The warm summer breeze blows away the cold of early spring.

Fast forward to July.

In the potions room of the Foley family, a child about ten years old was looking at the middle-aged man in front of him with a pale face.

After a while, the middle-aged man smiled and said:

"Very good! Braun!

You have now learned to hide part of your thoughts.

And being able to resist my dementoring for so long shows that your brain closure technique has started.

I can't help you with the study of brain closure.

The rest of your studies depend on your own efforts. ”

Looking at the little boy in front of her, Snape couldn't help but sigh with some emotion.

This time of getting along.

Let him have a lot of good feelings for this stubborn boy.

At first, he agreed to help for a potion recipe for the Foley family, but he was a little unimpressed with Foley.

In his opinion, a child must not last long and now he wants to learn only when he suddenly becomes interested or sees some book somewhere, which makes him curious about this kind of magic.

When you lose interest, you will definitely not continue to learn when you have been doing boring exercises.

This situation has been seen too much in his years as dean.

But Braun didn't do that, and not only persisted.

And while learning ** brain closure, other studies have not been put down.

It's like potions.

Sometimes when he arrives early, he sees Braun quietly refining potions.

And that look of concentration he had rarely seen in Hogwarts students.

Potions were not like other magic, and he needed to be accompanied by silence and loneliness.

And Braun's calmness, which is not at this age, is also what makes Snape like him for a new life.

He even said that seeing Braun was like seeing his younger self.

"Teacher Snape is very grateful for your help during this time."

Braun said respectfully, despite his pale face at the moment.

Snape shook her head:

"My help to you is only a small part. What's more important is that you have the perseverance to persevere.

By the way, one more thing. Talk about it with your parents, and I'll be happy.

Come downstairs with me. ”

"Severus, I heard you have something to find me?"

Mr. Foley hurried from outside.

Looking at Snape at the dinner table, it wasn't clear what was going on.

I saw that the members of the Foley family had already arrived.

Snape didn't sell either.

Pulling a letter out of his robe.

put it on the table.

The envelope was made of heavy parchment and the address was written in emerald green ink without a stamp.

The back of the envelope is well preserved with wax.

The coat of arms of a shield stands prominently,

The coat of arms features four animals, a lion, badger, eagle and a snake surrounding the initial letter "H" of Hogwarts.

Two ribbons with the name and motto of the school surrounding the shield are decorative parts.

Mr. Foley was a little excited.

Although he was sure that his son would receive the admission letter, it was only from this moment that his heart finally returned to his stomach.

"Congratulations, Braun, you received an offer of admission to Hogwarts.

Because I taught at your house, this letter was not delivered by an owl.

Let's take it apart and take a look. ”

Snape looked at the excited Foley family and said to Braun.

Braun nodded, shakily opening the letter.

"Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Duncando (a master school recognized by the International Association of Witchcraft Unions)

Dear Mr. Foley,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find the attached list of required books and instruments.

The school will open on September 1.

Your owl should not report to school no later than July 31.

Your loyalty: Minerva McConaughey (Assistant to the Principal). ”

Suppress the excitement in my heart.

Braun opened the attachment again:

"First-year students need:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. A plain pointed hat (black) worn during the day

3. A pair of protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar material)

4. A winter cloak (black, silver buckle)

Please note: All student attire must be marked with a name tag


All students are required to prepare the following books:

Standard Mantras, Elementary, by Miranda Goshak

History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot

The Theory of Magic, by Adbey Wolflin

A Guide to Transfiguration for Beginners, by Emory Sweich

A Thousand Magical Herbs and Mushrooms, by Fili Daspol

Magic Potions and Potions, by Asen Nigig

Monsters and Their Origins, by Newtes Carman

Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense, by Quentinte Limbb

[Other equipment]

A magic wand

One large pot (pewter, standard size 2)

A set of glass or crystal vials

A telescope

A brass balance

Students are allowed to bring an owl or a cat or a toad.

Parents are particularly reminded that first-graders are not allowed to bring their own flying brooms [referring to brooms ridden by wizards and wizards]"

At this moment, Braun handed the letter in his hand to his father with excitement:

"Dad, I've been accepted to Hogwarts!"

"Yes, my son!"

Mr. Foley was also a little excited.

Although he had not read the letter, he couldn't help but read it carefully at the moment, and then handed it to his wife.

When she finished reading it, she took it and said that she would seal the letter and keep it in the family forever.

"Severus, if nothing happens, stay for lunch at noon."

By the way, Braun, didn't you say that your potions came to fruition?

Show your teacher later. He's a Potions Master who can definitely help you." ”

"Huh? Yes, yes. Teacher Snape, I have developed a new potion myself. I hope you can help me see. ”

Hearing the potions, Snape, who originally wanted to leave, was in no hurry to refuse at this moment.

He was also intrigued by what Braun said he had researched as a potion he had developed.


"Yes." *

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