"You asked the professor?" Michael was surprised: "After taking Professor Snape's class, you still dare to ask the professor?"

Theo smiled: "Professor Sprout is different, she is very kind. And I think, instead of practicing secretly, it is better to ask the professor for permission first, right? And practicing spells is not a bad thing."

"Then what? Professor Sprout provided us with a place?" Wade asked.

"Yes." Theo nodded: "An abandoned empty classroom, Professor Sprout said it must meet our requirements."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go! Let's go and see together!" Michael said happily-he didn't want to stay in the suffocating library any longer.

Wade was about to leave, and suddenly looked back.

In the huge library, Hermione was reading alone, looking lonely.

Wade remembered that at this time, Hermione seemed to have no friends.

"Wait a moment." He said to the others, "I'll call someone else."

The book on the table was tapped twice. Hermione looked up and saw Wade smiling at her, "Hermione, we are going to practice spells together. Do you want to join us?"


"Hogwarts is the earliest established magic school. A long time ago, almost all underage wizards in Europe studied at Hogwarts. But later, other magic schools were established one after another, and many wizards chose to move to the United States to live, and their children studied at Ilvermorny School."

While climbing the stairs, Theo panted and said, "So... Hogwarts can normally accommodate one or two thousand students and hundreds of professors. But now there are only two or three hundred people, and many classrooms are idle. For the safety of students, the school has hidden most of the abandoned empty classrooms."

"Professor Sprout told us that it is an unused spells classroom, and the space should be large." Ryan added, "Behind the portrait of Miss Claudia holding an umbrella on the third floor."

The few people searched along the corridor for a while and finally found the portrait in the corridor near the west tower.

——The wind blew gently on the grassland full of flowers. A blonde girl held an umbrella with white background and pink flowers, looking into the distance with melancholy eyes, and turned sideways to face the crowd.

Ryan took the magic wand and knocked three times on the left side of the portrait, saying the password: "Sunshine, golden daisy."

The girl walked aside with her skirt, the portrait opened, and several people walked in one after another. After the portrait closed, the blonde girl changed the direction of the umbrella, and the rain began to fall in the portrait.

This classroom has been idle for an unknown period of time. There is a thick layer of dust on the ground, some tables and chairs are placed in a mess, and there are a few old books and discarded parchment scattered on the ground. There is a row of wooden shelves on the first floor of the classroom against the wall, which are also empty and even broken in several places. In the corner, there are piles of targets for practicing spells, most of which are also broken.

"Well, it looks like we need to clean up before we practice." Hermione rolled up her sleeves: "Who's going to get a basin of water?"

"Me!" Theo raised his hand: "I'll go find some cleaning tools first."

"Why don't you ask the school's house elves to help clean up?" Michael said lazily: "You know that Hogwarts has a group of house elves, right?"

Rian had already leaned over to pick up a fallen chair.

"Wait a minute, everyone." Wade stopped Theo who was about to leave and asked others: "We are here to practice spells - why don't we start by cleaning up this classroom?"

"What? Don't you?" Michael looked at him in disbelief.

"Clean it up and repair it as before, start with these two spells." Wade looked at Ryan and said: "Moving tables, chairs and benches can only be done with the levitation spell."

"Okay! It's a big project! But it sounds fun." Theo said with a smile.

Ryan thought for a moment, put the chair he had just lifted back down, and waved his wand: "Clean it up!"

The table became a little cleaner, but there was still obvious dirt in the gaps.

Ved blinked.

"Ryan, say it again." Vader said.

So Ryan used the cleaning spell again, but the effect was not very obvious.

This time, Vader was sure that he saw it very clearly - when Ryan waved his wand, he vaguely saw another arc, the two superimposed together, similar but different, making him clearly realize why Ryan's spell did not work as it should.

Just like when playing games, the plug-in calculated the best route and attack angle for him.

"Ryan, when you cast a spell, do this. Raise your wand a little higher and finish it more cleanly." Wade demonstrated: "At the same time, Scourgify-gi should be pronounced more lightly. Do it again and try it."

Ryan paused-perhaps because Hufflepuffs naturally trust Ravenclaw's mind more, he did not make any suggestions, but waved his wand according to Wade's modified version: "Clean it up!"

The table suddenly became shiny, as if even flies could not stand on it, and even the floor below became clean.

Ryan's eyes widened, looking at his wand, then at Wade, and muttered: "How did you do it?"

Others had almost the same reaction, and they all gathered around to look at the table. Theo even bent down and touched it again and again with his hands, exclaiming: "Ryan! I didn't know! You are a spell genius!"

"No - it's not because of me -" Ryan said a little dazedly. He waved his wand again, but because he was too upset, it was not as effective as the last time.

Wade didn't say anything. He also used a spell himself, but he didn't find the extra arc - just like his eyes could only see the names above other people's heads, but not his own name.

But the experience of guiding Ryan made him know clearly what was right, so his spell was also perfect, and the cleaning range was even larger.

Wade thought about it and asked the others to use the cleaning spell. As expected, the thin golden arc was seen again. Even Hermione's spell was not perfect, but it was closer to the standard than others.

He instructed them one by one, so that the spells of several people were close to perfection. In the process, his own understanding gradually deepened. Later, he could use the perfect cleaning spell with a casual wave of the wand, even without reciting the spell.

If the golden finger had a name, Wade felt that he might have a "good teacher system" - just by glancing at the top of the student's head, he would know what name to call; even if a group of people cast spells at the same time, he would know who was doing it seriously and who was just perfunctory; in one-on-one guidance, he could make targeted fine-tuning so that students could master a spell in the shortest time.

Unfortunately, the golden finger was a silent one, and Wade didn't know if it had any undiscovered functions waiting to be developed, so he could only explore slowly.

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