Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 12 Hogwarts Express

From time to time, students would stick their heads and upper bodies out of the car windows to talk to their families, and there would also be people fighting over seats. Feeney only saw two of these people.

Feeney ignored the commotion and found an empty cubicle. After closing the door, he read a magazine alone, "Transfiguration Today."

This is a journal with a certain academic nature, focusing more on the latest developments in the field of transfiguration. This journal will not only publish some articles, but also publish some papers by outstanding and knowledgeable scholars in this field. .

In addition to advanced knowledge, there are also some relatively simple things, such as spell-casting skills, experience in using transfiguration, etc. It is also very friendly to wizards who are new to transfiguration.

This is why Feeny reads this magazine.

He is very clear about the status of transfiguration in the confrontation between wizards. In addition to specific combat spells, transfiguration is the use of the final magic spell. It can even be combined with other magic spells to cast more powerful magic.

Both Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, the current Transfiguration professor, have published articles in this magazine and won the "Transfiguration Today" Most Promising Newcomer Award.

When reading and studying, time always passes quickly.

Before I knew it, the train started to move.

In the corridor of the carriage, two red-haired boys were constantly fighting, while a black boy was watching the excitement.

In some carriages, students returning to school talked about their vacation experiences, or some freshmen boasted about their amazing talents in Quidditch.

There are also freshmen who have not found a seat yet and are constantly knocking on the door of the dormitory to ask if there is any space.

However, no one has ever come to ask Feeney if his cubicle can accommodate people.

He was isolated. Even though he had not officially entered school, everyone who had some knowledge of the magical world began to isolate him.

Some Muggle-born wizards wanted to get close to Finny, but they were stopped by the half-blood wizards around them, who told them about Finny.

"Is he that person?"

"Oh, yes, that's him. Look at the badge on his suitcase. There's nothing wrong with it. Who else but him would wear a suitcase with this badge?"

"I heard he is an orphan?"

"Yes, if you want me to see it, then you deserve it. Who asked their family to support that person?"

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense,"

"Why, are you Gryffindors afraid? Aren't they just a traitorous family?"

Similar words kept coming to Feeney's ears, and even a person who didn't care would become concerned and feel uncomfortable.

In fact, Feeney knew very well why he was isolated, and he also knew that his isolation was inevitable.

In the eyes of the young wizards of Gryffindor, the Black family is Voldemort's minions, but Finny did not enter Azkaban because he was too young to be a Death Eater.

In the eyes of Slytherin students, the Black family are pure-blood traitors. If Sirius had not sided with Dumbledore in the previous war, they would have lost many lives.

In addition to the fact that Sirius betrayed the Potters and was imprisoned, in short, today in the wizarding world, whether it is Dumbledore's side fighting against Voldemort or the Death Eaters on his brother's side, they all think that the Black family is a traitor. , for the only member of the Black family, it is natural to exclude and isolate them. As for taking action against Feeney, they are not stupid.

No matter how you calculate it, the statement that the Black family is a pure-blood royal family is not nonsense. No one in the entire wizarding world except Black himself knows how many wizards are related to them, and how many forces and consortiums in the wizarding world are there. , the company is the property of the Black family.

And Feeney also knows very well that this situation will not improve even if he enters school. As a member of the Black family, it is no surprise that Feeney is a student of Slytherin College. In this era, Slater Almost all the elders in Lin's little wizard's family were Death Eaters, but they were not arrested and sent to Azkaban because they were willing to pay a certain amount of money and power.

In the end, Feeney was affected by their discussion. He slammed the magazine in his hand, took out his wand, cast a transformation spell on the water glass on the table, turned it into a Niffler, and then released it. go out,

You know, even if it is the product of the transformation technique, it is still in line with Xiu Xiu's habits. In short, Feeney's actions caused a series of commotions outside the compartment, and at the same time brought Feeney a moment of peace.

He took the chocolate out of the box, held it in his arms, and slowly started rolling it up. (The space inside the box is very large, allowing the chocolate to play freely inside.)

Sure enough, petting a cat can make people feel happy.

However, Chocolate, who was having fun but was interrupted, was a little dissatisfied with Feeney.


Chocolate's cry of dissatisfaction was completely ignored by Feeney. He took out a small piece of dried fish from the inner pocket of his clothes and handed it to the kitten as an apology to it.

The train had left London at this time and was traveling on the railway between farmland with cattle and sheep. Feeney just petted the cat quietly and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The kitten Chocolate seemed to feel the inner peace of its owner, and no longer screamed or struggled. It just lay quietly in Fini's arms and enjoyed Fini's massage.

Time passed slowly, and at about half past twelve, there was another quarrel in the corridor outside the compartment.

This time, it was not because of those messy things, but because a salesperson with a dimple on the corner of her mouth came.

She pushed open the door of the compartment and said to Finny with a smile,

"Um, do you want to buy some food or drink?"

Obviously, the salesperson also recognized Finny's identity, and her face was a little stiff, but out of professional ethics, she still did her job.

Finny looked at the salesperson. Although she was smiling, the fear in her eyes could not be hidden.

She couldn't help but sigh secretly. For these ordinary people in the magic world, she might be a terrifying existence.

Although he felt a little sad and uncomfortable, Finny still bought all the food on the salesman's cart, keeping some for himself and asking the salesman to give the rest to some young wizards who were born in Muggles or wizard families but had no money to buy snacks.

And he had no other requirements. Finny did this just to save his impression in the hearts of other young wizards. Although he knew the possibility was not great, Finny still wanted to give it a try.

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