Professor Sprout strode over and saw the students gathered together in a tense atmosphere, and immediately sounded the alarm in her mind.

"What are you doing? Why don't you go to class?"

She frowned and asked sternly.

Pansy immediately complained: "Professor, Gray used a curse on Draco, and he can't speak now!"

Professor Sprout was very surprised. She glanced at Malfoy, then frowned and asked Wade: "Did you do this, Mr. Gray?"

Padma immediately raised her hand and said loudly: "Malfoy insulted his classmates first, professor! Wade did nothing wrong."

Pansy rushed to say: "Michael humiliated Draco first! He deserves it!"

Padma immediately asked back: "How did he humiliate? Didn't he just ask Malfoy how to contact his parents?"


Pansy was immediately stuck.

Professor Sprout was headached by the quarrel between the two little girls, and pointed at a student casually: "Tell me what happened, Gray..."

No, Wade Gray is the person involved today.

Professor Sprout's finger turned stiffly and pointed at Anthony Goldstein next to him.

"...Mr. Goldstein."

Anthony was stunned for a moment, then stood up and told the story impartially:

"... In the end, Gray used a silent spell to make Malfoy unable to speak, that's it."

"Silent spell?"

Professor Sprout looked at Wade in surprise, and her tone softened.

It was already time for class, so she simply untied the spell for Malfoy and said, "Anyway, insulting classmates or using spells on classmates is wrong. I will deduct five points from everyone... and three days of detention."

Wade accepted the punishment quietly.

Malfoy looked indignant, but under the professor's stern eyes, he said nothing.

Beside Wade, Michael looked at Malfoy coldly.

"Today, go to the third greenhouse."

Professor Sprout took the students to the greenhouse they had never been to before.

She opened the door and saw hundreds of Mandrake seedlings in the greenhouse, half of which were still in the seedling pots, and the other half had been moved to large flower pots.

There was also a bench in the greenhouse with more than 20 pairs of earmuffs of different colors on it.

"Today we are going to change the pots of Mandrake. As you can see, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff have completed half of the workload in the first class. I hope your class will go smoothly as well."

Professor Sprout glanced at everyone and asked, "Now, who can tell me what the characteristics of Mandrake are?"

Several students raised their hands, and Professor Sprout randomly pointed to a student and asked him to answer.

Wade looked at these green and purple seedlings and felt a little moved.

Mandrake is a powerful restorative agent. In the original plot, it even restored the ghosts petrified by the basilisk to their original state.

At the same time, Mandrake is also a necessary material for practicing advanced transfiguration - Animagus.

It is not easy to repot mandrakes, because their roots are ugly babies, and when they are dug out, they will struggle and scream, and hearing their voices will make people unconscious for several hours.

If it is an adult mandrake, the cry can even kill people.

Wearing earmuffs, Wade dug a hole in the big flowerpot in advance, then pulled out the mandrake seedlings and quickly stuffed them in, and Michael quickly filled the soil.

The baby with leaves on his head was buried in the soil before he had time to stretch his arms.

They were very efficient.

After burying the third seedling, Michael looked up and saw that many students were still struggling with the first mandrake doll.

The light green doll twisted hard in their hands, kicked its hands and feet, and even slapped it with its little fists.

The students were like holding a big jumping rat, not daring to let it get close but not daring to let it go. Three or four people were busy sweating.

Especially Malfoy's group.

Crabbe and Goyle were always much more clumsy than others. They couldn't hold down a seedling for a long time, and almost pulled off their earmuffs.

Malfoy was so angry that he cursed, but everyone was wearing earmuffs, so no one could hear what he was cursing.

Michael laughed sarcastically.


In order to complete all the transplants, the get out of class ended more than ten minutes later than usual.

When the students left exhausted, Professor Sprout asked Malfoy and Wade to stay for a while.

"Mr. Malfoy, your detention starts at nine o'clock this afternoon. Go to the hall to find Mr. Filch. He will tell you what you should do."

Professor Sprout said.

Malfoy glared at Wade fiercely and turned away.

"Mr. Gray." Looking at Wade, Professor Sprout's expression eased a lot: "I am very satisfied with your performance in class today."

"Thank you, professor." Wade said softly.

Professor Sprout smiled and asked gently, "Have you mastered the silent spell now?"

It's not that she wants to treat them differently, but in the eyes of this witch, Slytherin students have often shown malicious expressions to Wade since last semester.

As for the reason... is it necessary to say it?

Slytherin never needs a reason to target children born in non-magical families.

She is sure that there has been a direct and serious conflict between the two sides.

All professors in the school know that one day last year, several first-year Slytherin students went to the infirmary crying.

Since then, the conflict between the two sides has eased... but Malfoy still seems to be holding a grudge.

Comparing the two, even if we don't consider the difference between the colleges, just looking at the attitudes of both sides, the witch unconsciously leans towards Wade's side.

"The difficulty of silent spells is a bit high. I can only use silent spells for a small part of my spells at present."

Wade said modestly, and then waved his wand.

The earmuffs and shovels that the students casually placed on the shelves flew up and fell neatly back to where they should be, and the dust and manure on the ground disappeared.

It was so smooth and natural, but there was no "forced" look at all.

"Excessive modesty is arrogance, Mr. Gray."

Professor Sprout smiled and said, "Nice silent spell, I will give you ten points. And... um... your detention will also start at nine o'clock tonight, in the second greenhouse."

"Okay, professor." Wade responded.

The two of them understood tacitly that this was not so much a detention as it was that the professor wanted to give him a special treatment.

When they left the greenhouse together, Vader said again: "Professor, when these mandrakes grow up, can I apply for a leaf?"

"Leaf?" Professor Sprout understood: "You want to practice Animagus?"

"Yes." Vader did not hide it.

"This is a very advanced Transfiguration."

Professor Sprout said with emotion:

"Minerva must be very satisfied with your Transfiguration results, but she probably won't agree that you can practice Animagus in this grade?"

"In fact, I have a very good tutor."

Vade smiled and said: "Professor, can you keep it a secret for me for a while? The preparation time for Animagus is very long... I don't want others to know before I am sure of success."

Some people can even prepare for Animagus for several years. It is not surprising that he will succeed in the sixth or seventh grade if he starts now.

So Professor Sprout said tolerantly: "Of course. But you have to promise me that the last step of this magic must be carried out under the supervision of a teacher."

"Yes, I won't be reckless." Vader said seriously.

He hoped to master the magic of transforming from a human into an animal, but he did not want to actually become an ignorant animal.

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