Hogwarts: The Dark Lord? No! Call Me Satan

Chapter 95 Newt Was Shocked, What Kind Of Awesome Talent Is This? (Please Subscribe!)

"Does this kid have a lot of pets?" Newt froze slightly when he heard the voice.

He's an expert on Fantastic Beasts.

This is definitely not ten or eight, or the movement that small magical animals like Xixiu can make.

"Maybe, in fact, it's also the first time I know that there is so much space in his suitcase." Nicole Flamel said next to him.

The old man is also very curious about this meeting.

What kind of pets does this bear kid have?

When they were young, Nicole and his wife also raised two cats and raccoons, but it was a pity that they died before them.

After raising it a few times, I stopped raising it because I feel sad every time a pet dies.

There are only a few days left in life, Nicole thought, maybe it would be a good experience to raise a pet.

At that time, when he died, he could leave it to Kyle.

"Mr. Newt, can you really help me solve my problem?" At this moment, the bear boy suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Of course, kid, I'm an authoritative expert on magical beasts!" Newt put aside his doubts for a while, and said confidently.

He has enough self-confidence.

In this world, absolutely no one can surpass him in Magizoology.

Under the gaze of the crowd.

The first ones to show up were the giant arachnids.

After three months of growth, each of these acromanders is more than one meter tall.

Although the number has decreased compared to before, there are only more than 3,000 left.

But the level of ferocity far exceeds that of the newborn.

To be watched by eight scarlet eyes at once can make even the most daring wizard uneasy.

"Merlin's beard..." Newt couldn't help exclaiming immediately when he saw the overwhelming crowd.


5x levels of dangerous magical animals.

Even he couldn't tame so many at the same time.

The grassland in front of him was densely packed with giant arachnids.

The key is that these spiders are still well-trained.

There was no disturbance in the gathering, as if it was a parade.

It's incredible.

But that's just the beginning!

Four big, two small, and six poisonous horned beasts galloped over from another direction.

A group of huge rune snakes, the largest one is more than 20 feet long.

Three Voldebats and three Horned Pack Beasts.

A Chimera, a Zouwu, and a Xiangdu leopard!

And a Manticore...

There was also movement in the sky.

Two thunderbirds, two thestrals, and three griffins also flew over from different directions.

Even in the jar outside the house behind the four of them, two birds and snakes came out of it.

There are Sun Eevee and Moon Eevee walking gracefully on the eaves.

Newt and Nico became more and more shocked as they watched...

Until the sound of breaking through the air was heard again in the distance.

Hebrides Black Dragon, Peruvian Venomous Dragon, Hungarian Tree Peak!

There was also a baby dragon of a type that even Newt could recognize.

Although Zhan Yi was only over three meters wide, there were thorn-like spikes all over his back, which was not easy to mess with at first glance.

It was the exact hybrid that had hatched from the dragon egg Kyle had gotten earlier in Knockturn Alley.

The four fire dragons need the largest living space in this space, so they are the farthest from the central room.

The two of them couldn't keep their composure anymore.

"Merlin's beard!" Newt couldn't help exclaiming.

It was the first time for him to see so many magical animals above 4X level gathered together.

Moreover, these magical animals that would fight each other as soon as they met, unexpectedly coexisted peacefully at this time, contrary to their nature.

It was completely beyond Newt's knowledge of himself.

Nicolas was also stunned...

He originally thought that the bear boy had raised some cute animals.


Thinking that the bear boy had been living in his house with this suitcase for two days, Niko was in a bad mood.

In case this gets out of hand.

Let alone a house, I don't even have any dregs left!

【Ding! Three shock emotions detected!】

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting three golden treasure chests!】

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble!"

"Good afternoon, Anthony!"

Kyle greeted the manticore while avoiding the enthusiastic tongue of the smallest dragon.

"Good afternoon, Kyle, you've brought a new friend, want to guess?"

"I'm suffocating!"

"Next time, next time I will definitely bring you something to relieve your boredom!"

It took a lot of effort to appease a few clingy pets.

Kyle turned to look at Newt.

"Mr Scamander, these are my pets..."

“They are all cute!”

Listening to the brat's narration, Newt and Nico suddenly felt that their brains were not enough.

You call these dangerous pets cute?


