After a while, the friend account gradually became quiet again, and Wade guessed that they might be busy creating other chat groups.

Among the Christmas gifts he gave, of course, there was not only the Book of Friends related to himself, but also blank parchments related to two people, three people, four people, and five people. The professors also added an extra The stack is for 10 people, and together it is a thick booklet, so it can be called a "BOOK".

In Vader's vision, in the future, students at Hogwarts will all have a Book of Friends, and they will exchange parchments with friends or family members and establish large and small chat groups. Maybe Hogwarts will add a school rule soon - you are not allowed to open the friends account during class time, and it will be confiscated if you violate it! Or maybe students will compare the thickness and value of their friend accounts. In order to save face, some students will buy blank parchment and put it in it, pretending that they have joined many chat groups.

But Professor Murray asked him not to sell the Book of Friends for the time being.

Seeing that a road with "a long way to make money" was cut off, Wade sighed dejectedly. Put away the friends list and start opening your own gifts for this year.

Among the many gift boxes under the Christmas tree, most come from Ferdinand's employees. Wade has been wandering around the toy factory with his father since he was a child. He is smart, sensible, and cute. Many old employees like him very much. Even though they haven't seen him for more than half a year, they still send him gifts. They gave away various toys popular among ordinary people, exquisite pens and notebooks, children's books, etc.

Some of them were gifts given to him by Wade's Muggle classmates in elementary school. These were relatively simple, most of them were candies, greeting cards and small toys.

These are things he receives every year, and of course Wade gives them gifts of similar value in advance.

Then came the gift from the wizarding world.

Unlike Wade who sent everyone away with the same gift, the gifts everyone gave him were various books.

Professor Murray gave him a handwritten alchemy notebook, which Wade carefully put away and planned to read after dinner;

Professor Flitwick gave him a copy of "The Encyclopedia of Spells" - this book requires the professor's approval in the Hogwarts library before it can be borrowed, and Vader also planned to take time to read it during the holidays.

Michael gave a copy of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"; Hermione gave "The Alchemist"; Padma's gift was Gilderoy Lockhart's "Wandering with Werewolves"; Theo's gift was "The World's Oldest Man" "Magic Plants"; Ryan's "The Beauty of the Starry Sky"; Neville's "The Secret of Transfiguration".

Perhaps his image of loving reading was deeply ingrained in everyone's minds, and everyone unanimously chose to give him books.

It seems that he is quite busy this holiday.



When Dumbledore got up in the morning, even the shoes placed by his bed were inundated with gifts.

He has been a professor at Hogwarts for almost a century and has taught countless students. Almost 80% of the wizards in the British Isles are his students.

And he is also the President of the International Federation of Wizards, the Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, and is recognized as the greatest wizard of our time and the greatest headmaster of Hogwarts ever - although Dumbledore himself is not so fond of these titles and accolades. He cares, but obviously, most people care about it. There are wizards all over the world who want to have a good relationship with him.

So every Christmas, Dumbledore would receive many, many, many gifts that could almost overwhelm the Headmaster's Tower.

Fortunately, he used the Traceless Stretching Charm very well.

So Dumbledore usually spent the entire week after Christmas opening presents.

This is an activity he enjoys.

Of course, Dumbledore was not motivated by the value of the gift itself, but because he could see some people's growth, some people's desires, and occasionally some small surprises - maybe a curse, or maybe a harmless one. prank.

Most people who didn't know him would give him books out of respect for the wizard, Muggle and wizard books, many of which Dumbledore had already read, but still happily accepted them.

People who know him well know that this old man is a hopeless lover of sweets. His gifts are often cakes, chocolates, piles of cockroaches, sizzling bees and other sweets, and some of them contain deadly potions. Their process was a fairly interesting game for Dumbledore.

There are also some people who...even though they don't normally communicate with each other, still have gifts given on this special day. Even if it was just a piece of paper, a leaf, or a pair of unsightly wool socks that smelled like sheep, Dumbledore would treasure them with great care.

Just as Dumbledore was opening a gift box that was half a man's height, an owl suddenly flew in through the window and dropped a small package on Dumbledore's lap.

Could it be that someone just remembered him when he woke up in the morning and then gave him a replacement gift?

Dumbledore thought like this, put down the gift box, and opened the small package first.

There was only a piece of parchment and a long thin note——

[Dear Albus: This is the work of my student, Vader Grey! I am extremely proud to share my joy with you!

best wishes.


Even the "all-knowing" Dumbledore was confused by this letter without beginning or end. He unfolded the parchment and looked at both sides, making sure that there was nothing written on it except Moray's own name.

Dumbledore was about to use a spell to check it when someone else came to visit him.

Dumbledore walked to the hallway, and Filius Flitwick stood at the door, holding a similar parchment in his hand, and said happily: "Oh, Professor Dumbledore, this is my one. I have to say, I knew he would achieve extraordinary success, but I didn't expect it to be so early! He has only been learning magic for three and a half months?"

"-Wade Grey?" Dumbledore asked tentatively.

"Yes, who else could it be?" Professor Flitwick walked away with a brisk step and humming a song.

Dumbledore looked down and saw that there was still nothing on the parchment Flitwick gave him except Flitwick's name.

Then came Pomona Sprout.

"I thought, who else can I give this to besides you?" The witch smiled gently and said, "I look forward to your contact at any time."

Then it was Minerva McGonagall. She saw that Dumbledore already had a small stack in his hand, and handed him one with some displeasure: "Oh, I thought I was the first one, but Pomona was so quick!"

In fact, she opened the other gifts first, and when she found this one, it was a little late.

The last one was Snape, who handed over a notebook directly.

"Humph." The Potions professor said coldly: "I kept my own one, and I don't need the others - useless contacts will only waste my time."

Dumbledore: ...

So everyone has one, only he doesn't know what it is?

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