-elves like other pure-blood families.

Otherwise, the result may be like Sirius Black, who was directly killed by Kreacher, the house-elf of the Black family.

House-elves, as the closest servants in pure-blood families, know a lot of secrets.

Wake up.

As soon as Braun opened his eyes, he saw a variety of gifts being placed in his room.

He wasn't surprised.

From the memory of the original body, I know that every year will basically be like this.

These were sent by the families and potions masters who were close friends with their family.

If nothing else, it's basically books.

Otherwise, where did all the books in his house full of bookshelves come from?

And the most conspicuous of them are not those packages with fancy packaging of all kinds.

It's two packages that look a little plain.

A look at the sender:

“ Ronald· Weasley。 ”

Let's look at another one:

"Ginny S. Weasley。 ”

"No wonder."

Braun muttered.

Open the package.

Ronald stuff is more ordinary.

It's a set of wizard chess.

And it's brand new.

"It seems that he gave him Garon, but he still kept some for himself.

Not all taken away. ”

A set of wizard chess is not very expensive, but it also requires a silver xiko.

Usually Ronald gives chocolate frogs or something.

Wizard chess is already a big gift.

Ginny sent it interestingly.

It is a set of greeting cards drawn by myself.

The animals above will also move.

But it looks a little ugly.

But it is much more intentional to appear.

Stuff all the books sent by other wizards behind the bookshelf.

Braun began to unpack his parents' gifts again.

His mother gave him a pendant with armor protection.

And the father ...

"Oh! Merlin! It's a magic wand! ”

Braun excitedly looked at the wand in the box that looked a little old.

With the wand he could continue learning potions.

And those spells can also be put on the agenda.

Take out the black wand with some protrusions in the box.

"Yugadim Leviosa"

As the mantra is pronounced.

Braun only felt a wave of magic flow from his body to his wand and finally float the book in front of him.

"It's kind of obscure. But refining potions is enough. ”

Braun muttered as he looked at the wand in his hand.

He can't wait to learn now.

"How about son? Like my Christmas gift for you? ”

Mr. Foley asked at the table while eating a sandwich.

"Yes Dad, I love it. But the magic of this wand seems to be a little obscure? ”

Mr. Foley shrugged:

"It's normal. After all, I got it from other means.

Twelve inches long, blackthorn plum wood, staff core is the toad's heart tendon.

This is a wand just ordered by a wizard who has committed fraud.

Before the other party could come and receive the goods, the other party went in. ”

"Toad's heart tendon?

Can this also be used as a cane core?

Doesn't the staff core only have dragon nerves, unicorns, and phoenix feathers? ”

Braun asked with a slight surprise.

It was the first time he had heard of wands with such a core.

"Of course not my children.

There are many core materials for magic wands.

The beard of a cat and the hair of a mermaid.

As long as you can think of it, there is nothing that can't be made a magic wand.

And the ones you mentioned are the three wand cores that were determined after Garrick Ollivander took over the wand shop.

However, he also offended many wizards at that time. ”

Braun first suddenly and then with some curiosity asked:

"That's how it is!

So why is it that the wizarding world now goes to Ollivander's wand shop to buy wands?

Didn't you say that he was resisted by a lot of wizards at that time? ”

Mr. Foley takes a bite of his sandwich:

"Of course it's because it's strong.

Although at first everyone completely resisted this wand making method, which can be said to be inhumane,

But soon people discovered this fact:

Ollivander's wand is better than any other wand maker makes.

And wizards are all in pursuit of power.

If you can find a wand that suits you best, what wizard will refuse that? ”

"So those tests of arm length and height are not useless?"

"Of course not.

The reason why wizards who buy wands should measure the user's arm length, forearm length, height, head circumference, etc., is to choose the wand according to these parameters.

Each wand is different because they use different unicorn hair, phoenix tail feathers, and dragon nerves as wand cores, which are powerful magical items.

Ollivander believes that the best wand should contain a wand core with powerful magic powers,

The wand wood is made of carefully selected materials that complement the characteristics of the wand core, and the wand chooses the wizard that is most attractive to it.

This is also the reason why he often chooses a wizard with a wand. ”*

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