In Valoran.

Due to the intervention of the War College, any war was prevented from happening. But there cannot be no conflicts between countries.

Therefore, Summoner's Rift and Twisted Jungle were created, where any disputes between two countries or forces could be resolved.

The Zhan Zhan College was the guarantee and the contract was made.

Summoners from each country came forward to summon heroes to fight. In an offensive and defensive battle targeting the Crystal Hub, the winner won the bet. It can both resolve disputes and ensure peace.

These were the rules of Valoran in the past.

The War College teaches the "Code of Blades" to train ordinary warriors and mages.

When a duel occurs on Summoner's Rift, these warriors and mages provide power to the Crystal Nexus to create a line of troops.

But in the eyes of Aurelius, the military line created by the Crystal Hub can be described as a war machine with unlimited potential!

An endless army!

No matter how many deaths there are, they are just puppets created by the Crystal Nexus. The crystal nexus and summoning crystal are not broken, and the soldiers controlling these puppets are not dead. At most, they only need to spend some mana. After ten minutes of rest, they can join the battle vigorously again.

This is very suitable for some ambitious people!

Aurelius belongs to the magical world, but at the same time, he doesn't have much sense of belonging to the magical world.

The magical world will definitely be exposed in the future, and this cannot be avoided by any confidentiality laws.

Grindelwald saw this, and Aurelius, the time traveler, saw it even more clearly.

The question then arises: As a tall man in the magical world who is destined to be exposed, can he hide if the sky falls?

Maybe, but PlanB is still needed.

These kids are his plan B!

He needs followers.

At least until he couldn't have the power to suppress the world, he still needed manpower.

Followers...where do they come from?

Magical world? There are not many people, but there are many thieves!

Ordinary people? Unless we can establish a country and enter the rules of the game for ordinary people! But this is not what Aurelius wants.

Until there are not many changes, Aurelius plans to circle the territory and watch the changes.

He plans to teach the "Code of Blades" to the children in these orphanages.

Of course, not the entire church.

He didn't expect that hundreds of children in this small orphanage would give birth to heroes.

It’s not that Aurelius is too proud of himself, or that he looks down on these children.

In Valoran, elites selected from all over the continent enter the War College, and the "Code of Blades" is a required course for every War College student.

But was any hero ever born?

The inheritance told him - no!

not a single one!

Theoretically, the life-long efforts of dozens of heroes in the Code of Blades can be regarded as inheritance, but it is so sad that for so many years, no student from the War College has become a hero through the Code of Blades!

All the elites in Valoran can only work as soldiers in Summoner's Rift. Aurelius, who directly accepted the inheritance, didn't think he could become a hero. Why should he open this small orphanage in Salem? Can talents emerge in large numbers?

What if this is Arkham?

It's not feasible to expect to cultivate heroes by yourself, at least not now.

Instead of trying to cultivate heroes, it's better to just blast the troops.

He needs a group of followers who are capable of fighting, but he also doesn't want to be stabbed in the back, so he must have the ability to control these followers.

He doesn't like to use Grindelwald or Voldemort's methods, and he doesn't like to force anyone.

The Crystal Nexus system in Summoner's Rift is a good idea.

He wants these children to become batteries and control the soldiers in the military line. These children themselves have no fighting ability and are certainly not dangerous.

The most critical crystal hub is firmly in his hands.

Those who are willing to serve him will win the right to use power; those who are unwilling to serve will also lose their power and gain freedom.

Fair enough, right?

The War College only regarded the Crystal Hub as a cannon fodder line in the canyon, but Aurelius felt that it had huge potential.

It will not cause actual casualties, and it can provide a steady stream of combat power. The most important thing is - easy to control!

How could he not pay attention to such a war machine?

It's just that the crystal hub in inheritance is not enough. Whether it is melee soldiers, long-range soldiers, or even artillery vehicles and super soldiers, their combat effectiveness is a bit unsatisfactory.

If you do it exactly according to the inheritance, it's really cannon fodder.

The War College does not pay much attention to the Crystal Nexus minions, and no one is going to further upgrade and transform them. Maybe there are short-lived summoner skills [Promotion] and equipment Banner of Command?

If you want to use Aurelius, you must upgrade it.

This matter is not easy to say, nor is it difficult to say that it is difficult.

But you can be sure that it will be enough in a short period of time.

He doesn't even have room for crystal hubs and summoning crystals.

These are just a flash of inspiration from Aurelius, and more will be planned slowly.

During the past few days, his attention has been focused on Obscurus. Despite his contract, Obscurus seemed to have gained unprecedented power, but in fact, even as a summoner, he missed a lot of classes.

His training as a summoner was just beginning, so he couldn't be dismissed as a rookie based on Obscurus's tyranny.

In the War College, summoners also have to learn the "Code of Blades". After all, summoners summon heroes to fight, and these heroes are either warriors or mages. They don't know how to fight. Even the number one hero in the contract has How much combat effectiveness?

It is worth mentioning that warriors and mages only represent their main damage types. Warriors cause physical damage and mages cause magic damage.

It's not a simple difference between melee and long-range.

Obscurus had endless potential, but Aurelius had not yet decided which direction he wanted to cultivate it.

This kind of thing will affect his whole life, Aurelius must be cautious.

But no matter what you choose, you must learn "Code of Blades".

"I feel like my energy has improved a lot since the contract was silent. After running around all night, I'm not sleepy at all?" Aurelius felt great.

This is 80% the normal physique of a wizard who has not been invaded by the Obscurus. In the inheritance, he did not find any physical enhancements that the summoner would receive.


"Wow! The big snake is flying in the sky!"

Aurelius looked up sharply.

A giant snake that looked like a giant dragon streaked across the sky at high speed, its wings suddenly flapped and stirred up a Category 5 wind!

Bird snake? !

Aurelius blinked: Why did you fly here?

He didn't want the entire orphanage to be rebuilt.

But looking at it, Aurelius felt something was wrong.

The state of this bird and snake is not right!

It is neither fleeing in panic nor pursuing in anger.

Seeing that it was twisting itself into a knot, Aurelius immediately noticed that it was fighting.

And he seemed to know that he was going to lose. He wanted to escape from the entanglement, but couldn't escape...

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