Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 118 Farewell to Scamander

During dinner, Wade met Newt's wife, Tina Scamander.

Even though she was old, she was still a beautiful woman with a charming demeanor. Her white hair was tied behind her ears, and she wore a fitted dark green dress. She looked very elegant when she spread butter on bread.

Mrs. Scamander only needed to glance at them, and both the respected Newt and the naughty Rolf sat obediently at the dining table, waiting for dinner.

Life in the Scamander family was another form of fun.

Almost every morning, everyone would go out together to take care of the various animals in the suitcase.

I don't know if Scamander is also famous among magical animals, and some animals will take the initiative to ask him for help when they are injured or in trouble.

Wade had only been here for a few days when he saw two horse-shaped water monsters entangled in fishing nets, a sea snake that accidentally swallowed a plastic bag, and an invisible beast that was burned by something unknown.

Newt is also proficient in various animal rescue spells, and he can even perform surgery and deliver babies for animals!

There are also some small magical creatures that regard this place as the most ideal paradise, and they are unwilling to leave even if they get rid of the predicament.

They act like children when they act spoiled and naughty, and Newt has no way to resist them. He can only let the little guys stay until they want to leave.

Therefore, for so many years, although Newt has always insisted on releasing magical animals into the wild, his suitcase has never been empty, but has become more and more lively.

Wade feels that he has completed several years of magical animal protection classes here.

In his spare time after lunch break, Newt will instruct Wade on how to improve his pencil case space.

He also took Wade to the nearby Jurassic Coast, split a small piece of beach and sea water and moved it into the pencil case space;

Then he moved a small piece of woods from the mountains and forests and taught him how to splice two different spaces together.

Then apply weather spells to different spaces, otherwise the environment will deteriorate rapidly. But in order to prevent the environments on both sides from affecting each other, isolation spells are needed.

The isolation spell must be divided by a physical object. Even if it is just a row of fences, a curtain, or a stone, the spell can be effective, but a completely empty space will not work.

In more than a week, Wade's wardrobe space has undergone tremendous changes-

In an area slightly larger than a swimming pool, the sea water washes the beach, and hermit crabs crawl slowly in it;

A dozen trees form a narrow forest, and mushrooms are sprouting under the roots;

Then there is a twenty or thirty square meters of green and fluffy grass, and yellow dandelions are swaying slightly.

Although everything seems so small, the once empty space finally has a bit more vitality, and Newt also praises Wade's learning speed.


That morning, Wade was bandaging a small wound on the arm of a bowtruckle, and Rolf held a letter and rushed into the suitcase happily.

"Wade, a letter from the school!"

"Thank you, Rolf."

Wade tied a knot on the bandage, wiped his hands, and then took the letter.

The letter stated the time and location of the ride, which was still on September 1st from King's Cross Station, and then the second-year book list.

Except for a book called "Standard Spells (Level 2)", the rest of the long list was all Gilderoy Lockhart's works.

Undoubtedly, this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was still the flamboyant Peacock.

"All Gilderoy Lockhart's books!" Rolf showed an admission letter and said with a smile: "Me too!"

Wade was surprised: "You have received the admission letter... Are you eleven years old?"

Rolf was small, and he always thought that the child was less than ten years old, no more.

"Of course!" Rolf proudly declared, "I turned eleven last month! Wade, let's go to Diagon Alley to buy books together."

"Okay." Wade said, "Let's go to Diagon Alley together on Wednesday."

"Wednesday?" Rolf recalled the calendar: "Is there anything special on that day?"

"There is a new book launch for Gilderoy Lockhart." Wade said with a chuckle: "I'm looking forward to it."

"Wow! I can't tell that you are still a fan of Lockhart!" Rolf shouted in surprise: "Do you really think his smile is charming?"

"...What smile?" Wade asked curiously.

"Of course it's the "Witch Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award, Lockhart has won the award five times."

Rolf curled his lips: "Don't be angry if I tell you... I don't think his smile is charming at all, but very... uh... very..."

"Very exaggerated?" Wade reminded.

"Yeah, that's it!"

"I don't care if his smile is charming or not." Wade explained, "I just think that there will be more people in Diagon Alley than usual that day, and maybe something interesting will happen."

"Oh, so that's it." Rolf nodded, "Then I'll go on Wednesday too... I also want to see with my own eyes why he is loved by so many people."


Time passed quickly, and it was Wednesday in the blink of an eye.

Wade packed his luggage early in the morning, and after breakfast, he thanked and said goodbye to the Scamanders.

After buying the book, there were only a few days left for the holiday. He wanted to spend the rest of the time with his parents.

Rolf was a little unhappy - this child was like many children from wizard families, he had few friends since childhood. When he suddenly saw people of the same age, he cherished them very much and was reluctant to part with them for a moment.

But he still had a good upbringing after all. Apart from the depression that he could not hide, he did not force Wade to stay and play with him. Instead, he gave Wade a set of comic books that he liked very much.

Wade gave him a set of automatic feeding devices that he had developed in his spare time. After casting magic, it would even make a sound to summon magical animals to come closer.

Before leaving, Newt told him: "The world is very vast, and our understanding of it is always just the tip of the iceberg."

"Many wizards think that protecting magical animals is meaningless. They only regard magical animals as materials for potions and wands, or props for showing off."

"But I always think that wizards and magical animals are one. If one day, all magical animals disappear from the earth, perhaps wizards will no longer exist?"

"Uh... These are just some of my personal shallow thoughts. If you don't agree, it doesn't matter..."

"But I always hope that more people are willing to love and protect magical animals, rather than hurting them recklessly..."

"I promise, Mr. Scamander." Wade said solemnly: "What I learned from you will never be used to hurt magical animals."

Newt looked at him seriously with his light-colored eyes, and then slowly revealed a very happy smile.

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