Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Chapter 22 The Troubles of Old Bo Jin

"Are you Bo Jinbok?" Mu En looked at the man in the shadow.

The man nodded, walked out of the alley, and bowed slightly to Mu En: "Sir, please believe that I didn't expect Mundungus to do such a thing as blackmail.

I'm looking for you because I want to get some help from you. But this is not the right place to talk. If you don't mind, could you move to my store? "

Mu En looked around and nodded.

After getting Mu En's permission, Bojinbok also pulled out his wand and pointed it at Mundungus: "Let's take a trip."

Mundungus was about to cry, so he could only quickly climb up with support on the wall, sobbing and nodding.

Bojinbok's store was diagonally across the street from where they were standing, not far from the alley entrance. The color of the walls didn't match the color, and about one-third of one side of the house had obviously been renovated.

When you walk inside, you can see the entire store, which is spacious and dim. Several candles are hanging on the walls, burning continuously, and at the same time releasing a kind of smoke that has a calming effect.

Mu En also noticed that there was some space on the newly repaired wall, and it was obvious that not enough products had been placed.

"That's the ripple caused when you released the indiscriminate spell before." Bojinbok explained.

However, there was no anger in his tone about this matter, he just stated the facts to Mu En calmly.

Bo Jin didn't want to mention this too much. He was lucky enough that only some of the things displayed in the exhibition hall were swept away by the terrifying curse.

Those things are not precious and the loss is not big.

The entire shop in front of him, which specializes in making various poisonous candles, was destroyed and almost everyone was gone. The loss was huge.

"So what do you want to talk to me about? My time is limited." Mu En looked at Bojin Bock's products with interest

On the mat in a glass box next to it, there is a withered human hand and a stack of blood-stained playing cards. There are also ferocious masks peering down from the wall, various human bones on the counter, and rusty, tooth-like instruments hanging from the ceiling.

These products are obviously not that "friendly" and will never be seen in Diagon Alley.

Mu En picked up the blood-stained deck of cards and unfolded it. It was a deck of tarot cards, with a star map drawn in gold and silver on the back.

"Please wait a moment." Bojinbok said. He stood in front of Mundungus. In the eyes of the other person's fear, he took out his wand and put it on his temple.

"Memory separation!!"

A low chanting sound sounded, and a faint silver light bloomed from the top of Bojinbok's wand. Mundungus's expression suddenly became blank.

Then, Bojinbok gently and slowly pulled away the wand, and a strand of silver wire was dragged out by it.

He took out another small bottle, which was filled with light and obviously contained many such silver threads.

After Boginbock put the silver wire that he had pulled out of Mundungus into the bottle, he patted the other person's face.

Mundungus suddenly had some energy on his face, and looked at the person in front of him in surprise: "Mr. Borgin, why am I here?!"

"You can go." Bojinbok obviously didn't want to say anything more to him.

Mundungus' head was dizzy, and he obviously hadn't fully woken up yet. But at this moment, he nodded blankly as if he was under a spell of ecstasy, then turned around and left here.

Mu En leaned on the counter, a little curious: "Memory spell?"

Bojinbok was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that the person in front of him who could escape from the killing curse would actually express such doubts.

Is this reasonable? ?

He raised the bottle and introduced it to Mu En: "Contained here are all the memories of you that were witnessed by the witnesses that day."

"Are you going to use it to threaten me?" Mu En cut the cards with one hand and looked at Bo Jin curiously.

Bojinbok immediately shook his head, with a hint of businessman's flattery on his face: "No, no, no, I think you misunderstood, this is a gift."

"Gift?" Mu En looked at him.

"Yes." Bojinbok nodded.

"So these are the memories of bystanders at that time. You pulled them all out before the Ministry of Magic arrived?" Mu En looked at the memory bottle.

"It's just that the efficiency of the Ministry of Magic's drunkards is so low that I have an opportunity to take advantage of it. It's not a difficult task." Bojinbok said with his head lowered without daring to exaggerate.

Mu En pulled out a tarot card and turned over the cards.


【The Moon】

"I am not the djinn who fulfills wishes." Mu En looked at the Moon Card, spread it out on the table, and then looked at the Little Arcana Card.

"I just want to ask you for some help." Bojinbok said quickly.

Mu En spread out the cards one by one and drew them.

However, he did not rush to open it, but waited for Bojinbok's next chapter.

Bo Jinbok looked at Mu En's movements and nervously scratched the wrinkled skin on his face: "I think you can also see that I am a small businessman who has been dealing with black magic for a long time.

Many years ago, I accidentally touched an ancient black magic item and was cursed at the soul level. You can resist the killing curse, and you must know the soul very well, so..."

Mu En slowly turned over the cards and held a long sword tightly in one hand.

[One of Swords]

Bojinbok looked solemn, this card usually represents misfortune and death.

"It seems I'm lucky." Mu En said with a smile.

Then he put away the cards and said: "The meanings of Tarot divination cards are ever-changing, and everyone will understand and form their own meanings based on their own meditation, association, deduction and other methods."

Mu En's words made Bojin Bock even more nervous. In this way, it meant that this man must have a very profound research on the theory of divination.

"So my interpretation of Tarot is generally rough. Usually, when I say lucky, it will definitely be lucky.

If I say misfortune, then I will definitely make him misfortune. "

After saying that, facing Bo Jinbok's gaze, Mu En raised the moon card again.

"I think something happier will happen today, what do you think?!"

"Of course!!" Bojin Boke broke out in cold sweat and quickly bowed: "As long as you are willing to help me, even if you just give me a few tips, I am willing to pay a generous reward."

"Tell me about your curse." Mu En felt the breath of Bo Jinbok and felt a little familiar.

It seems that in the Caribbean, he encountered...

Boginbok then began to explain the curse he had encountered.

It was an item he recovered from a down-and-out family in France more than forty years ago. It is reported that the item came from the family's decision to relocate in response to the new regulations of the Wizarding Secrecy Act.

At that time, Grindelwald had just fallen, and the entire magical world was very afraid of the Wizarding Secrecy Law, and the consequences for violating it were extremely severe. No one wants to touch this brow.

Later, at their destination, a small island in the English Channel, they clashed with the local mermaid tribe over the island's lake.

And this violates the local magical creature protection treaty to a certain extent. So in order to avoid tracing, the family smuggled all the items seized from the mermaid tribe to him.

That's when the curse appeared.

Because of one of the ancient gold disc pendants, Bojinbok was cursed and turned into a living dead who was unable to gain physical consciousness. He was even unable to die. Even if his head was severed, he could easily put it back...

Mu En was looking through an ancient Greek magic manuscript collected by Bo Jinbok. As I listened to Bojin Bock's narration, I felt more and more familiar.

"Will he turn into a skeleton under the moonlight?" Mu En suddenly interrupted him.

Bo Jinbok looked at Mu En in shock, his face gradually changing from disbelief to uncontrollable excitement.

"Yes, you do! You know my curse!!"

Mu En was also a little surprised. This curse...

Yes, he knew, and knew better.

Even when he was in the Caribbean, he had a strong curiosity about magic and took the initiative to come into contact with this curse.

Jingle Bell--

The bell behind the shop door suddenly rang.

A man with a pale pointed face and long blond hair falling straight to the back of his head, wearing a black woolen coat, walked in holding a civilized staff.

He held his head high, looked Mu En up and down with gray indifferent eyes, and then said: "Mr. Bojin, it seems that you are a little busy?!"

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