Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 50 Ravenclaw's Ring (Part 2)

Of course, Feeney also gave these people gifts. The one given to Professor McGonagall was the latest Quidditch suit. Professor McGonagall has always been a Quidditch fan. For her, Quidditch gifts are more important than Gifts about Transfiguration are much better.

Snape's is some Riem cow blood, which is a creature that can only be found in the Far East, and due to some reasons in the magical world there, the blood of this creature is rarely circulated in the market. However, Serge The Wen family has a Reem cattle breeding farm in America, so it is natural to buy some blood from them.

What Professor Flitwick gave to Professor Flitwick was a brand new wand maintenance kit, as well as the latest manual for the Barnabus Finkley Excellent Spellcasting Competition, which contains the latest manuals created by wizards who have participated in this competition in recent years. Spellcasting techniques, this would be a great gift for Professor Flitwick, who was once a dueling champion.

What was given to Professor Sprout was a sniffing magic plant. After Zygmunt Bache developed the potential potion, this plant has gone from being rare to the edge of extinction. Of course, it was also Feeney who used some of the Black family's power to get it. Nowadays, the only places that still have this kind of magic plant are magic gardens.

Of course, the exchange of Christmas gifts is not the most important thing for Feeney today.

The Ravenclaw ring he asked someone to make was completed.


Feeney snapped his fingers to summon the elf who had served the Black family for many years.


Kreacher looks much more energetic now than when Walburga died. In addition, with the suit wearing the Black family crest, he looks less like a house elf and more like he belongs to Gringotts. Goblin.

"Here's the ring you want and the instructions."

Kreacher handed a small box containing the ring and the piece of paper to Feeney.

Feeney opened the box and revealed the alchemical product inside which he called the Ravenclaw Ring.

It was also the first time for him to see the real thing. It was a completely different feeling than what he had seen on the drawings before.

This is a tail ring, but it has a very complicated style. The interface is an oval-shaped unknown gemstone cut into seven sections.

There are no detailed requirements on what kind of gemstone to use in the drawing. However, judging from the functions of the ring required on the drawing, the range of choices for this gemstone should be very small.

Even Finny, who doesn't understand alchemy, knows that a spell's direct effect on an item has a time effect, and alchemy uses various substances and methods to permanently fix some spells on the item and create new substances at the same time. a method,

Speaking of this ring, there is a vague R-shaped letter in the middle of the oval gemstone cut into seven cross-sections. This letter is not carved above or below the gemstone, but floats between the gemstones. , the kind that cannot be seen by changing the angle.

The ring is made of a silver-white metal that looks like silver. Of course, it cannot be made of silver. Although silver has good magic conductivity to a certain extent, in order to engrave on the ring The runes are embossed in relief and have their own abilities. The ring is made of elf metal, a silver-like metal processed by elves. The legendary Gryffindor sword is made of this metal. Made. They can absorb any material that can strengthen themselves,

The gems on the ring and ring are inlaid with an eagle-shaped relief pattern that represents Ravenclaw. Combined with the runes on the ring, the entire ring looks much more mysterious.

Feeney was very satisfied with the ring and took it out of the box and put it on his hand.

This was made by the Black family and was delivered by Kreacher himself. Otherwise, he would not have taken this thing with him easily.

He remembered Dumbledore's fate in the original book very clearly. This kind of thing can easily be made into a black magic prop, with a curse or something like that.

However, since it was produced by the Black family and sent by the most trusted house elf, there is naturally not so much to worry about. Maybe other families need to be wary of their own, but the Black family definitely does not need it.

In other words, Feeney absolutely does not need to guard against the Black descendants of Wild Smith, because they have been addicted to alchemy since birth and have no income. All expenses are paid by the Black family, Feeney's branch. Provided, this is a natural ally.

The moment the ring was placed on Finny's hand, he felt a slight tingling on his finger, and then the entire ring glowed with dazzling light, filling the entire Slytherin common room.

After a few breaths, the light dissipated, and Feeney had some other feelings about the ring, as if the ring was another magic wand. However, Feeney knew that this feeling was actually a wand. Illusion, I can only say that this ring has the same ability to channel magic as a wand.

Inside the box containing the ring was an instruction note that read,

"Mr. Phineas Black, when we were making this ring, we found that the production method did not explain all the functions of this ring, just like it did not clearly indicate the material to be used, but stipulated the material from the side of the rune to be engraved on it. This ring has a unique space. Of course, this space is not large. According to our speculation, it can only hold a magic wand. And because of the effect of some runes, although the magic wand can be taken out and used, it can never be separated from the ring. In addition, when making the ring, we deliberately made some processing on the material so that it can only have one owner. In addition, we spent nearly two thousand gold galleons in total to make this ring."

Looking at the instructions on the note, Finney was a little amused. He believed that the purpose of writing this note was not to tell him the ability of the ring, but to ask for money from him. After all, two thousand gold galleons was all the living expenses and research expenses of that team in a year.

There are indeed some problems with the economic level of the wizarding world. A civil servant in the Ministry of Magic only makes a few dozen gold Galleons a month, while a professor at Hogwarts only makes over 100 yuan a month, which translates to about 800 to 4,000 yuan in RMB. In other words, the top salary in the wizarding world is just at the normal salary level in the non-magical world. You have to know that the economic level of the wizarding world has not changed much in nearly a thousand years.

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