"So - your parchment -" Ferdinand said palely.

"Friends' Account, dear, it's Friends' Account!"

Fiona corrected him dissatisfiedly - how could her son's outstanding and great invention be simply referred to as "parchment"?

"Okay - Book of Friends -" Ferdinand corrected, staring at Wade with his eyes wide open: "After selling the patent - they gave you 50,000 Galleons - and there will be a steady stream of - patent royalties in the future?"

There was something wrong with his demeanor, which made Wade, who was originally happy, a little uneasy. His expression subconsciously became serious, and he said seriously: "Yes, father."

"There are even people - who want to buy it out with 200,000 Galleons - but your professor didn't agree?"


Ferdinand looked like he was having difficulty breathing and said: "You followed your professor -"

"-Professor Murray."

"Yes, it was Professor Murray - and a businessman - who went to Diagon Alley -"

"-It was Mr. Marco Marchioni." Wade pondered for a moment and said: "They all took good care of me."

"And then in front of you - and a goblin, he transferred all 50,000 gold Galleons?"

"Yes, father."

Ferdinand's expression was too strange, not like he was simply proud or happy for him, Wade was a little nervous.

It was only then that he thought that he should have asked his parents for their opinions - but under Marchionne's urging, everything today seemed to be accelerated, and he subconsciously ignored it.

Logically speaking, Professor Murray and Marchionne were not such careless people. But considering that his parents did not know magic, perhaps in their eyes, although Wade was only eleven years old, he was the only one in the Gray family who could communicate and make decisions on an equal footing.

Realizing this made Wade feel a little uncomfortable. He suppressed these emotions and tried to speak in a relaxed tone: "Because school is about to start, Mr. Marchionne is very anxious and afraid of missing this opportunity to make money, so everything seems very hasty - sorry, Dad, I forgot that I should come back to discuss it with you first."

"Okay! Wade is only eleven years old, do you still ask him to do everything well?" Fiona pretended to be unhappy and pushed Ferdinand away, then hugged her son and kissed his forehead very hard: "Great, baby! Mom is so proud of you! How many eleven-year-olds... The child can achieve financial freedom by himself? And it is your exclusive patent! It's so shocking! I can't believe I can give birth to such an excellent son! "

She kissed him, then pulled Wade up from the sofa and urged him, "What are you waiting for? Come and have dinner, I made a big meal! Ferdi - you go wash your hands too!"


Wade, who was pushed to the dining table, turned his head and saw Ferdinand standing up with the back of the sofa. He even staggered and almost fell when he walked to the bathroom.

Fiona didn't see it. She hummed a song and happily opened the lid. The aroma of the food immediately awakened the taste buds of several people. But Ferdinand couldn't eat the whole time. He almost poked the tomato into his nostrils. After the steak on the fork fell off, he chewed it for a few times before he found it.

"Your father is so shocked!" Fiona was worried that Wade would feel frustrated or disappointed, and whispered to him: "When he was eleven years old, he couldn't even figure out addition and subtraction within 100!"

This is too exaggerated.

Wade couldn't help but smile, for the non-existent, clumsy father in his mother's mouth, and for the love shining in his mother's eyes.

"Dad--" After dinner, Wade asked tentatively: "Professor Mori helped me a lot today. Although he said he didn't need it, I still want to thank him, but I don't know how to do it--"

According to some "hidden rules of the workplace" he learned in his previous life, it is appropriate to take out 20,000 or 30,000 Galleons to a "noble man" like Professor Mori at this time, otherwise it would be "ignorant". But Wade hesitated for a long time, and still felt that if he said so, Professor Mori might turn his face on the spot.

The past experience cannot be applied to the present, at least not to Professor Mori, otherwise it is hard to say whether it is "thank you" or "insult".

As an eleven-year-old child, Wade knew that he didn't need to be too sophisticated or too smooth. But Wade didn't think it was possible for him to accept Professor Murray's kindness as if nothing had happened.

"Oh——" Ferdinand was a little stunned, and after a long while he said: "Write a thank-you letter, Wade——"

"Write a letter?"

Wade didn't expect that his suggestion to Steven during the day was to write a letter, and this suggestion was sent back by his father at night.

"Yes, write a letter, be sincere and attentive——" Ferdinand thought for a while and said: "On Professor Murray's birthday or holidays, remember to send a small gift——The most important thing is to repay with better grades..."

"I understand." Wade nodded.

"Well, go write a letter, Wade. And——" Ferdinand smiled with some difficulty: "I am very proud of you, son."


Watching his son return to his bedroom, Ferdinand sat down with his palms inserted into his hair, looking particularly depressed.

"What happened to you today?" Fiona hugged him from behind, resting her head on his neck, her long hair sliding down her shoulders. She muttered in dissatisfaction: "The little invention Wade made sold a lot of money, the professor at the school was so nice to him, and the businessmen he met were honest and enthusiastic... Everything was fine, why do you look like this? Wade didn't even smile when he returned to the room... Ferdinand, no matter what the reason, don't be a parent who will spoil the fun, okay..."

She muttered to herself, feeling her husband's tense muscles gradually relax.

"Yes, you are right." Ferdinand held his wife's hand and tried to smile: "Their professor is a good person... Everything is fine... I was too shocked, sorry..."

"I'm fine, remember to apologize to Wade tomorrow morning... He happily shared his achievements with you, but you didn't even give him a good face..."

"--Got it."


Late at night, when his wife was completely asleep, Ferdinand put on his clothes and went to the balcony. He wanted to light a cigarette, but his hands were shaking so badly that he failed several times.

After finally lighting the cigarette, he took a deep breath. The smoke blurred his eyes and the lonely London at night.

It was not until this moment that the overwhelming fear completely overwhelmed Ferdinand.

His Wade... his smart, sensible, well-behaved and kind son... his brain was worth at least a million pounds, and he had a huge fortune that could be cashed in at any time... he followed some strangers to a completely unfamiliar place... if Wade was in danger... if he was hurt... what could he do as a father...

The wizard came and went without a trace, and Ferdinand didn't even know where to find him...

He smoked one cigarette after another, and his body was trembling from fingers to toes.

This night was so cold that it made people shiver.


Upstairs, Wade watched the smoke drift away in wisps, and also saw the faint firelight flickering again and again.

He leaned on the railing, raised his head slightly, and saw the waning moon like a silver hook hanging on the top of a tall building.

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