Hermione and Neville walked around the entire train, but they didn't find the escaped toad. Fortunately, Neville had gotten over the sadness of his pet's escape - or maybe not, because he was still depressed, but at least he wasn't crying anymore.

Hermione was surprised to see a pile of snacks on the table when she entered the door, and asked, "What are these?"

"A lady selling snacks just came here." Wade gestured, "Look, I bought a lot - strawberry custard, chocolate balls, pumpkin tarts, pot cakes, and fruit juice, let's eat them together. Oh, Neville, do you want to try this mint toad?"

Neville took it, took a bite while chanting "Riff", and his eyes suddenly lit up: "It's delicious."

Hermione didn't refuse, she sat down generously and took a piece of cake, saying, "Thank you, I'm hungry too By the way, you won't believe that Harry Potter is in the compartment less than ten meters away from us - do you know Harry Potter? "

"Of course, his name is mentioned in "Important Magical Events of the 20th Century." Wade said while unpacking the chocolate beans: "But I think it's better not to disturb him - he also lost his parents on the night he became a hero. If it were me, I would rather not have this honor. "

Hermione was stunned: "You - you are right - I didn't expect..."

Neville lowered his head, and his hand holding the mint toad tightened slightly.

The Potter family's sacrifice and honor are world-famous, but not many people know that during that time, the Death Eaters captured Neville's parents and tortured them crazy in order to find the missing Voldemort.

The boy hid these dark things in his heart, and several people had a full meal.

Wade thought that there would be a lot of snacks left over, but the train kept clanging for a long time. It was dark but they still hadn't reached their destination. The snacks on the table had been eaten by the three of them. The sales witch was nowhere to be seen, and they hadn't found their dinner yet.

"Isn't Hogwarts in England?" Hermione stood up angrily and said, "I'm going to ask the driver when we can get there."

"Let's go together."

This time Wade stood up. He was a little curious about the train driver who might only work four times a year. He didn't know who was doing this job.

Neville followed him. He wanted to look for his pet again.

The train driver was an ordinary brown-haired man. He was smoking a pipe, had a stubble on his face, and had a good temper. Facing the "questioning" of the three little wizards, he smiled and replied, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon. You will have dinner in Hogwarts Castle."

Hermione went back contentedly.

Passing by many compartments along the way, Wade also casually observed them. They were all unfamiliar faces. He only recognized the Weasley twins - their compartment was very lively. He could hear cheers and laughter from a long distance. He didn't know what interesting tricks they were playing.

Before reaching the compartment, he suddenly heard screams. Three children stumbled through the aisle. One of the blond boys pushed Neville and shouted: "Get out of the way! Don't block the way!"

"Hey!" Hermione didn't call anyone and stomped her feet angrily: "Impolite guy!"

Wade reached out to support Neville who almost fell.

"Thank you." Neville said gratefully.

Wade shook his head and said to Hermione: "You go change into your school robes first. We'll wait outside."

Hermione nodded, swallowed her anger, stepped heavily into the compartment, locked the door, pulled the curtain, and quickly changed her clothes. Then it was Neville. Just as the three of them put all the things on their seats into the box, they heard the driver's voice echoing on the train--

"We will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train and we will take you to school."

The train slowed down and stopped at the platform. Hundreds of students rushed out like bees leaving their nests, and the dark and small platform was crowded with people. Hermione and Neville followed closely behind Wade, their faces pale.

"First-year students! First-year students, follow me! Watch your feet!" Not far away, a big man holding a lantern shouted in a loud voice.

Wade and others squeezed through the crowd. They noticed that the old students went in another direction, but in front of the huge size of the gamekeeper Hagrid, no one dared to question it.

A group of people walked through a dark path in the woods and finally saw a towering castle in the distance. Countless windows were shining with lights, and the light was reflected by the dark mirror-like lake, making the castle look particularly majestic.

"Wow--" The freshmen exclaimed in unison.

Under Hagrid's command, the group crossed the Black Lake in a boat and finally arrived at the bottom of the castle. Hagrid also found Neville's toad on a boat. Neville took his precious toad with great joy, and Hagrid knocked three times on the castle gate.

The gate opened, and Professor McGonagall stood in front of the gate with a serious expression.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." She said.


The sorting ceremony began.

Hogwarts has four colleges, namely Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. A talking hat sorts students according to their talents and qualities. This is what Wade knew in his previous life.

After traveling to this world for eleven years, he has actually forgotten many plots in novels or movies. But after finding himself in the world of Harry Potter, he thought back carefully, recalled many impressive plots, and recorded them in his own unique way.

Before registering, Wade had of course carefully considered which college he wanted to go to - although the Sorting Hat valued talent, it would also consider the students' own wishes.

First of all, of course, exclude Slytherin - his parents are not wizards, and Slytherin, who values ​​blood and family background, is afraid that he will be excluded by other students. Although Wade was not afraid of those teenagers, he was not interested in taking on difficult challenges.


Wade thought about it again and again, but still felt it wouldn't work.

With Harry Potter here, Gryffindor is where the storm gathers, and all eyes are on them. Moreover, in the plot, most Gryffindors are a bit brainless. They were incited by rumors several times and isolated and excluded Harry Potter, who had made no mistakes, leaving a very bad impression on Vader.

Similarly, Ravenclaw seems to have experienced bullying, teasing and teasing her classmates (Luna Lovegood).

It wouldn't be like this if it were Hufflepuff. Although most of Hufflepuff's students have mediocre grades, they are sincere, kind and trustworthy. As for being treated as a fool, so what? Vader believed that his mind would not change because of the Academy.

After making the decision, Vader seemed a bit more calm than the little wizards who thought they had to fight the giant monster. After the Sorting Hat sang a song, Professor McGonagall took a long list and assigned the freshmen to the corresponding houses, some very quickly, while others had to hesitate for a while. Suddenly, Wade heard a familiar name——

"Hermione Granger!" Professor McGonagall shouted.

Hermione ran over and put on her hat hastily.

After a moment, the Sorting Hat shouted: "Gryffindor!"

There was loud applause from the Gryffindor table.


"Vade Gray!"

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