Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 66 The True Saint

Finally, a passage was opened in the door of this room, and the wizard responsible for opening the door jumped into the world.

He didn't want to stay outside and be blasted to death by those vampires' spells.

The second person to enter was Feeney. He had been paying attention to this door when he came to it. When he could enter, he watched the wizard jump in. After making sure that there was no danger inside, he ran directly in.

There was absolutely no way he could do such a thing as staying outside and waiting to die.

When they came to this room together, he saw a scene that destroyed most of his confidence.

The wizard who came in before him was already slumped on the ground in despair, constantly mumbling about the impossibility.

The old wizard and Mary also ran in and sealed the door. At this time, they were constantly applying reinforcement defensive magic to the door.

"Finney, have you found that item that the vampires value? Our ability to get out of here alive depends on it."

After taking precautions, the old wizard shouted to Feeney,

After he finished shouting this sentence, he himself was stunned here.

Because there is nothing in this room, no windows, no tables and chairs, no furniture, let alone any items valued by vampires.

There are just mysterious patterns on the floor and wallpaper with the same pattern.

"Is there nothing here?"

Mary also saw this scene and asked tremblingly,

Feeney glanced at her, nodded with difficulty, and said,

"I misjudged the actions of those vampires. They might not be protecting something, but really wanted to kill us."

His tone was very low, as if he had completely lost his fighting spirit.

When the old wizard heard this, he collapsed on the ground in frustration. All the wizards present were like this.

They were all disappointed, or desperate. At this time, there were so many vampires outside the room that they could no longer fight against them.

And the only hope has now become a bubble. Such despair makes them lose their determination to continue fighting.

The old wizard looked at everyone, sighed slightly, then stood up and said,

"Everyone, yes, we lost, and there is no possibility of a comeback! However, we cannot continue like this. Sooner or later, the door will be blasted open by the vampires. At that time, we will either be killed by them or be killed by them again. Catch them all at once and put them in a dungeon."

"Friends, I think everyone knows what we will face in the dungeon. Compared with it, death is a lucky thing, isn't it? Rather than being caught, I would rather die fighting like this."

The old wizard's words obviously had some effect, or maybe everyone present knew exactly what would happen to them after they were caught, and knew that what the old wizard said was the truth, so they all stood up from the ground again. Holding the wand tightly, ready to go out and fight at any time, holding the belief that if you kill one, you will not pay, but if you kill two, you will gain. Each one looked at the old wizard with red eyes, waiting for his order.

When the old wizard saw this scene, he smiled and looked more like a dark wizard. He raised his wand and said to the door,

"Now, let's go out and fight those damn vampires to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Following the words of the old wizard, the other wizards also raised their wands and shouted slogans of fight to the death, and rushed out of the room.

Of course, Feeney was not with them. Apart from Feeney, the only one left in the room at this time was the old wizard.

When he saw Feeney who was not moving, he was also stunned. Then he smiled mysteriously and pointed the wand in his hand at Feeney.

"You didn't go out. It seems that you recognize what this is."

Hearing the old wizard's words, Feeney smiled slightly and pointed the wand in his hand at the old wizard.

"Yes, I have studied ancient runes before. Although I don't know much about vampire runes, I happen to know what they are. The moment I saw this room full of runes, I Got it clearly.”

The old wizard tightened the wand in his hand and smiled,

"It's a pity that even if you know it, you can't escape. This thing can only be used once, and it can only be used by one person at a time. Now, it belongs to me!"

Feeney shook his head slightly and said,

"Really? That's not necessarily the case."

The old wizard was very disdainful of Feeney's words and said,

"You won't tell me that you still have a way to escape, right? Or do you think you are my opponent?"

Feeney shook his head and said,

"Of course not, but, old gentleman, you don't think that after I recognized what this thing was, I collapsed on the ground in disappointment, do you? Or do you think that after I noticed what you meant, I was not prepared for anything? Don’t do it?”

The old wizard was stunned for a moment. He pointed the wand in his hand at Finny and was about to cast a spell. However, Finny suddenly waved his wand.

This made him subconsciously cast a killing curse.

Unfortunately, to his surprise, the wand did not emit the killing curse, but instead broke in the middle.

Feeney sneered and said,

"You don't think I took any precautions when I handed the wand to you, do you?"

The old wizard stared blankly at the half-parted wand in his hand.

"I'm curious, when did you start doubting me?"

Feeney smiled and said,

"I didn't doubt you, I just didn't trust you, especially when I saw your necklace."

The old wizard was stunned and looked down at the necklace hanging around his neck. It was a pattern composed of triangles, circles and straight lines.

"It seems that you recognize this symbol."

Finny nodded,

"Of course I know it, the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. The story of the three brothers in the Tales of Beedle the Bard is very famous in the magic world. What's more, I know very well that the Deathly Hallows is not a legend, but a real existence."

"There was a group of people who ventured into the magic world with the purpose of finding the Deathly Hallows. Their names are They are saints. Among them, there are two powerful wizards who are still very famous today. They are the greatest white wizard today, Albus Dumbledore, and the first generation of Dark Lord, Gellert Grindelwald."

"Later, Grindelwald used the symbol and name of the saint as the name of his organization and followers. Today, the magic world believes that this symbol means Grindelwald, but has forgotten the earliest saint. With your age, old man, and the current situation of the magic world, I think you can't be a follower of Grindelwald. Then, there is only one possibility, you are a real saint, a saint who pursues the Deathly Hallows. "

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