It has been three months since school started, how many invisible tribulations has Hogwarts experienced!

"As you can see, they're cute, but they're also pretty edible."

"My house elves will regularly transport some cattle and sheep and the like, but the food can only maintain their food and clothing for the time being.

"I need to stock up in the Forbidden Forest from time to time."

"Do you know of any solution to this problem?"

"I suppose it should be a trivial matter to you!"

Kyle asked sincerely.

The muscles on Newt's face trembled imperceptibly.

a piece of cake?

Don't say anything else.

Just you, more than 3,000 giant acromantia...

How much do you have to eat that day!

Newt couldn't imagine how big a farm would have to be built to maintain the ecological balance here.

Think again about the promise I made to the brat just now.


At such an old age, what are you talking nonsense about!

[Ding! Sorrow and indignation detected!]

[Ding! The treasure chest is being drawn for the host!]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a golden treasure chest!】


"My child, I have no way to completely solve this problem."

"But my suggestion is... Maybe you can raise some goblins?"

"There are also some common fast-breeding animals like rabbits and voles in there.

"Of course, the corresponding thing is that you also need to find some relatively fast-growing plants to feed them." Newt thought for a while.

He still gave the best advice he could think of.

After all, there are more than 3,000 giant eight-eyed spiders!

This number is really scary.

Letting it out is enough to break the Ministry of Magic of any country.

"Thank you, Mr. Scamander nodded.

Although it cannot completely solve this problem, it is indeed the best way.

"Kyle, can I touch them?" At this time, the little witch Fleur went to look at the griffin.

This is the animal that appears the most in western myths and stories.

The Muggles call him "The Griffon"!

"How about I take you around the sky?"

"They are very good, even fire dragons!" For little girls, Kyle is always friendly and generous.

"Really?" Fu Rong, who grew up in a romantic country since she was a child, brightened up when she heard the words.

"Can these fire dragons also be ridden?"

Which little girl doesn't yearn for a day when a handsome dragon knight descends from the sky to protect her.

"Of course no problem!" Kyle went into the house and pulled out the saddle he had used when he took Hermione and the others for a ride in the sky.

Holding the little witch on the back of a fire dragon.

Soon, Furong's silver bell-like laughter sounded in the sky.

"This kid's talent for Magizoology is truly astounding!"

Below, Nicole Flamel couldn't help admiring the well-behaved fire dragon who was driven by the brat.

Then look at all kinds of amazing animals all around you.

Not even the ones in his suitcase could be so cute.

Out-of-control incidents often occur.

"He seemed to have an innate affinity for magical animals."

"Honestly, Nico, I've never seen such talent, you know!"

"The ones I raise are basically the feelings cultivated from childhood, or the friendship formed in the rescue in the wild.

"That's right, Kyle is a true genius, and his talent in alchemy is much stronger than mine.

Nico also nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps there is one more thing you may not know, Kyle won a second class medal of the Order of Merlin for an invention in potions!"

"It's just that there's one big problem with this kid, and that's what Albus has been worrying about...  

"He seems to be unconsciously researching powerful things."

"I showed him my alchemy props, but he could figure out how to use them in a duel with everyone..."

"You know, like that guy

"Like these magical animals he raises?" Newt saw that there was no magical animal below 4X around him, and he understood instantly.

That's definitely not the case for someone who really loves Fantastic Beasts.

Newt would never treat his pets differently based on their strength.

"Then will he grow into..." At this moment, Newt thought of Voldemort.

Immediately began to worry.

Although he didn't directly participate in the battle at that time, he also helped Dumbledore a lot in various aspects.

If Kyle becomes the Dark Lord, it will be a devastating blow to the wizarding world of the whole world.

It's not just as simple as Europe!

"No, your worries are unnecessary, Kyle is not the same as Grindelwald, nor is he the same as that student of Dumbledore."

"He drew Gryffindor's sword on his first day at school, and I think you know what that means."

"Besides, he also owns a powerful phoenix, even the fox that Dumbledore has kept for so long has already recognized him as his master.

"And this child... ... this child is very precocious or playful...?"

"Albus told me that he was very close to three little witches at school at the same time, and a little princess from the centaur tribe."

"Oh, including Fleur, there are now four!"

After hearing these words, Newt fell silent.

Good guy!

