Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 248 Solving the Corey Family

The time has come.

After hearing the answers from the three brothers, Li En couldn't help but feel happy. This fruit that the Corey family has been cultivating for three years is finally ready to be picked.

"I will take care of this matter," Lean said.

Then he looked at the three brothers again, lowered his head and thought for a while, and decided not to take the three brothers with him this time. He just assigned a task, and now the three brothers have a lot to do.

After sending away the three brothers, Li En took out the token and teleported to the small world. He washed up comfortably and lay down on the bed.

The next day, Lean came to the outskirts of the Corey family.

Today, there is no human habitation around the Corey family. At first glance, it is all scorched earth. This is a scenery that was formed after indiscriminate bombardment with magic.

Rean squatted on the ground, picked up a wisp of soil from the ground, then smelled it carefully, and threw it to the ground with a chuckle.

There are still a lot of evil thoughts left in the soil, and one can tell at a glance that this is the result of long-term and frequent use of dead souls to increase magic power. Lean stood up and looked at the castle standing in the distance.

That was the residence of the Corey family. According to intelligence, at first it was just a small village belonging to the Corey family. But later, the strength of the Corey family expanded rapidly, and their ambitions also expanded, so they used the resources they robbed to build this castle that was large enough to accommodate the entire family.

But in fact, that is not their ambition, but a side effect of the magic power improvement method.

Rean watched for a while and saw two people flying out of the castle. One of them was wearing a gray robe, the other was wearing a purple robe, and they flew to the open space outside the castle one after another.

Then, a wisp of black mist flashed in their eyes, and then they each pulled out their wands and attacked each other violently.

What they used was not the innocuous spells such as "faint to the ground" or "all petrified", but black magic. Every move is aimed at the opponent's life gate, and he will never hold back.

Rean hid his aura from the side, and then watched the two of them casting spells wildly. As the battle progressed, one of them took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and drank it.

Following his actions, another wizard also took out the potion and drank it. However, the potion he drank was different from the potion just now. The previous person drank a magic power recovery potion, while this person drank a magic power explosion potion.

The magic recovery potion can slowly restore the magic power. It is usually best to take it when the magic power is still half. The magic power burst potion can instantly burst out a huge amount of magic power, but the price is that after the magic power bursts out, not a drop of magic power will be left in the body.

It is equivalent to the swordsman losing his sword and the king losing his crown. If the opponent is not eliminated during the outbreak, death is waiting for you.

Taking the potion represented an escalation in the battle, and even Lien had to retreat three hundred meters to avoid being affected. It's not that Lien can't beat him, but he's afraid of being exposed.

It's not the best time to deal with the Corey family yet, but in a day or two, when the Ministry of Magic decides to deal with the Corey family, he will jump out and deal with the Corey family.

By then, even if the Corey family is solved, no one will say anything.

As for Fudge, that coward might complain at most, but he would never let anyone investigate this matter.

Maybe he didn't even complain.

After all, that's Fudge, he's such a coward.

The two wizards fought until blood was spilled in the sky before they stopped. It seemed that if both sides had lost their magic power, they would not stop so easily.

Finally, the two staggered into the castle.

And Li En also found a place to open a temporary residence and quietly waited for the opportunity. Li En believed that this opportunity would not come very late.

And he would also take this time to draw the magic circle in preparation for refining the soul son. Moreover, this magic circle also needs to be arranged in a concealed manner so that the Corey family cannot detect it, so Lien chose to outline a huge magic circle underground.

Three days later, the Ministry of Magic once again issued a notice warning the Corey family not to continue attacking other families. This was the opportunity that Lean had been waiting for.

That night, Lean took advantage of the darkness to enter the Cory family's castle.

But at the gate, Lien was stopped by the defensive formation.

It can only be said that the Corey family grabbed too many things, so much that they felt like a nouveau riche. There is really no way to deal with this kind of upstart.

After all, there are defense and warning arrays one after another, and each solution is different. Maybe the solution to this magic circle is exactly the way to trigger the next magic circle.

For this kind of nouveau riche, the best way is actually to get in. They lack the foundation, so these magic circles look like many, but in fact they are not very powerful and will break when touched.

"Ah, there is no other way. God prevents you from meeting Merlin in your sleep, so all I can do is make you feel fear!"

Rean took out his staff, floated into the air, and released a bursting fireball at the castle's defensive array.

The fragile defensive formation only resisted for just three seconds before being breached by the fireball. Carrying the residual power, the fireball continued to roar into the castle, and finally hit a tower, bursting out with huge power, and the entire tower was blown up.

Alarms also began to echo in the castle, and members of the Corey family and their collected wizards began to pour out of various rooms.

"Rain of Light Arrows"

Rean stood the staff upright in front of his chest, then raised it upwards, and a small ball with a shimmering light began to float upwards. The higher it went, the brighter it became, until it became like the sun, overshadowing the brightness of the moon.

Bright light shone on the ground, allowing the wizards below to see Rean floating in the air.

"The killing... has begun."

Lien murmured softly, but without stopping, he began to activate the magic circle hidden underground.

Rays of red light began to emerge from the ground, and they were particularly conspicuous against the white light.

The light ball in the sky continued to glow, and then began to attack after the red magic circle fully revealed itself.

Arrows made of light fell from the sky and hit every wizard accurately.

Those weaker wizards had no choice but to hide behind bunkers in an attempt to block attacks from the sky. But unfortunately, when the light arrow falls on the ground, it will explode, blowing a small hole in the ground.

As long as you hide underneath, the light arrows will keep falling here until they explode.

In order to escape for his life, the weak wizard had to run down.

Some powerful wizards dodge when the light arrows fall. If they cannot avoid them, they use magic to block them, or they use the Iron Armor Curse to resist.