How big is this bear boy!


Isn't this a horse man?

Did zoology lead him on the right path?" Random Newt wondered why Nico Flamel told him this.

"That's right, Newt, maybe only you can do it..."

"I know you have a lot of real cuties in your suitcase!"

"And the boy was moved by the magic

Biology is also very interesting..."

"No problem, leave it to me!" Newt agreed straightforwardly as soon as he heard it.

Just let Kyle get into his suitcase and make out with those adorable Fantastic Beasts...  

Let him understand that the strong is not necessarily the best.

You can't blindly pursue power!

Newt felt it was no problem for him!

After waiting for a while, Kyle came down from the sky with the little witch Fleur, whose face was flushed with excitement.

"Children, do you want to visit my place?"

Newt smiled and extended the invitation.


"It's my honor, Mr. Scamander!" Kyle agreed directly after hearing this.

So several people got out of the suitcases and went back to the living room.

Entered Newt's suitcase space.

It looked a lot cramped and cramped here than Kyle's suitcase.

Coming up is a log cabin, which is where Newt rests.

After going out, there is a very dense and dark woods.

There is no blue sky and white clouds, only some lights that emit light for illumination.

In addition, weather spells have been applied here to cater to the living habits of different magical animals.

"Well, boy, it's not as good as yours, but trust me, there are some great animals here!" Newt's mouth twitched.

He had always been proud of his suitcase before.

Just come back after visiting Xiongzi's....

This is completely incomparable!

But he still didn't forget the task that Nicole Flamel gave him.

"Come with me, I'll introduce you to a great friend!"

After thinking about it, Newt decided to start with his best friend.

So the three of them brought Kyle to a tree.

523 "Look, here's the Bowtruckle, and I'll name him Pickett."

Newt pointed to a cute creature on the tree and introduced.

Bowtruckle, green in color, only the size of a human palm, has a head, limbs, fingers and feet just like a human, but it looks like a branch.

They are defined by the Ministry of Magic as magical animals at level 2x.

It is harmless and tameable.

"Bowtruckles have a strange ability, the trees they live in can be used to make wands!"

"A lot of people with bad intentions will try to get these trees and sell them."

"It's a cruel thing to do to Bowtruckles, who cherish these trees very much..."

That's when Newt introduced Kyle to the Bowtruckle.

I want him to know that when raising magical animals, you can't just choose based on their strength....

Pickett jumped on Kyle's head.

Then he hung upside down and looked at Kyle curiously, with a feeling of kindness and dependence in his eyes.

"Oh look, Kyle, Pickett likes you!"

"I'll tell you a secret quietly. In fact, you don't need to use evil means, if you can give the Bowtruckle some woodcutters.

"They will generously give you some branches."

"Wait a minute, let me think about where the soil turtle has kept me..."

As he said that, Newt was going to go find the wood turtle, and let the two little wizards experience the fun of magical animals for themselves.

Pickett was crawling down over Kyle's head and down to the tree where he had been perched.

At first, while looking at Kyle, he gestured to the tree.

"Uh, well, it seems that I don't need to look for scumbags. I've never seen Pickett like someone so much."

Seeing this, Newt said in a daze.

In fact, the Bowtruckle is a very timid and xenophobic species.

And there is a bit of pettiness and arrogance in his character.

It is difficult for ordinary people to gain favor if they do not know their habits.

Newt snapped two branches from the tree.

"This is a gift from Pickett to you. Good materials for making wands, you can keep them as souvenirs, or find a place to sell them for pocket money!"

"Pickett won't care about that!"

"Am I right, Pickett?" Newt said, glancing at his old buddy who had been with him for decades.

Only to find that Pickett was still gesticulating at the tree as before.

"What are you trying to say, Pickett?" Newt looked puzzled.

It was the first time he saw Pickett so excited.

And most importantly...

He couldn't read the meaning of his old man a little bit.

"Want to give the branch to Kyle?"

"Well, Mr Scamander...

"Pickett seemed to tell me to chop off the whole tree, and he said he gave it all to me!"

Just when Newt was puzzled, Kyle, who sensed Pickett's emotions, spoke.

As soon as the words fell, Pickett began to nod frantically.

Newt "???"


This is not scientific!

Isn't the Bowtruckle the most cherished tree?.

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