But it is a pity that the magic they used contained the evil thoughts of the undead. Under the action of the light arrows, the iron armor spell they cast was quickly corroded.

As for the powerful ones, they relied on their fighting instincts to dodge, and occasionally rescued wizards who were in trouble.

"No, you will be exhausted sooner or later if you continue like this. Don't worry about those trash, kill the guy who releases magic first. As long as you kill him, the magic will naturally come into contact!"

A wizard with red eyes flashing said in an extremely sinister voice.

Hearing what he said, the eyes of those wizards who still had some strength began to dodge in an instant. They looked at each other, and then all started to imitate the weak wizards and ran downstairs.

In just a few seconds, there were only a few wizards who still had some strength left upstairs. The others were either dead or had gone downstairs to seek refuge.

Rean also began to control the light ball so that it would no longer chase the wizards downstairs and instead attack the remaining wizards with all his strength.

"Series of bursting fireballs"

In an instant, more than ten orange-red fireballs appeared above Lien's head. Rean pointed downwards, and the fireball immediately roared and fell from the sky, making it look like the end of the world.

"Get away!"

A heart-rending roar came from below, but the sound stopped abruptly as the fireball exploded.

The entire roof was shrouded in flames and no one could be seen, but Lien was still able to see the specific situation with the help of magic vision. There are three wizards left alive among the wizards. One is hiding in the innermost corner, which is also the only place that was hit by the bomb again; one has already gone down two floors, and it seems that he is fighting like those weak and powerful wizards. idea.

But what the last wizard did surprised Lien. He was actually absorbing the souls of his dead companions to increase his strength.

"Strength! I need strength! As long as I have strength, I can defeat the devil in the sky. Quick! Give me strength! For the sake of the family, sacrifice yourself for me!"

This was the wizard whose eyes were flashing red during the battle. It seemed that violence and wildness had filled his brain.

At this time, he can no longer be called a person.

But how could he possibly absorb souls? These dead souls would be absorbed by the magic circle immediately and then tempered. What he is absorbing now is just the residue extracted from the magic circle.

That's why he seemed to have completely lost his mind even though he had only absorbed a few souls. ,

This monster absorbed all the residue into its body, and the red light in its eyes was faintly visible in the white light emitted by the light ball.

The light arrow landed on his back and was blocked by a layer of black air, making a "chichi" sound.


The monster looked at the wizard in the corner who was holding an iron armor spell and resisting light arrows, and then pounced and threw him to the ground.

The wizard was already a little tired after hiding for so long. After another swooping, the wand in his hand came out smoothly, hit the wall, then rebounded and landed twenty centimeters away from his left hand.

But even this small distance was beyond his reach. The light arrow falling from the sky passed between his eyebrows, and the high temperature instantly scorched the wound, without a trace of blood flowing out.

When the monster saw the wizard beneath him dead, he began to suck on him like flour. But in the end, what was sucked was just the residue tempered by the magic circle.

This made him even more violent. After sucking up the wizard's soul residue, he looked like a drug addict with red eyes looking at the wizard hiding downstairs.

"Power~I'm coming~"

The monster said these words, and then climbed downstairs at an extremely fast speed.

Rean was floating in the air, witnessing all this, but did not stop it.

The Cory family had been sentenced to death by Lean from the moment they decided to rob his plantation.

Ignoring what kind of massacre would be going on downstairs of the castle, Lean casually cast a magic circle outside the castle to prevent people inside the castle from running out, and then began to look for the Corey family's storage room inside the castle.

The Corey family has been in the limelight recently and is constantly snatching resources from other families.

But this way, it would be entirely advantageous for Lean.

If we were to speculate on the Ministry of Magic with the greatest malice, would it be possible that the Ministry of Magic also had the same intentions as Lean?

It’s terrifying to think about it.

But Lean, who was walking in the corridor, was already shocked by the tyrant behavior of the Corey family.

Because the lights in the corridor are actually powered by magic crystals.

Hell, what he casually joked with Malfoy back then was actually brought out by the Corey family.

"This... the nouveau riche... I like the nouveau riche the most!"

Rean said happily while prying the magic lamp on the wall.

"A person is too slow and needs help." After Lien said that, he appeared in the small world in a flash.

In the small world, Anderson is communicating with three little animals. After all, Anderson belongs to the blue dragon clan, and the experience of a thousand years in his previous life is there. If you reveal it even a little bit, it will be enough for the three little ones.

"Okay, interrupt the teaching. I need your help. I found a treasure. But there are too many treasures, so I need your help to carry them."

"What kind of treasure? Can't we just use magic to move it?" Anderson asked.

"Anyway, things are more complicated. You will find out if you follow me."

After hearing what Lean said, Anderson also came to express his interest, so he called the three little ones to follow Lean.

The scenery in front of me suddenly changed, from green mountains and green waters to the ruins of a battlefield.

"Is this the treasure you mentioned?" Anderson couldn't help but ask.

"That's right, the magic crystal is only equipped with the magic lamp function, so it is not considered a treasure?" Lien pointed to the wall.

"Hi~ What a big treasure!"

Anderson's soul fire trembled.

As long as they are dragons, there is no one who does not like treasures.

"Okay, let's take action. Anderson, please keep an eye on them. There is another monster in the castle, but it should be hunting the other wizards downstairs at the moment, but you still need to be careful."

As soon as Lien finished speaking, a violent explosion and the wizard's scream came from downstairs.

He used his magic vision to look downstairs, and saw that there were still a few weak magic sources hiding in the corners, and the other wizards had lost their magic power.

After just thinking about it, Lien reacted. It must have been that the monster had absorbed too many impurities, and its body couldn't bear it, so it exploded, killing most of the wizards along with it.

Only a few lucky ones survived by hiding in corners.

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